>Barack Obama states publicly the myth that women are paid 23% less for the same work than men >Aus government publishes this in Feb 2016
Why is your government so retarded burgers?
Kayden Martinez
You poor dumb bastards.
Read my post. Think about it. Stop whining like a little faggot and think about it again.
Imagine Hillary's campaign, run entirely by women.
It would be horribly sexist for her to not do this.
Samuel Jenkins
Women will start to reject 3rd wave feminism. It's already happening. They are realizing they are unhappy and don't want to end up like their babyboomer moms. Only a small percentage is unfixable and believe in this pay gap.
Jayden Nguyen
I always ask how Male whores get paid more than women?
Ian Davis
You still won't get laid. Lol.
Luke Perez
She should get child
Zachary Bell
I would love her to have a staff entirely of women, that way instead of raising money and campaigning, they'd be making each other sandwiches and badmouthing each other.
Liam Cook
MFW a tripfag is the only one smart enough to understand.
You are aware of what OP posted and is conveying, or? I'm so confused.. this is all getting either too meta or too stupid, and I can't tell which. >poe's law is strong in this thread.
Ian Parker
They don't get it. The only ones to understand were you and the tripfag.
Millennial brains shut off after 140 letters.
Charles Long
Taking credit where credit is due. tripfag reporting for duty!