>when the infidel says god isn't real
>when the infidel says god isn't real
Other urls found in this thread:
>being this atheist
i mean i hate muslims but wtf its not like you could see god on earth fag. You cant even see atoms nigger but you know they exist fucking stupid ass logic.
Did he mean his brain will start producing hallucinations?
>muslim memes
>haha you're going to die kaffir
Religion of peace is also a great muslim meme.
No he meant God would save him just before he ran out of air.
Can you MRI God ?
what a fucking braindead mental retard
>Muslim memes
Can't we raid them?
>kebabpun intended
>Muslims in charge of modern science and engineering
>The muslims say, unironically, while using 100% western technology to spread this stupid picture.
you fucking cock suckers really didnt understand that i was talking about his visual? What else was he suppose to see god with fucking dummies. As if atoms isn't shit your taught in high school.
you're a nignog right?
meant for
man stfu you missed my point and you cant even click my number faggot.
everything about you just screams NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
>muslim memes
That reminds me of what I saw on the bus some weeks ago.
Being this cucked
>Church network offers sanctuary to illegal immigrants to avoid deportation
>Churches Offer Sanctuary To Immigrants Facing Deportation
>Arizona Pastor Explains Why His Church Decided to Shelter Illegal Immigrants
>Romney’s Tough Immigration View Is at Odds With His Church
Can't make this shit up Sven.
G-d is other astronauts?
G-d is a proud ancient black astronaut who lead his people to this planet and checks on them from time to time. He was also the mentor of Yakub before Yakub betrayed him and created the white people.
Woooooooooow.... makes u thnk.... now I'm an #AllahMissile