Is having kids worth it in today's society?

Is having kids worth it in today's society?

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Stop shilling.

Why would you want white kids? Islam is going to take over and then the Joos will rule over everything. Not a world anyone wants to live in.

Stick in there, Pierre.

Not unless you have the finances to raise them properly(80,000$+)

having kids is bad-ass, literally the only way to cuck life for cucking you into existence

No. Never ever have white kids. Just let your women to gulp on that black semen. Oy vey, that's the true redpilled Sup Forums way! Having kids is degenerate! Let the mudslimes and blacks and jews breed!

Having kids is literally the only reason to live.

yes, but you have to be especially careful

the only way to ensure the white race lives on is have more white babies you tard

mexis and muzzies breed like fucking rabbits


>believing this

>Is having kids worth it in today's society?
Yes. Having kids is very rewarding.

This helps too.

Also having a good wife and mother to your kids is paramount. If you do not have this, do NOT bring a child into the world. We need more white children but single mothers are without question the worst situation for kids of every race and if you marry a degenerate, you will eventually get divorced.

no goy, its expensive and your wife will just divorce you and take your kids anyway. leave breeding to other races, focus your time and your hobbies and interests instead.

Yes, provided you have enough money

>not believing this

Worth what? Giving up your hedonistic ways?

Real living is living for others, if you get the chance, take it!

No the only way is to create a white nation without Jews. People who are willing to live in poverty to outbreed you can always succeed.

>People who are willing to live in poverty to outbreed you can always succeed.
and it seems whites are the only people not willing to do this, guess we wont be seeing much of you in the future...

>anti-white post
>it's from Britain
lmfao. Tell me, have you ever seen a white kid there?

loads, white brits have 1 or 2 so they can get benefits for them.

The benefits of having children are soft benefits - wellbeing, love, fullfillment, satisfaction, etc. Things quite high up the hierarchy of needs, while the material costs are high - it shaves years off your life, costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time, has a certain amount of risk, and has an environmental cost.

If you thought about it from purely utilitarian perspective you would probably say its not worth it. Sufficet to say most people in the world don't think like this, and just fuck and get pregnant impulsively and then adapt. It's a weird quirk of the modern developed world that we are so cautious of having kids exactly because the costs are so high.

Jesus christ you faggots that cucked? If you don't want to have a family then don't.

Why are you still alone? Afraid of commitments? Harden up.

this is bollocks by the way. Zero evidence to suggest the uk benefit system is a pull factor to knocking out children. One main cause though is low education levels particularly in women

honestly? no.
but still badly needed if you're white.

>it shaves years off your life

>costs a lot of money
That depends on your definition of 'a lot' and what you would have done with that money otherwise.

>takes a lot of time
>has a certain amount of risk
Not an argument. Everything worthwhile falls under these categories

>has an environmental cost
Whites are the only ones on Earth who care about the environment and we need more of them.



The OP shills and their cuckoldery never give up.

Although I think a lot of Whites in America and Europe are degenerate and only think of sex

mexicans americans under the age of 18 already starting families.

and whites will wait untill their are in their early 30's to have 1 or 2 children... top kek

I got snipped long ago. I'm not going to bring a kindhearted blonde kid into this blender of psycho Muslims and stinky Indians and violent Africans and scheming kikes. It was bad enough for my generation but that's nothing compared to what's coming, just look at the demographics. I don't want to live in a world run by the lesser races, and if I had children they wouldn't want to either, so I did the right thing for them.

Yeah definately. If you care about yer people surviving rather than being overtaken by foreigners then have loads of kids.

>just look at the demographics
Thanks to betas like you.

Have fun with your race war