Just a friendly reminder that Hillary will get absolutely obliterated in the GE. Even the democrat stronghold Oregon is under siege.
Trump will fucking smash her into oblivion.
Just a friendly reminder that Hillary will get absolutely obliterated in the GE. Even the democrat stronghold Oregon is under siege.
Trump will fucking smash her into oblivion.
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Holy fuck I actually would have never expected this
Oregon? Is the poll reliable?
women think Hillary is a cunt and they won't vote for her like they did the BBC last 2 elections
oregonanon democrat here. The presidential election is generally a joke but i refuse to vote for hillary. If sanders somehow gets it he earns my vote, otherwise im going trump
wow hillary is gonna get fucked in the anus hole
Reminder that polls this far out have almost no predictive power.
The poll can only be reliable for saying one thing, that Oregon is actually a possibility and not some far-fetched dream. That alone is pretty crazy.
We need to keep stoking the fires.
Keep triggering the Left into riots.
>set fires to raise support for Bernie
>looting, riot, and rape
Push this, Sup Forums. MAGA or Die.
holy shit stoners are too high to vote lel
Imagine the amount of relentless shitposting on pol if Hillary wins.
Now imagine what that poll would look like if Trump debated Bernie and teamed up with him against Shillary
It would almost be like normal
I'm still hoping bernie runs as independent
they definitely will, but if even a quarter of them go trump instead thats pretty huge. many of them are just in the mindset ITS TIME FOR A LE WOMAN XD! and will not budge from it.
lol trumpcucks btfo
wat a weak low energy cuck trump is, amirite. shameful
Once Bernie actually loses and his supporters move to Hillary, Trump's positive numbers will no longer exist.
You have to go back.
For real though, what's he got to gain by debating a candidate that isn't going to win?
as sanders does shit that agitates the DNC he is doing damage to hillary. like pointing out voter fraud.
i actually like that RT tried to link it to trumps victory in ny but there is zero evidence of it just that shillary and the dnc rigged it for her on the dems side because if any dems try to look it up all they find are references to the dems cluster fuck of stupidity and corruption
lol keep cucking retarded cuckfag who has no friends
how cucked do you have to be that ben garrison is on your side
Shut up Finland, no one cares about you. Enjoy becoming Iraq 2 Electric Nigger-jews with the rest of the EU
>if you refuse to vote Trump out of spite...you are a faggott and deserve to suffer the conseqences that the democrats will bring upon you and your kind.
but trumps afraid of sanders :p
face it hes a broke ass pussy.
Being afraid and not wasting your breath are two totally different things. Him debating Sanders would be like beating up the smallest guy in the room to prove how tough you are
4/10. Made me reply
Oregonfags are not voting for Trump for his policies or principles (he has none), but rather as a fuck you to Portland, the SJW libshit cancer of the Pacific North-West.
>Debate a candidate in a stadium with thousands of people out for your blood, and desperately want you to make a fool of yourself, offering loaded questions
>Or get called a chicken
Something tells me Trump wouldn't give a fuck about people calling him names.
And I'll still have better quality of life than americucks. I'm laughing at how you retards have allowed yourself to be cucked out from things that every other developed country in the world has.
Literally the only reason people care about you is because of your army, in every other respect america is a developing country. That you think this fucking weak beta male running away from debates is good just makes you look like fucking retarded rednecks. You're like the ironborn on game of thrones.
>You're in a footrace, and are pulling into the lead.
>Halfway around the last lap, the coach of the person in second place and a group of paid spectators demands you slow down and race the guy in third place.
So, do you do it?
Then why did the cuck say he was gonna do the debate first? Trump betamales BTFO
Hahah someone brought up voter fraud which is a huge thing you also fail to mention that sanders CRUSHES bitch ass trump by ten percent. all you trump supporters are little fucking cucks whos asshole puckers whenever sanders is mentioned...just like trump ;)
while he sucks the jewish cock ala france hahahahhahahahah hows that welfare for israel sound?
also winning the republican nomination is like picking the best cockroach.
>Believing the U.S. is a developing country aside from its army
Sorry, but are you fucking retarded?
trump is nowhere near as high energy as bernie and his supporters.
