>Lurking on jewtube >stumble into some video by some "blaire white" bitch >Shitting on feminism/cultural marxist/etc. >"Damn, she's fucking hot" >MuhDick.jpg >Break Nofap just for her >find out she's a tranny >mfw
She looks like a female, talks like a female, and if she doesn't have a dick and if she gave me a chance, I would fuck the testosterone out of her. I literally don't care, she looks female enough for me and you can tell that she's an absolute freak in bed. what do? thoughts?
Think about it, if only she had slightly bigger tits, had no dick (can't confirm if she has or not), and is more female than most "females" out there... wouldn't you want to tear that boypussi up?
Elijah Taylor
I have never cared for trans women because they either look like absolute shit (they look too manly) or are some SJW genderqueerfluidspectrumkin nonsense. am I catching the trap fever?
Cameron Peterson
Gavin Nguyen
Elijah Wilson
boipucci is best pucci
Alexander Hill
is it degenerate? yes. would i fuck one if no one knew? you bet your ass i would
They try their best to look and act female, but in reality they are tricking you, because deep inside they are male. When they grow older and stop medication, you'll see them with a beard in the next morning.
Aaron Mitchell
they're men you degenerate
Chase Brooks
you're a homosexual OP
Jason Ross
Based leaf, I would straight up murder her ass
Luke Gonzalez
I feel you OP
I seen some trannies that are muh dick but their balls touching your balls when fucking them in the ass is to gay.
Eli Peterson
I sure hope not.
I'm in the process of transitioning. I need a man after.
Jaxon Richardson
>talks like a female Are you for real? I clocked her instantly the moment she opened her mouth and that really affected faggy falsetto came out. Do me a favour, OP, open a video of her, minimize it and listen to the voice. She really needs to step up her game there.
Nicholas Anderson
She looks like a man dude... have some moral compass..
Sebastian Baker
It' not like I want to date her, I would just love those DSL kissing and going all out on my dick then dick her down so bad fuck what is wrong with me
I wish I could tell you with honesty that this bothers me, but... shit, she looks female enough. I find her attractive.
That's why I hope she had her dick cut, I'm not fucking no tranny with a dick, that's just where I draw the line
Sorry for not clarifying: it's the way she talks, not the actual voice. She sounds femenine, sassy, erotic... like she's down to fuck at any time. she could definitely use more work on the sound of her voice, but her mannerisms are way more feminine that the girls I know. I find that kinda hot t.b.h.F.A.M.
Robert Bell
I think fapping to trannies is a degree of gay. But its like the least ammount of gay you can be..
Pic related, this chick has a hueg dick.
Juan Lopez
Her boyfriend is ugly af fæm. Might have to lower your standards
Michael Roberts
Sage and report this degenerate shill.
Adrian Butler
One way to rationalize is it's someone trying to look like a woman and appear feminine, and you were attracted to the feminine qualities thinking the whole time it was a woman (and fucking hell, I've seen some seriously feminine traps who looked for convincing than actual women)
Easton Brown
Pole bro. What film is this?
Did you post the hussar gif in another thread?
Hudson Lewis
More* not for.
Jordan Carter
Blaire White is bretty based desu
Justin Ramirez
Connor Hernandez
Yes. I fucked a tranny once. I couldn't get off because in the back of my head I knew I was fucking a dude with a wig. Don't do what I did OP. I'm ashamed of myself.
Samuel Hall
Dominic Reed
>Did you post the hussar gif in another thread? Ye. But I dont know the origin and if it's from a movie, maybe a hussar cosplay event in Poland.
David Reed
Good to see someone with experience on the topic. I guess I'll stick to girlpussi
Cheers desu
Connor Kelly
>Implying you wouldn't want Blaire White's lips kissing the tip of your dick repeatedly
Come on brehs, you know you want some. I know I do.
Nathaniel Anderson
Even if she split her dick, her body would treat it like a gaping wound and she'd have to dilate it in order to keep it from closing up. Good luck fucking a huge, poorly functioning frankenpussy.
Alexander Ortiz
What is anal?
Ryan Walker
The term anal retentive (also anally retentive), commonly abbreviated to anal, is used to describe a person who pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, potentially to the detriment of the anal-retentive person. The term derives from Freudian psychoanalysis.
Wyatt Morris
Very hard if you can't get over the fact you're fucking a man
Cooper Harris
Shhh, they might realise something about themselves.
William Jackson
Kek, would still anal her tho
True, some user here posted about fucking a tranny and really regretting it later, seems like there's no point to it really
>mfw I'll never tear blair's little asshole up >mfw I'll never make her scream from all the doggystyle fucking >mfw when I'll never cum in her slutty little whore mouth >mfw at the end of the day she's still a man and I still want to fuck her, really hard >mfw she'll just be a waifu
Why life f4m?
Noah Myers
Okay. No problem.
That's pretty fucking cool
Angel Gray
i would be down but only if the dude agreed to pretend rape, i would need a serious power trip to actually fuck a tranny
Jonathan White
You can fuck anything if you use a little bit of drugs.
Nathan Garcia
I know what you mean.
Jack Jones
Logan Bennett
Joshua Ross
Jace Nelson
Who dat OP?
Lucas Hill
You guys are fucking losers and gays in denial. Please delete this fucking retarded thread.
John Hughes
Trannies love that shit. That's their fantasy, getting raped by a horny straight man.
I think you could get away with that shit really easily.
Easton Jones
Daniel Edwards
Accept your hate is something more, a defensive mechanism against deep seated worries of acceptance.
>although qt Polakki > most women
Lincoln Nelson
Blair white is cool, but her arse is weird. Still would boy pussy date, the voice makes my dick diamonds.