Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think niggers and ISIS are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Niggers and ISIS are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Niggers and ISIS will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive
Can we meme this into reality, fucking please
20% are arabs in Israel. Can't really call that monolithic. But I agree. Israel needs a lot more diversity. As do other jewish enclaves.
I'm honestly just concerned about Israel and want to strengthen it. I think a healthy dose of "12 million niggers straight from the jungle" might do the trick.
They're all doctors and lawyers after all.
Israel is only strong because they're not a diverse country. A small minority that's been persecuted almost since it's inception, now their state and wealth are expanding rapidly post-imperialism. It's like watching a cunning snake devour others, either wise up and outsmart them or it's over. That's why Israel won't become multicultural, their religious and political leaders know it'll be the downfall to their society and their dominance in the Middle East and to an extent the world. Our leaders knew this once before, it doesn't take a genius to know who caused the change and why we don't anymore.
Looking at how orthodox and secular jews already have a rift between them is already kind of multiculture.
How would we even approach something like that?
which group of idiots do we have to pander to by memes to make them work for more multiculti in Israel?
Israel is multicultural.
There is not a street where you can't hear both Arabic Hebrew and even Russian.
some epic stormfaggots tried to do it once with an open borders for israel group. they had zero subtlety so the first google hit about the group was a link to a neo nazi site.
i think it could easily trend on twitter, but it would need to be done without the epin merchant memes at all. one whiff of satire and it's stillborn.
They need:
>more niggers from somalia
>more niggers from central africa
>more arabs from syria
>more afghans
>more chechens
>mosques build by Saudi Arabia
hey you dirty kike, you obviously don't know how multicult bullshit works.
Well, lets start from what we already have. Ethiopian jews. They are basically 3rd rate citizens behind arabs. And there are even more in Ethiopia that would like to immigrate to Israel. Let's show them some love and support.
I really hoped the people would rebuild the two towers instead of building 1 world tower.
It would have showen the awesome resilience and defiance more
But how do we get them to take in the real 3rd world trash like afghans, somalis and the other niggers?
What about the whole LGBTQZGWKR bullshit? Can we plague them somehow with that transgender diseases and homos?
let's hit them where it really hurts. give them the worst of the worst. give them the group that will bring them down in less than a generation.
i'm speaking of course of white women. pic related
Small steps, Kamerad. We need to poison them slowly, the way they poison us. If you administer too much in one dose, they just vomit it all out.
I support this wholeheartedly. They NEED to know that diverstity=strength. why do they not want to be multicultural like Europe? It's worked perfectly so far, are Israelis biggoted or what?
Fuck, fucked that up. let's try that again
Well, you tried.
So where do we start? A "TIL there are Jews in Ethipoia" thread on plebbit? Sliding into a nice discussion how they treat this people in Israel?
Start by convincing the Ethiopian Jews that they are descendants of Solomon, the We Wuz Kangs culture will do the rest for you.
I'm getting real sick of these two-faced kikes. Nationalism or eat shit and die.
white women need to be reigned in. no question about it.
dumping these
bonus jew
>people not realizing OP just took Hitlers speech from "anti racist hitler"