Time to pick some scales off

Time to pick some scales off.

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Man, Sup Forums is good today. Bring the bloody mess OP.

Making progress.

How'd you get it OP?

Got a nice love line!

Got a nice cross. Looks a little like that communist symbol.

It is genetic plaque psoriasis. Medicine works better if you scrape off the scales.

There is pain but also relief from itching. Like you just had a good scratch.

This will all be back in less than a week. Maybe about 3 days.

Bleeding more now. Annoying because the wetness hides the scales.

Just about done. Too hard to see the rest.

Wait so you get those all the time?

I take Stelara, so I don't get any buildup like this anymore... Part of me will miss the satisfaction of flaking that skin off, though.

not op but yeah. pretty much. It's almost always genetic and ur fked if you get it

Can't you use a pumice stone in the shower to take them down?

Not OP, but I have psoriasis. Yes and it sucks. Some areas like knees and elbows are the most common places. Patches will pop up in random spots sometimes, but it mostly stays in the same spots

OP i recommend shaving or trimming areas that are especially problematic.. i fucking hate the hairs in them.

not really

Nigger, if you cut and fuck with your psoriasis it will get worse. Who the fuck told you that makes the medicine work better?

Yeah it sucks.

I tried humira but didn't work. Did help my other two immune disorders. Arthritis and ulcerative colitis though. My immune system has almost killed me twice.

Put some neosporin on. Now the coal tar solution.

op probably does't take a shower ever

also he's a fat neckbeard with a double chin

I'm 5 11 239lbs. My squat sucks but I have a good bench for a beginner.

Pulling the scales off let's this stuff work better.

They don't seem to really change what it does. The scales form slowly and around the hairs.