Trump BTFO

This is woke. You go girls.

Other urls found in this thread:

>American resistance

>the president of the USA is supposed to be blow out by some girl band

So brave

somewhere zizek is sniffing loudly, tugging at his shirt in vain to ease the pain from this ideology


nothing good has ever been described as "woke"

Chance the Rapper
Le Tigre
Father John Misty
MTV Music Awards
Pitchfork Media

Um, sweetie...

You sound woke.

who is the guy on bottom left tooting the sax

I'd rather pretend that they're dead.



45 must hate this lmao

Thanks for proving him right.

This is it. He's finished. Mr. Durngle Grompf is going to be impeached. #Resist

This is so L7


>Mr. Durngle Grompf

Run back to Tumblr little snowflake

I haven't heard it, but I bet the song is terrible
That said, L7 > Nirvana

Quality stuff right here

Never heard of them lel

When are people going to admit L7 are just a slightly above average grunge band?

wake up and smell the coffee

This is true.

>literally who girl band
top jej

It seems like you kinda having trouble. Here, let me fix your error L7 < Nirvana

Imagine having any emotional reaction from this image.

Maybe they think this will bolster their career since their "music" obviously sucks.
>no talent

This, I don't feel anything other this dumb shit. L7 are literally whos.


They are literally whos to you because you are a crossboarder who knows shit about music but sure knows how to meme.

A bunch of old dykes hate da prez wew hot take

Show a recent image of them P4k

Shit like this is why I tend to prefer feelsy rock over blatantly political rock. I understand not liking Trump but the "FUCK DRUMPF" shit has become a tiresome cliche. It seems like everyday some hasbeen says some anti-Trump shit that has been said hundreds of times before. If you're gonna make an anti-Trump song try to be a bit subtle and original.

this. I havent seen a single criticism, just blatant bitching and name calling.

Fully agreed, I'm all for "fuck the establishment" art but there's zero nuance to most "Fuck Trump" songs.

Rurald Suburumpf BTFO

>falling for the bait

>forgetting about "Is This the Life We Want"

Is this a joke? Because all of that shit is dreadful.

You only need nuance when criticizing a nuanced political stance. Anything more will be garfield pipe lecture tier.

what do you gain from making this thread
go outside

>liberals trying to banter


>unpopular band from 90s tries to relaunch by riding trumps coattails



Honestly curious what are trump-fans’ views on this?

>Believing that any of those replies aren't counterbait

saltiest meem I've ever seen