Does Sup Forums prefer a knob or a lever?

Does Sup Forums prefer a knob or a lever?

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i like automatic sliding doors because i can use The Force on them

I prefer I good knob




Knob, lever gets all sorts of shit caught in it. Lever is more convenient to open with a few fingers though.

Neither, I prefer my fists.

>Does Sup Forums prefer a knob or a lever?

levers are inclusive

knobs are for slobs

Lever it's simple easier, more efficient and less awkward to open


lever requires less force due to greater leverage.

Pic related, me.

I always preferred knobs, levers are more practical though

I like the lever but with the amount of times a lever has wripped out my headphones or tugged on my clothing ima have to say fuck the lever and go with the knob

You can open the lever with boxes in your arms.

So basically you’re too weak to handle knobs so you use an overly complicated torque system to do the work for you.

Got it.

Levers are more hygienic, especially for bathrooms.

Knobs have been federally banned from new multiple resident construction projects since the 90s. When there is a fire you can operate a lever better then a knob. Next time your in a building built after the 90s, notice what handles they use.


Knobs are difficult if your hands are out of action, whether full of stuff, injured, slippery or arthritic.
Levers are a problem for snagging parts of your clothing, etc.
I've been hit by a door pulled by my coat as I went through.
But you can use them with your elbows etc.

lol cuz when ur at a friends house thats the first thing u notice rite is the doornobs? what kind of autistic are you. haha get a life faggot

Lever. It's more intuitive, better engineered, inclusive, workable in more situations, ie hands full. It's superior in every conceivable situation. The knob needs to be phased out of existence.

I don't know why but I always liked knobs more


Do you lick them?

I think a knob might last longer since it's not protruding out at an odd angle when pulled on aswell as the stress pulling creates on the neck. Also, a knob is more secure than a lever as the lever can be easily hammered off, IMHO. Whereas a knob gets banged up to shit its harder to bang off than a lever.

A lever looks better and is more ergonomic and easier to use though.

that's illegal here

Dammit, basically what I was gonna say

Lever, you can open it using your elbow even if your hands are full

Knob is kind of a woody word. Knob ... k-nob. But Lever is kind of woody, too. Lever ...

knob master race

>wear headphones
>walk through door
>wire gets caught on lever

dogs can open levers, not knobs.

Install a lever on the floor so you can (A) easily open the door while carrying stuff and (b) keep out those unobservant enough to not notice it. Added bonus of teaching cats to open the door themselves


Although wrong, wripped looks so much more aesthetically pleasing.

Sup Forums is so used to having their dicks in their hands that of course most of these fags would pick the lever, when the obvious choice is knob smh

This isn't loli I promise

>not using superior thumb latch

I can fap to this

This picture thinks a doorknob is a type of doorknob

My dog can use levers and it's nice to think he doesn't need to wait on people to open doors for him, but he doesn't close the door behind him so it's frustrating. Also knobs with covers are superior to keep dumb children out of places they shouldn't be.

Oh you didn't lie

Fucked up didn't mean to put the second guy

What about these?

I prefer level because then I know my faggot little brother hasn't tried to buttfuck himself on it.

lol, virgin XD. Are you retarded? You really want to discuss about that? Get a life dooropeningnerd. People it's here because this is a porn site, you shit head. Yes, I shit in your head, because I'm rich, full of women, and fit as fuck and you can't do anything against that. XD XD If you post it again, I swear on your acondroplasic cock, I will kill you cockless piece of shit spiced with human meat

this is not the 1800's.

Fuck those things, they break way to often and don't close on there own a lot of the time.

Kill yourself youre disgusting

>This is a porn site

Speaking truths


Raptors can open levers, I’ll stick to knobs.

>foot lever
Fucking foot levers you filthy degenerates. They are god-tier door-openers, and all others who profess allegiance to other openers are pagan scum that must be cleansed.

Slob my knob

>Only for poor people.
>Make a good aweful clunk rather than a click
>Related to the screen or storm door
>Screen doors with bad gas tubes slam shut
>Slam startles my supper
>Pupper cries
>I cry
>Pupper does want me sad so he puts on tea.

These things can only bring pain.

I preferred a high-end lever until we had cats. Any self-respecting cat worth being called a cat can very easily self-learn to open a door with a lever. One of our cats can easily open a knob.

Knobs are shit-tier due to increased germ transmission and inability to open with elbow when hands are full.