Wow, I was only joking about you guys being retarded before, but after reading your brilliant analogy I think you guys might be legitimately mentally subnormal.
I guess we can thank America's third world tier education system for this
Reminder that cuckservatives in 12 said the polls were wrong all along & Romney landslide inbound.
I know! They can't even work up the energy to fuck shit up like Bernie supporters can!
suck the jew dick pol hahaha
Do Leftists generally take exception to the differently-abled?
This is why trump cannot into debates, he can only into memes that retarded beta boys can parrot on the internet from their basements to feel like they're high energy for once in their depressed lives
>the leftists will spontaniously combust when Trump becomes the rightful president...mass suicides are predicted among the liberals as they start feeling the backlash from the silent majority.
That's all Hillary has and their own research say it isn't working.
shut your little bitch ass up. you fucking nerd. trump supporters are beta af. hahahah like we care about people fucking up trump rallies you retards deserve it. people don't get mad for nothing.
you retards cant even wrap your minds around the fact that they play you like fools. wheres all the money for those tax cuts gonna come from? straight off your backside. idiots.
Republicans are playing the whole conservative base like fucking retards. showing the world that they can nominate a literal buffoon and these dumbasses will still elect them. Gee, you wonder why the media gives him so much air time. maybe because the people who own the media are best friends with him?
Very compel.
So convince.
Really makes you think.
Go back and read your postings, and try to wrap your head around how compelling your arguments are.
Do you think insults and ad hominem sway opinions here?
Or really anywhere?
Fuck me running, either you take baiting too seriously or you really ARE convinced you're in the right, nasty and capricious though you are.
What does a Finn care about U.S. politics anyway?
Hey take it easy there fellow dark skinned individual. Please use less harsh language if you would please so I don't have to file an anonymous FBI tip. I share your support of the candidate Bernie Sanders!
>Saying Trump sucks Israel's cock
>Bernie is literally a ((((Chosen People))))
Jesus fuck, when did Sup Forums become a socialist hugbox?
You are literally so out of touch with women it is sad. Every woman I know is voting Trump, and I'm a Chad.
Dude, trump can't debate for shit. all he can do is talk at a 4th grade level and say hes gonna do shit and win because he says he wins. He would die against someone who actually knows policy. HAHAHAHAAH
>fuck you to the SJWs
That is Trump's greatest strength. The people are tired of being called racist bigots for holding political positions that were mainstream even among democrats just ten years ago. Trump is demolishing that line of attack and the left has no other colorable arguments.
So I'm pretty pro Trump at this point considering it's either Hillary or Trump I'd say Trump has the least percent to fuck up his presidency I mean will the on the fence voters realize the same and make Trump President based on that or just hit fuck it and not vote?
You mean Scizzord in the cunt hole by a fat dyke in prison right?
You are part of 'union' that is allowing mudslimes to pour in and rape your women and children, while doing their best to destroy your culture and history.
You are literally part of the biggest cuckfest in the history of the world. Worry about not being suicide bombed instead of online pissing contests with citizens of a far superior nation
Bernie didn't even talk to the israel superpac. guess what trump did ;)
typical trump supporter.
The butthurt will be glorious.
More memes, kid? I'm sorry you were so fundamentally damaged by a third world education system that that's the best you can do.
>Do you think insults and ad hominem sway opinions here?
Hahahah where the fuck do you even think you are posting
No one said you niggers were getting mad for nothing, of course you get all worked up over the candidate that's telling you to get a job, and earn a living instead of being a lifelong NEET
The party hates trump wtf are you retarded?
But bernie lost?
How do you noy understand that yet?
Trump talked to them to tell them he didn't want their money.
Literally holy shit, you shills are paid too much
Yep same reason they don't support Bernie he wants free shit for everyone niggers just want it for themselves.
That's the greatest part of all this, if in fact these are real bern-bots. He has no way of securing the election now, it's over. But he's still collecting donations from retarded kids who want free shit
>But Goyim, he's fighting for YOU!!!
hahha, bernie is the only candidate funded by the people and not slaves to lobbyists and superpacs like your little trump fella. tooootally want free shit when we fund our campaign.
Of course they do. half the party is against him and lifelong republicans are now voting blue because of him.
blind sheep, stop sucking msm cock and look into shit. there a shitload of voter fruad going on in the democratic primary. I guess it wont matter until the same tactics are used against your candidate. People are pissed and finally realizing how fucking rigged it all is.
