Because it isn't your choice to make for someone else.
Aiden Rogers
Because those organizations will make their favorite haircut mainstream again.
Juan Butler
They look like they're about to have an orgy.
Asher Foster
Its gay. Trainers pound their asses they bleed.
Michael Wilson
>Because it isn't your choice to make for someone else. We have schools. They are mandatory. Why should youth training outside schools not be mandatory?
>Because those organizations will make their favorite haircut mainstream again. That is a good thing. See pic related.
>They look like they're about to have an orgy. No, they are doing sit ups.
>Its gay. Trainers pound their asses they bleed. No.
Oliver Morgan
>We have schools. They are mandatory. Thats a red herring. I'm not making a case for mandatory schooling.
Nicholas King
>Thats a red herring. I'm not making a case for mandatory schooling.
But I am. Schooling is mandatory around here and it should be mandatory and remain mandatory. We need to make sure the low life parents do not put obstacles in the way of their kids to become great members of society.
Liam Mitchell
>That is a good thing. See pic related. not really understanding your point, everyone having the same haircut is good for white people?
Juan Nelson
Conscription is even better >But the Women and Beta cucks will oppose this
Parker Harris
Well then make the case why it is you business, because you currently are not.
Matthew Peterson
>not really understanding your point, everyone having the same haircut is good for white people?
It is good for society. Look at pic related. Don't they look serious? Don't they look patriotic? Don't they stand up straight? Or do they look like beggars and gangbangers?
Benjamin Wright
>Well then make the case why it is you business, because you currently are not.
Our society needs to be patriotic to defend against invasions, for instant the great Muslim invasion we are currently seeing in Europe right now. Because the people haven't experienced patriotism, war training and team work when they were young, they do not oppose the invasion. that is why schooling and military youth organizations must be mandatory.
Brayden Garcia
Because it's expensive and has no benefits.
>sense of patriotism, learns how to shoot and how war works, how team work functions, what honor is "I have never been in the army." - you.
The closer you get to war the weaker your patriotism becomes, user. How to shoot can be taught in about two minutes - accuracy takes longer, but it's a useless skill for 99% of people and conscripts are always shit tier anyway. Team work isn't fucking complicated, and team sports would be more practical, cheaper, and more fun if you were dead set on teaching it.
>honour Pic related.
Adam Gray
>"I have never been in the army." - you.
Actually, I served in the Austrian Army - I was drafted. That was back in 1999. It was 11 1/2 months (I did the "voluntary" one year instead of the 9 months draft) of BS.
HOWEVER, if there had been a youth organization which had trained me in hand to hand combat, in shooting, in orientation running in the wild, in living off the land, in banding together as a team etc., I would have loved that and would have been a lot more patriotic.
Today, I am not patriotic at all.
Tyler Torres
You aren't main an argument as to why that is an objective good. I'm guessing you went to public school.
Wyatt Parker
They look like a bunch of fucking hipsters.
Noah Ross
>wanting short-haired girls Disgusting.
Noah Morales
>I'm guessing you went to public school. Yes, I did. You won't understand that, but certain public schools (gymnasiums) in Austrian cities are better than private schools. The reason is that certain public schools have higher selection standards and are tougher to get through, while private schools were used by richer parents to make sure their kids won't fail classes. This has lately changed a bit, as far as I heard, but when I was in school, we laughed at the level of private schools.
It is still the same for private universities in Austria. There has been a debate lately about private medical universities, as the quality is sooo bad, the government was thinking to close them (medicine has highly selective entrance tests for public universities with the Vienna Medical University only taking 1 in 10 applicants who take the test).
Henry Sanders
>good for society
what is good, and what is society?
who are you to decide what is good for society?
who are you to decide what constitutes what is society?
Blake Parker
>what is good, and what is society? Low unemployment, high security, low crime, good GDP growth, increase in wealth year on year.
>who are you to decide what is good for society? I would not decide it. Elites who govern would decide.
>who are you to decide what constitutes what is society? That can be decided objectively. Society is the community and norms of the people of a country.
Nathaniel Bailey
explain to me how everyone having the same haircut is good for society? pretty sure people can avoid looking like beggars and gangbangers and still have different hairstyles...
Chase Walker
You aren't responding to my criticism.
Jeremiah Sullivan
>if my fantasy organisation existed where everything is perfect and i get to design the curriculum and there's no such thing as bureaucracy then everything would be wonderful Okay.
Face it, user. What you experienced was what you're asking for now, filtered through real world circumstances and distilled into the massive waste of time that your own idea is.
>hand to hand combat >shooting >orientation running in the wild >living off the land Useless skills.
>banding together as a team Not even really a skill, and not taught any better by this dumb youth organisation than team sports.
I'm not saying that what you want is shit. It's good. I wish we had the time and money to teach people those things, to teach people to love their environment and their nation and to give them a chance to experience the great outdoors. But we live in a world of scarce resources and incompetent middle-management, and any military-style organisation is going to end up a military-style clusterfuck.
Landon Evans
>Low unemployment, high security, low crime, good GDP growth, increase in wealth year on year. thins that dont require a certain haircut...
Nathan Roberts
>pretty sure people can avoid looking like beggars and gangbangers and still have different hairstyles... pic related proves people can have different hair styles
Jeremiah Campbell
>>hand to hand combat >>shooting >>orientation running in the wild >>living off the land >Useless skills.
No, those are important skills. The most important thing to learn is patriotism.