Levers FTW - especially foot-levers. Tho I have never seen one I like the idea. I open doors with my foot all the time already so I dont have to touch the slimy surface other plebs have contaminated with their AIDS spooge before I got there.

>lol, virgin XD. Are you retarded? You really want to discuss about that? Get a life dooropeningnerd. People it's here because this is a porn site, you shit head. Yes, I shit in your head, because I'm rich, full of women, and fit as fuck and you can't do anything against that. XD XD If you post it again, I swear on your acondroplasic cock, I will kill you cockless piece of shit spiced with human meat
You got baited into reading and replying. does that make you a really big fucktard or a small fucktard? Which?

>Knobs are shit-tier due to increased germ transmission and inability to open with elbow when hands are full.
Actually, levers operated by people who have their hands full because they don't have servants to: 1) Open the door for them, or, 2) Carry their shit in for them, are shit-tier because they belong to shit-tier people. We 1%'ers only have our hands full when we are 1) fapping, or 2) playing grab ass with the maids.

You forgot the image macro to accompany your rant.

that's basically asking if you like dicks or tits

you can use your elbow you numbskull

Yo momma prefers a knob

i only see those on screen doors with the shitty mesh that any intruder would cut through

you forgot your pic

also, lever is best. you can open a door with your elbow.

> (You)
>You forgot the image macro to accompany your rant.
This is more like it...

So you never carry shit in both hands when you need to open a door?
You can't twist a knob with your elbow so levers are the superior door opening apparatus.

>not rampage jackson
>putting random banana into the gif for some reason

>So you never carry shit in both hands when you need to open a door?
No. Or VERY rarely. That's what servants are for, right? When I come home from shopping or playing golf or tennis. I leave the car in the driveway. One of them cleans it up, puts it away and carries the stuff inside and asks what I want done with it, or cleans and puts my clubs or racquets and stuff away . If I am leaving with stuff, I ask someone to carry the stuff to whichever vehicle I am gonna drive. The stuff is in the car, the car is waiting for me in front of the door, running with AC or heat on. Why would we want to struggle carrying shit and opening doors if we do not have to?

Ok, Baron Harkonnen

I'll take pathetic neck beard fantasies for 1000 Alex

levers are nice because you can open them when your hands are full. knobs are more satisfying

> garbage tier

Knobs, for basic raptor security.

a good solid knob, the lever doesn't have the right feel to it


Actual velociraptors were the size of chickens AND extinct so you will be fine with levers.

>I'll take pathetic neck beard fantasies for 1000 Alex
Really peon? So there are no wealthy men or women on Sup Forums? So you think that this site is only a refuge from the reality for poor losers like you? Sad. Interesting fantasy, infant, but highly unlikely.

10/10 for quality reference

>> garbage tier
More like Trailer Trash tier. Damn. Do people still use shit like this?



Lever if you have lots of heavy stuff to carry through. You can lay the corner of the box you're carrying on lever in order to push it down and open it. It's 10x more convenient to open it this way. If it's a knob you have to pin what you're carrying between you and the wall like a mong, then use your free hand to twist the knob. Regular knobs are such stupid attachments for door opening. Use a lever. As long as you keep your headphone cord underneath some clothing, it will never get caught on the lever.

their claws say otherwise

A lever can be more easily opened with a fleshlight

I find that all the lever knobs I've tried end up being squeaky to open. I've never found a regular knob to squeak. the lever is easier to open and generally faster, better for a door that you'll be opening and closing a lot. but nothing replaces the fullness of a regular knob, it's slightly thicker shaft tends to lead to a more secure setup.

what I'm saying is that if you're trying to get help from us to buy something, you're an idiot. if it's a bathroom door and you really like levers, go ahead. but you don't want to rely on it to ward "b&e" burglars given they can really easily break the knob off and access the mechanisms inside

lever- quieter, in my experience, and far far easier to open with my feet.

I am pretty confident i have never used a door knob in my life. In sweden we pretty much just have levers. They're easy to use, even if ur hands are full you can just use the object you're holding or even ur foot or whatever.

In public bathrooms you can easily use them with paper or ur sleeve over your hand so you don't get the last persons shit all over you.

Also i've never had the problem with headphones and stuff getting caught on them. Very rarely anyway..

Tl;dr I don't see the point of door knobs.

knob because fucking dogs can open the other ones

>pic related


nice prane

i feel immense regret for my life choices
and for some reason i have a boner
please not now

any more?



