Why are most of you idiots actual racists? All it does is give leftists more ammunition to further their agenda while you waste time hating on people who don't deserve it. You don't need to wish death on black children just to recognise that the average black has a lower IQ than the average white and is more likely to commit a crime.
If you're a fedora-shaming Christian your view should be wishing improvement on the black race rather than its destruction.
Thread and Sup Forumstube comments section related:
I agree that the gorilla shouldn't have been shot and that the mother was almost certainly an incompetent, husbandless career welfare receiver.
Why are most of you idiots actual racists...
Other urls found in this thread:
Shut up, upside down Canada.
Black people:
>skinnyfat goofy manlet
I'll go with niggers.
test replying
But we dont wish for the death of black children. We wish for the death of nigger children. Learn the difference.
I knew I should've used a different nigger.
He's 6 foot, Zhang.
Approved. Also youtube.com
woha really makes you think, I'm now #pullthetriggeroneverynigger
>fictional character
>I fuck sheep and am therefore an authority on monkeys
>fictional character
No, the actor.
T. level 50 sheepfucker
niggers simply cannot thrive in western civilization. they should and WILL be removed.
>mfw he stopped doing this bit because whites started saying nigga
>mfw its still true 20 years later
Wew lad, we need Trump.
The one on the left is a Turk. They're sandniggers not niggers.
This is the four categories of black people
*In America*
Have you ever wondered if you can ever be so conservative, so racist, so un-PC, so outrageously pro-nazi that people just get numb to it and being called epithets such as "racist" and "nazi" not only can't be used anymore to shut down your ideas and arguments but also hurts the position of the person using them?
That's why we're winning. Welcome to Sup Forums.
left: fictional character from a comedy
right: reality
That nigger is polite as fuck, he didn't break enything, and even closed the drawer.