Bentley Brown
>those are important skills Name one time you were forced to use any of them in the last 6 months. "I went orienteering" doesn't count, because obviously if this shit is your hobby it's useful to you, but I'm talking about the average man who has zero interest in them.
Jayden James
> kids training hard
How us this any different than kids in ballet school?
Ethan Gray
>Name one time you were forced to use any of them in the last 6 months.
We are threatened on a daily basis by Muslim immigrants here in Germany. I would feel a lot safer if I were an expert in all of these things.
Caleb Nguyen
You might feel threatened, but if you certainly don't sound threatened if you haven't been attacked at any point in the last 6 months (or, if I were guessing, ever).
If you don't want to feel threatened go and learn, but if there are people who don't feel threatened then what's in it for them?
These skills have no utility in the modern world, so why teach them over other, more useful things?
Easton Moore
>if you haven't been attacked at any point in the last 6 months (or, if I were guessing, ever).
I have seen am attack right next to me with an Afghan robbying a woman and then running away. If I had the skills learned in a youth organization, I might have pursued the Afghan and might have overwhelmed him.
Isaac Sanders
>If I had the skills learned in a youth organization, I might have pursued the Afghan and might have overwhelmed him. And what about in 10 years when you're not fresh out of Scouts and you're 120 kilograms?
The skills have very limited utility and a very short half-life.
Aaron James
masculine men are naturally nationalist/tribal and hence anti-globalist/internationalist. Anti-foreigner.
Kevin Allen
>And what about in 10 years when you're not fresh out of Scouts and you're 120 kilograms?
People who have learned how to do sport and hunting etc. will remain a lot healthier than all the fatties in modern society who never learned how to actually do sport outdoors.
Plus, I am out of the military for 15 years and now am still athletic and have no excess fat.
Angel Sullivan
>People who have learned how to do sport and hunting etc. will remain a lot healthier than all the fatties in modern society who never learned how to actually do sport outdoors. [citation needed]
Some of the fattest fatties I know are ex-Rugby players.
>I am out of the military for 15 years and now am still athletic and have no excess fat. Congratulations.
Julian Davis
instead of making our people strong and proud, they want to make them " free and individuals "
a definition of degeneracy.
John Young
If anything school will make sure to ruin their life and really make sure to don't have any chance for them to be free thinkers.Not going to even bother by the way the things are taught even in "good" schools.
Jace Morgan
Hey aussie how's that gun control working for ya?
Daniel Moore
It's alright.
Oliver Hernandez
>ex-Rugby players. >Rugby
What does this have to do with outdoor shooting and orientation cross-country running?
Carson Carter
>What does this have to do with outdoor shooting and orientation cross-country running?
>People who have learned how to do sport and hunting etc. will remain a lot healthier than all the fatties in modern society who never learned how to actually do sport outdoors. ()
[citation still needed].
Anthony Wright
Relevant >Are you worried about the number of young people without jobs? >Are you worried about the rising crime among teenagers? >Do you think there's a lack of discipline in our comprehensive schools? >Do you think young people welcome some authority and leadership in their lives? >Do you think they respond to a challenge?
>Are you worried about the danger of war? >Are you worried about the growth of armaments? >Do you think there's a danger in giving young people arms and forcing them to kill? >Do you think it's wrong to force people to take up arms against their will?
Adrian Evans
what does everyone having the same haircut have to do with the good of society
Liam Kelly
Because unlike schools that provide knowledge on a variate of subjects training camps would be essentially a resort for young men (and women depending on the setup) to dick around doing what essentially amounts to sports. This will not have the same time/benefit as having the average person know basic math, geography or foreign language As for the 'patriotism instilling', my dad and mother had to go through the communist equivalent and they and all their friends hated the regime. In essence forcing young people to do something will not make them like you (the state) for it. It can only sound good to people that are already sold on the idea of wearing a uniform and listening to a bold solider with a microdick complex for their entire summer.
Cameron Hill
Your criticism derives from your egoism and therefore might as well be null. What you want is anarchy. It's to be completely free of all restrictions, to have nothing imposed upon you.
"None of your business, m8" is not an argument but failure to realize that you are not one person. You are apart of a society and if you fail to sacrifice for that society, abide by that society, and live in that society then you are fucked.
You are nothing in this world without being told what to do because no leader would be on this website.
Anthony Lopez
>As for the 'patriotism instilling', my dad and mother had to go through the communist equivalent and they and all their friends hated the regime. In essence forcing young people to do something will not make them like you (the state) for it. >It can only sound good to people that are already sold on the idea of wearing a uniform and listening to a bold solider with a microdick complex for their entire summer. this pretty much covers it.
Jordan Rodriguez
Forcing young people to do something is simply a statement.
But with proper leadership, they can want to do it. Obviously the example is Hitler. You listen to any Hitler youth speech and you can definitely say those youth were absolutely inspired and willing to sacrifice , work hard and listen.
Nationalism and its proper leadership yield the greatest flame in a mans spirit to be selfless and strive for collective excellence and that is why they are ideals to adhere to. Ethnic nationalism specifically.
Dominic Torres
Meh. Most important thing is more the 'Get isolated from constant entertainment droning' and 'Learn to appreciate nature' aspect.
You can get hat in the Scouts/Pathfinders, and I am strongly in favour of this kind of thing over military style camps or whatever.
David Miller
Pride is a sin and will only cause suffering.
No wonder the west is fucked.
Nathaniel Howard
It doesn't work that well in practice
Tyler Howard
Because it is a prime example of how real social skills are taught, Something liberals don't know.
Jason Bell
All I can say is, that picture looks immensely gay.