CAKED! German opposition leader has cake smashed in face by anti-fascist activists after she said ''not all refugees can come here'.
CAKED! German opposition leader has cake smashed in face by anti-fascist activists after she said ''not all refugees can come here'.
The Regressive Left in action. Where's a gas chamber when you need one?
Anti-fascist? Try anti-common sense
right wing death squads when?
>wasting delicious cake
fucking anti fa
>not using pie...
It's all in good fun. Get a sense of humor, you right-wing fascists.
>b-but what if someone caked Merkel
That wouldn't be the same thing. She's done nothing to deserve it.
Why do leftists always resort to assault in some form?
I like how nobody seems outraged by this. As if they're complicit in the scheme and secretly wished they did the same.
This is why there needs to be war. Carl The Cuck and Roasty Rooster Boy would be the first sent in.
Gas these fucking mongoloids.
What's wrong with Antifa? These guys look really friendly to me.
radical leftist going after radical leftist when they step out of line. what's new?
Good. The right wing grows stronger every time.
Thank you libtards.
She's a leftist bitch. Just because she was right about one thing doesn't make her less worse. She still supports the idea of bringing most of the refugees to our country but apparently the fact that not every single one of them can invade us enraged the hardcore lefties.
She got a taste of her own poison.
>playing faggots advocate
Never change, cuckden.
>tfw you have no choice but to change because your government sold you and your family out to economic migrants.
>Inb4 niggers
At least niggers worked here in the US for about 200 years prior to chimping out. Comparatively, we did better and are handling it better.
They're not intelligent enough for a rational discussion.
That shit was hilarious. They even directly compared her to Storch, one of the more extreme AfD politicians.
The Antifa is so fucking retarded I can't even find any words to describe it.
might makes right
Why is it all around the Western World anti-fascists are completely excused for their thuggery? They assault people all the time and never seem to get in trouble...
Do you ever think you're the crazy one because you can't understand why people get so worked up over shit like this?
>fucking Carl in the background
I am top stylist whose pay for a cut reaches 700$ sometimes and I should say that Trump hair is perfect.
Isn't the Black Forest in Germany or Poland or somewhere like that. Switzerland?
Is this a Cucks With Attitude film clip?
>leftists killing eachother
Because the authorities and globalist jew bankers are directly bankrolling and supporting them. The only way it stops is if they get slaughtered like pigs every time they try it and their whines of oppression fall on deaf ears.
nice bait
I bet Merkel has something to do with it. Lmao
Where did you find this video with Carl?
She's a bit like Turkey's former PM:
Trying to destroy Europe but at the same time still being just reasonable enough to actually be able to pull it off.
I kind of wish she'd step down and let Kipping or one of those retards take over, they'd turn everyone who isn't a brain dead lefty away in a few months.
I'd fuck Wagenknecht. She and Gysi are probably the only sane people in the Bundestag.
It's a Communist Party, literally the same Party, just with a changed name, that built the Berlin Wall, shot people fleeing, and created the Stasi.
Because they are mostly just a government asset.
Gysi is traitorous scum.
Wagenknecht is a national oriented leftist.
>She's a leftist bitch
not anymore she ain't
>Wagenknecht is a national oriented leftist.
I see nothing wrong with that
>She and Gysi are probably the only sane people in the Bundestag.
Just wanted to point out the difference.
>implying all refugees can just go there
isnt she commie? linke or something
No she isn't she spoke out for more refugees from 2011 onwards till the afd and pegida was rising. exactly then she change course
It's glorious to see how the Left destroys itself.
literal KEK
Can Sweden just be nuked already? Tired of hearing their bullshit cuck posts.
She saw the light user.
She probably dates Höcke in secret.
The only thing she saw was less voters for her party.
Which at least is something sensible from her point of view.
The whole rest of her party though cares more about their leftist purity than actually getting elected.
Which is great from my point of view.
>The only thing she saw was less voters for her party.
>Which at least is something sensible from her point of view.
Yeah, that alone already makes her smarter than most of the rest of the parliament.
Not enough to vote for her, but still - I wouldn't mind a lefty party in parliament that actually cares about the lower class natives rather than just sucking as much black dick as they can find.
Denn wir wissen ja: Sozial geht nur national. ;-)
She should get security ASAP
they did the same to Pim before they shot him
That's from the NPD, isn't it?
I do agree with it though. Not even necessarily on the "Ausländer raus!" basis, but simply because it is impossible to good social security and then let absolutely everyone enter your country. There is simply no way you could finance that.
>It's a Communist Party, literally the same Party, just with a changed name, that built the Berlin Wall, shot people fleeing, and created the Stasi.
