TRUMP’S BIRTHDAY IS SOON. Tweet a picture of a handwritten/homemade Birthday Card message dedicated to Donald Trump here: >IGNORE ANIME SHILLS
EMOTIONAL: Trump Kisses the banners of The Remembrance Project Moms’ children at Anaheim Rally!
>Delegates Trump: 1,239 (+2 More than Needed) (Hit the ‘magic number’ on May 26th)
I think the indictment is being "priced in" right now, actually. Everyone knows it's imminent so she's losing the numbers she's going to lose for it.
If it ever does come, she may actually get a small bump up because she'd been oversold on poor expectations.
Still going to be double digits below Trump though.
Samuel Taylor
Robert Bailey
wtf i hate trump now
Ayden Ramirez
I am entering rally withdrawal.
Isaiah Wright
>no anime
you're just asking for it, m80
Elijah Long
Dominic Clark
Ayden Anderson
Awoo is not anime m80
Jason Lewis
We've got this in the bag, lads. I don't know what difference our limited influence has made. We certainly get lots of media attention now, which is pretty hilarious considering how this is basically just a bunch of people bouncing their opinions off each other. It must be because we can't be controlled. That was likely why we gravitated towards the candidate that can't be controlled. I don't agree with the man on everything. But if his campaign team is any indicator, he surrounds himself with others who can make up for whatever weaknesses or lack of knowledge he has.
Trump's win is gonna be yuge, you don't have to vote in November, stay home and be comfy on Sup Forums.
Robert Hughes
>still smoking the Trump rally weed >not moving up to polls heroin
Isaiah Robinson
you know I just put it there so i can get (you)s and keep trumpgen active in real nigga hours, rgiht?
Easton Lee
help me go to sleep anons. Trump gens are fucking up my sleep schedule
Hunter Bailey
you could pretty easily end up with a ban for that if people decided to report you, you know.
don't be a faggot.
Carson Evans
With Trump destroying her at every turn, can Hillary gain sympathy votes as an "underdog" or is Bill the only one capable of card games?
Aaron Wilson
>no Can't Stump the Trump for 3 weeks now How are you guys holding out?
Sebastian Brown
On the chan past midnight? look for him in he morgue
She's an arrogant bitch with an army of shills talking about how great she is. She's never, ever going to be able to pull of an underdog. Trump is the dog.
And Bill's just about dead so no
Easton Harris
Trump Gen daisuke
Cooper Rivera
it's a divisive tactic used by shills. please refrain from it.
all anime and awoo posters are welcome in /trumpgen/
Jordan Reed
Trumpgens eternally fucked up my sleeping schedule
I'm joining the navy soon so im fucked either way lel
Kevin Long
Sup Forums is my heroin
Hudson Nguyen
Haven't watched his videos since he decided to shit on awoo. Literally don't care at all
Jack Peterson
Go to sleep. Big rally today. Vets, bikers and Trump. You don't wanna miss it.
Brandon Moore
So when is Trump going to establish RWDS?
Owen Stewart
Threadly reminder that if you think awoo is cute or funny, you are an autistic manchild. It's seriuosly pathetic. Can you imagine showing someone the folder on your hard drive full of little cartoon girls? Obviously you have no shame and probably have little social awareness. That's why you're all pathetic virgin neck beards who are only friends with other autists.
Cooper Walker
Tyler Rodriguez
Juan Lee
see, this is the quality of poster you risk being mistaken for that gets hit with the banhammer.
Owen Campbell
She'll smother Bill in his sleep to get sympathy and get Donald to stop talking about his rape history
Joking aside, I have no doubt she would do it if she had to, this is an evil woman
Henry Hernandez
I don't know if I will ever get sick of winning This is what they meant when they talked about the best years of our lives I love this Wonderful Donald
Joseph Lopez
The dog chick thing is cute fuck off hanz or Muhamad
Josiah Jackson
Nobody has attempted to stump, so there can be no video demonstrating the universal fact that he cannot be stumped.
Fuck I want HAPPENINGS, when is the RNC conventions so we can laugh sipping wine like plutocrats whilst the DNC berns.
Easton Thompson
fuck yourself with a cactus you fucking failure of humanity i really wish the cum hadnt ran out of your moms asshole & found its way into her cunt, thus creating you fucking ass baby
Henry Rodriguez
Post minions faggot, I dare you
Isaac James
>Joking aside >implying that was a joke
Camden White
>She'll smother Bill in his sleep to get sympathy and get Donald to stop talking about his rape history Careful with that Meme Magic, son. Don't want to push Kek too far
Kayden Fisher
Lucas Smith
>no shame and probably have little social awareness
Social awareness on an anime image board.
Ryder Clark
>implying awoo is not cute gayer than Milo
Levi Gray
>Don't like awoo >get banned
Tyler Richardson
you gotta do what you gotta do to keep trumpgens active in real nigga hours
what about trump rally stumpigns?
Camden Gonzalez
excellent work, the Hillary for Sup Forums psyops department appreciates your efforts
Jack Brooks
The Deportation Force will be multi-role.
Julian Bennett
Gabriel Gutierrez
That's my only concern is that aidsbill dies.
Luis Richardson
Once he gets Cern to develop ressurection technology so he can put the only man fit for the job in charge.
Brody Lewis
Roger Stone and Paul Manafort remind me of Sterling and Draper from Mad Men
Brayden Walker
Hand rubbing intensifies
Carter Collins
Can't Stump missed some good stumpings in the past. Like when Trump made Anderson Cooper read his notes.
Nathan Gomez
William Ross
Gavin Scott
>I accept the mantle of the American Peoples anger
Why is he so quotable.
James Collins
Wearing my RWDS sweatshirt right now >tfw
Ryder Jenkins
Damn, Hans, did your mother get raped or something today?
Isaiah Rodriguez
Holy shit, I haven't seen that gif in ages, gave me nostalgia actually. Thanks for posting it.
Cooper Bennett
to be honest he got way over his head with it. he's beating a dead horse with it now. Qualities of this videos seriously dropped after episode 6
then he resorted to selling tshirts lel
crap videos now desu
Alexander Baker
Jaxon Jackson
>RWDS sweatshirt
Michael Mitchell
>fuck yourself with a cactus you fucking failure of humanity I don't really want to hear that from you Japan
Caleb Ortiz
looks like we got an oldfag
Dominic Moore
Benjamin Peterson
I wish losers like Corey could just quit and let Manafort, Stone and Black reunite under Trump
James Evans
I understand the angle of attack and the rhetoric, but I have to disagree with Dilbert here. I can see this easily backfiring, painting Trump as too lenient. A decent amount of his support comes from relentlessly setting Clinton on fire, and to offer pardon would seem weak in front of that population. It's bending the knee, a sugar-coated way of saying "I'm sick and tired of hearing about those damn emails," which seems to ring a bell.
Samuel White
>reddit now killing themselves over Trump leading in Oregon
so since it's obvious Hillary won't make it to the nomination who will the Dems nominate instead?
It's gonna be either Biden or Bernie
Bernie makes more sense for party unity but the party leaders fucking hate him but if they go with Biden it would piss off bernouts and they'd lose the election