Your desperation is showing.
May your country become one of the most "diverse" in human history.
See? Satan even thinks you guys are retarded.
woohoo! I got trips!
It's not over until the convention comrade, you low energy faggots cant into the long haul but senator sanders can ;) you idiots don't realize this is a whole movement. electing bernie is but one part of it.
>there a shitload of voter fruad going on in the democratic primary
Oh, NOW voter fraud matters to liberals
Hello again, Dark Lord.
How's it hangin'?
hhahahaha hes a billionare he says
A lot of Americans can't stand Shillary, and why the Dems were so stupid to put her up I'll never understand.
>electing Bernie is but one part of it
Good luck with step one.
Bernie is funded by retards who buy his socialist bullshit because they feel like they're entitled to free shit
Look at this picture! 200 million dollars in a losing effort! And he's spent nowhere near that!
Trump had a chance. Really, he did. I'm man enough to admit that.
But he will NEVER live down refusing to debate Bernie. It's the story of the year. Voters will never forget it, especially not Democrats. I'm sorry, it's time for us all to admit he fucked up.
independent and it's always mattered small minded monkey. because of voter fruad we got bush jr and two wars that we couldn't pay for.
Same tier as Salon and HuffPo, maybe lower.
low-energy bait
That's the second time you've spelled fraud wrong. You must be doing it on purpose.
>Refusing to waste time and effort on debating a losing candidate will be his downfall
Just stop it, yurocucks
You're right, I'm a Johnson emission now.
thats why if bernie is elected most of his people will go third party. we don't give a fuck if trump wins. the usa will get what it deserves and we will get to call these retards out for what they are finally and RIP republishit party. all this neocon neoliberal shit needs to go.
hey dumbass try to educate yourself. it's not free if we pay into it. were tired of getting screwed by greedy ass shitty ass insurance companies. incompetent. also he's changed the game campaign finance reform is coming losers. no longer will the fat cats call the shots. you idiots are all puppets working for the man with big big bucks fighting all his wars for his profits. fools.
Fuckin commies man. "Bernie is part of a movement, electing him is step 1" Failing out the gate, that's socialism.
Honestly, Bernie isn't even the worst candidate, and I would have loved a Trump v Sanders ticket, if only to see the Bern bots' hugbox get burned to the ground, but it's not gonna happen, and all that he's doing now is taking money from the people who he's been jerkin off tryin to convince he's here to help
You college age commies are fucked in the head.
This, these Bernouts are in the bargaining stage.
The only one's that still care about Bernie are the tards that blew half again their student loan trying to buy their way out of their legal obligations.
Did they think that, even if their wildest fantasies came true, Bernie would annul their debts?
No President would crash the economy so hard ever again.
Voter fraud also got you JFK & LBJ, but you probably didn't know that.
He literally invoked "the man" hollllly shit.
I love that you're so dumb you actually believe the "news" you read on Sup Forums and believe that's actually happening in significant amounts.
But if deflecting to focus on other countries so that you can be blind to your own cucking is what gets you out of bed, then go for it
No, JFK not gettin on his knees for Israeli cock got us LBJ
haha thats why your candidate ran away from old boy sanders. cuck.
naw son, we want an end to the 2 party system. you retards think there's only one objective to complete.
Damn, this thread really made all the Hillary and Bernie subhumans come out of the woodwork.
LOL at you desperate peasants.
Top Neighbor.
Exactly. All these retards invoking "Sanders beats trump in le polls" are the same, and only retards still voting in the Sanders v Trump polls
Watch out, you made an actual argument instead of spamming memes, so any moment now the trumpcucks will start spamming about immigration in Sweden to deflect from their own beta boi weakness
hahah gtfo with that weak shit son
Real quick, and lets put aside the back and forth on candidates here, I just got to know a couple things
What are your stances on Guns, the minimum wage, and Social issues? Not Bernies, yours?
>this one reddit poster with america flag green ID
Know what? You've been nothing but nasty to me, but I'll bite.
Convince me.
Make me vote for another candidate.
I even promise to be civil and read everything you post, deal?
Reminder that