The soviets weren't exactly known for their tolerant attitude towards foreigners. Who cares if the bitch is commie, if her party shoots refugees like they shot those crossing the wall count me as a supporter.
GOOK-MOOT just needs to ban all Swedish and Canadian IPs from Sup Forums
do they look like the type of people who can manage a nation?
What a real clown
First it was the Canadian PM elbowing a woman, now this? Why can't these first world barbarians act civilized? Is it because underneath the facade, they're still barbarians like their ancestors?
>Swedish and Canadian
>Iraqi illegal immigrant who travelled to the UK 'wanted to become an ISIS jihadi after taking an instant dislike to living in Sheffield'
>An Iraqi asylum seeker in Britain allegedly tried to join ISIS after six months because he did not like living in Sheffield, a court has heard.
>Why can't these first world barbarians act civilized?
>says the country with an actual murderous coke-head as it's president
Looks like the sort of people who would let you fuck their girlfriends
>let you fuck their boyfriends
> the antifa doesn't even like our most leftist party
I agree, I once felt sorry for them but they truly are the most pathetic and beta posters on all of Sup Forums, at least most Germans although being cucks are aware of it and usually post quite interesting and informative shit - Swedes are just a good for nothing people, legit have 0 respect for a Swedish poster you cucks need to be banned from the site. You ruined your own country and now you want to ruin my Sup Forums browsing experience, at least in time a few of the leafs might make 2nd rate shitposters
the left is eating itself
>She and Gysi are probably the only sane people
Holy fuck you're still around. The faggot fucking Swede who plays both sides of the fence to instigate shitposting.
Kill yourself.
If you think supporting the german genocide is a "sane" thing to do then you have some screws loose m8.
Russia, you're drunk again.
the antifa has no coherrent political position. They exists solely for violence and to have some kind of justification for it
end yourself
So who's the fascist here again ? I'm having trouble.
Haha, this!
as a sane person noone
as antifa she isnt leftists enough and that makes her a nazi
They are even more liberal than Merkel.
They want to relocate the whole of Africa and the Middle East to Europe.
This is the famous left-wing tolerance and openmindedness in action, folks.
I have to thank leftists. They are allowing me to explore new areas of hate where I've never been before.
They are cucked beyond redemption. I now have no sympathy for them seeing that most of the men are still voting for leftist parties anyway. Let their country burn. We tried to warn them. Maybe they are just masochists? They've already proven they hate themselves and are willing to let their country be overrun. Any normal functioning population of men would have revolted by now. If they tried this leftist immigration shit here in Australia shit would go down fast.
So what? Moscow will send her a new red dress. Moscow will also tell her how to react. She's just a puppet.
Just shows you how tolerant and openminded the left is.
It's like when all those leftists cried when Belgian Bean btfo that leftist with a right hook.
It's all in jest. Don't take it so seriously.
I actually find it really funny.
Those retards can not do shit besides acting like literal clowns. Everything they do is comical to a degree, you simply can not take those guys seriously. Their banners, website activism, "organizations".
What a bunch of incapable idiots.
Also, a cake to the face is always funny no matter where it happens, should happen to more politicians imo.
The whole thing still does not change anything.
the world consists only of those who build, and those who destroy.
this is the difference between morality and degeneracy
Conservatives really need to start cracking some heads. I'm becoming ashamed of my ideological peers because they let the left get away with this type of shit and all they do is point out that it's wrong and sit there like a child waiting for a parent to step in to stop their older brother from bullying them.
I must have grown up way differently because if somebody grabbed my hat, or pushed me, or grabbed my camera, or got in my face there's a good chance they would end up with a knife in their throat. I feel a sort of second hand emasculation watching other people let that happen to them.
thats not an actual churchill quote
Lol, so now leftys throw cakes at people who are not unrealistic and naive.
It wasn't even banter.
It was done out of bitterness and negativity. Just like tour post
we're such a rich country, we can afford throwing cake when we are mad, anyone else see the irony that leftis do this?
Do we have a smart, right-wing German who could analyze the politics in "Look Whose Back" and explain the more salient political references?
I get the Merkel references and Greens and Afd, but all else just seems mashed. Was the film a big deal there with the Jews? did they even show it?
>if somebody grabbed my hat, or pushed me, or grabbed my camera, or got in my face there's a good chance they would end up with a knife in their throat
sheeeeeeeeeeeit you out the lockup already tyrone?
I realize I could jewggle this, but I want someone to just explain without all the usual apologies and qualifications.
>there's a good chance they would end up with a knife in their throat
and then you do 6 months in Rikers and are fucked with your record for life.
Is no way to win.