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point 1. Australia




merely an illusion



Genetic distance shows clear divisions between races and ethnicity.




What does "principals component" mean in the context of the graph?

Traits such as intelligence are not determined by a single gene, or even a few. It's a complex combination of large groups of genes.

On to a real question:

Life evolved, getting smarter and stronger with each successful generation, but when we come to the two legged beast known as man, evolution stops playing a role, intelligence becomes completely environmental, and we are expected to treat everyone as equal?

How can anyone believe that?

>kill all non whites

sounds fine. What's your problem?


There are 5 races.

Evolution can't affect things that hurt my feelings

>evolution stops playing a role, intelligence becomes completely environmental

Why does it stop for blacks and keeps.progressing for whites?

It's an analytical procedure that attempts to best convert variables into a two dimensional plane.

So what does that have to do in the context of the graph?


No one ever said that, but evolution only occurs when there is environmental stressors.

One group may evolve more than the other in a shorter period of time, but nothing stops evolving completely, except possibly for modern humans, who have removed natural selection.

It doesn't. whites lived in way harsher climate and they had to compete with Neanderthals. only the strongest and most intelligent survived.

>Why does it stop for blacks and keeps.progressing for whites?

It doesn't "stop" for anyone you fucking moron it just takes thousands of years and environmental and natural selection pressure

There is no pressure to make blacks smarter and it would take thousands of years anyway.

You are about as oblivious to evolution as a creationist

genetic distance

for example here is a chart comparing the genetics of dogs to wolves.


Caucasoid, Negroid, Capoid, Australoid, Mongoloid?

Yeah man race is just color, and sometimes the color affects the culture and if that culture is shitty you get some shitty peoples from said culture.

Everyone has a fucking brain any race can have a genius/athletic advantage/cock

Quit making it a pissing contest we're all in this together

>aussie gets outshitposted in his own shitpost thread

Australoids are superior to you and me, shitlord.

The middle one is female Georgian skull(Caucasoid), I don't know others, I can't see what's written, Blumenbach named other races Mongoloid, Malayan, Ethiopian and American.

>we're all in this together

If you get the chance you should kill yourself.

>we're all in this together
What the fuck are you basing this statement on? At any point in the history of mankind, or even in the history of life on this planet, has there been any evidence that any beings are 'in this together'?

Life is conflict. All things battle each other every day. The one exception being families ie. groups of closely related individuals. And even that breaks down at the slightest hint of pressure.

You are the equivalent to a fundamentalist religious idiot believing in a false god. You believe something that is contrary to the laws of nature. We are only 'in this together' right up until the point where fucking each other over proves to be evolutionary beneficial.


I want everyone who believes in "world peace" to be forced to go back in time and raped to death by the Mongolian Hordes

>gooks are smarter than whites and not simply inferior in any way
>niggers actually have larger benises than whites

even the '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''redpilled'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' theory is wrong

white supremacy exists because we quite literally are superior in every conceivable way, stay mad shitskins

Your image is way too busy there senpai
>using internet explorer

Shill harder.

I'll ally with you to kill all niggers, muslims and south americans.

I'll be in it together with you if you europeans would just start it off already.

Are whites inbred Albino indians?


Guy on the left looks completely fine to me.
[spoiler]They all look like fucking slavs, jesus christ.[/spoiler]

You start first this time, the previous time we started a racial cleaning back in 1939 you Amerikeks stabbed us in the back.

and spell better



It's Khrushchev on the right.

>Being a shill.
>Still using Internet Explorer.

Step up, senpai.

Saying that race is a social construct like it could shut the racists up is stupid, because even if it is true, in the end there are still whities, gooks, niggers and spics, we could just say that the problem is displaced and sociology is fucking useless on this one.

Whatever you think, in the end that changes nothing, because discriminative policies aren't viable in the long run, so we better consider each other as equals despite our differences in order to advance instead of fighting like children over our favorite color.

sorry about that. we're trying. we really are. but despite how media portrays the trump rallies the guys there really AREN'T racist or want to kill people.

we will shoot someone that breaks into our house, but we've been running from niggers for 150 years straight. ever since the civil war it's been etched into our psyche that if niggers show up and start killing us, we just have to build a new city. I dunno how much american history you learn in europe, but this is literally why we have suburbs and all of our cities are brand new. we literall just rebuild EVERY city in america every 50 years.

you guys aren't used to it and are honestly much more angry about this than we are. people tell me to "just deal with it" when I complain about my coworker getting shot on night shift.

B-brother ?

>race is a social construct meme
Please fuck off with this nonsense. You can see in a person's DNA what race they are part of. Making this distinction through language might be a social thing but you cant ignore biology ffs.

What I find ironically stupid is the people who whine about race (and sex/gender) being a social construct will villify white men in their next breath.

some differences:

gestation length, age of first tooth, age they start speaking, age they start walking, age of puberty onset, LENGTH OF LIFE

bone density, bone chemical composition, shape of pelvis, angle of thigh to pelvis, ratio of leg to torso, ratio of arm to torso, ratrio of fast to slow twitch muscle fibres

type of earwax, number of odor producing sweat glands, can grow a beard, amount of testostyrone, shape and size of teeth

shape of skull, size of brain, level of folding in the superannular layer of the brain, IQ, net present time sense

the whole length of gestation and first menses especially surprised me

niggers literally have a gestation length equidistant between chimpanzees and humans

they also have their first menses about 3 years earlier than whites.

they're literally monkeys

these are the ones we need to meme because they're empirically demonstrated and kind of shocking

>the only logical conclusion is to kill everyone who isnt white

Makes you think huh...




Kill yourself abo

yeah, it's shocking that there are many scientific studies, yet hardly anyone knows about them

