Why are humans so inept at creating a perfect society? I feel like we have the resources and capabilities to do it.
Why are humans so inept at creating a perfect society? I feel like we have the resources and capabilities to do it
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because liberals/lefties/dems
Chaos theory
Because humans can't change human nature.
Because white people are too compassionate to exterminate all non-whites and Jews are pushing Marxism onto everyone.
If blacks, arabs and spics didn't exist, and if we rejected Socialism/Communism entirely we thrive. We would see human colonies on Mars in our lifetime.
Humans are capable of that. The problem are the jews and niggers.
Because we live among non-humans
>ib4 da joos
Most people are not perfect yet still come to power hence no perfect society
Because there are conservatives.
If there were none, then the world could be perfect
Also nationalists and racists need to go, too
Two reasons.
One, humans really, really, really, really, really do not like being told what to do. This goes beyond social conditioning and speaks to something almost instinctual.
Two, every human is also a demon in disguise. It is not an accident that humans are "raised" to be members of society -- whether it is the parents, the community or the authorities, the default state of a human being is an ignorant psychopath.
In other words, there is no perfect society because there are no perfect people.
Because creating a perfect society would stop progress of said society. It will never be more than perfect.
Humans have the power to never be satisfied, always want more, and that is what propels them forward.
No one mentioned women yet?
Because power corrupts
If Hitler won WWII and genocided everything, there would still be battles within the Nazi society on what to do or not to do; much like what happened after the Revolutionary War in the USA.
The only way to have a "perfect society" is to live in a society where the power that corrupts man is non-existent, which would be an anarchy.
I don't know about that, just look around you are people helpful to each other? Is there any degree of cooperation? It's just lies, scams and corruption, everybody is out for themselves, then again maybe we are the niggers of Europe, not that I mind, at least no negroes here
People are retarded if you want a perfect society you need to kill everyone an replace them with robots.
Because of this retard:
>just look around you are people helpful to each other?
Yes. People are incredibly fucking nice.
I lived in the UK and I saw people get hit by cars, and NO ONE would help the person. I've seen fights and no one doing anything about it. I had to be the one helping every single time.
In Latvia everyone's just so nice and helpful. This is what happens when you have a majority conservative population, no blacks or muslims, no feminism and socialism indoctrination.
After living in the UK for 4 years I never want to leave my home country.
As far as I understand Lithuania is much more liberal which is where the distrust comes from. When I lived in UK I was always told to not go near Lithuanians and never trust them.
I believe that for a society to be perfect, there needs to equality and freedom- socialism.
It would be fun to take a peek in an alternative universe were each race was only race in existence.
Do you live in the country? The social atmosphere is completely different in the big cities (I suppose only Riga in Latvia), then again I was exaggerating a bit, but I think this attitude is mostly caused by the urbanization, for example Georg Simmel (a jew no less) wrote about this over a hundred years ago in "The Metropolis and Mental Life" and I feel not much has changed
You know how you see somebody with less stuff then you and you don't walk over and give them your stuff? That's why.
That we are masters of the planet is a myth. We are one among the animals, most spend their whole lives dealing with their private personal drama.
nobody ever tries. every one pretends thats what they want to do but when they get authority they just screw around and do whats in their own best interest most of the time like 99/100
sadly none of them understand sustainability. if you dont fuck it up you can maintain higher profit margins for longer but its always some tards who want fast money who gain positions in the government
whites would for sure fuck off into different groups based on some crazy ass religion scams they made up like Mormonism or Scientology
East Asians would probably have the most advanced society
Because perfect is a subjective quality.
Shitty human ideology and emotion
If we were run by an ai everything would be perfect
Selfishness and entitlement
Cities are where the colleges and universities are. It's where people get indoctrinated into liberalism, feminism and marxism. That's why people in cities tend to be assholes and not care about other people.
It has nothing to do with how big of a city it is or how many people there are. It has everything to do with indoctrination and liberals importing non-whites.
Just look at Greece, France, Sweden or Germany. Look at what's happening in their big cities. Massive riots. No one trusts anyone. It's every man and womyn for xerself.
Then look at what happens when Japan gets hit by earthquakes and tsunamis - they cooperate.
Look at what happened when USSR was invading Latvia in 1991 - people got together and built barricades, people would volunteer to feed everyone, people would give free clothes to everyone, they'd share a fire, they got together as brothers and sisters. It's not the cities that turn people into assholes, it's the indoctrination.
>"""perfect society"""
>composed of greedy an violent humans
So when are we starting the cultural revolution ?
We are still stuck on the concepts of capitalism and communism and socialism etc. We need new schools of thought to solve today's emerging problems. Our ideas are too archaic
Honestly the Japan example is pretty interesting, and I would agree that universities are a big part of the problem, but I don't think that explains everything. For example China is known as one of the most apathetic countries in this regard, just refer to this video, for example youtube.com
Sure an anecdotal example doesn't prove a case, but I could dig up some statistics, I just don't think that's time efficient.
As far as the USSR invasion, the same happened here, not to mention the Baltic Way, it's weird how fast we accepted the International Jew, through seemingly innocent things like donations of books from foundations and other "initiatives"
Human nature. We are not perfect and thus we cannot create something perfect.
Blame black people. As a nigger myself I am well aware that it's niggers that are ruining the country I live in with our black power bullshit and having our indian puppets spew our racial hatred to cover our asses from being called racists.
We literally evolved to kill
We need to kill all the jews first.
China is a failed Communist state. It only confirms what I believe. Decades of Marxist indoctrinated followed by extreme poverty and starvation is going to completely demolish any sort of a trust between people.
China is an extreme example of what I was talking about. Those assholes are mad that their communist system failed and so they introduce a botched form of '''''''capitalism'''''' that is just as effective in keeping the population miserable as real communism.
because of conflicting powers and "I wanna be the king" syndrome.
it's evolution baby.
Oh shit
What is perfection?
Similar to what is referred to as "poverty" now
Life of someone now in poverty is basically equivalent to upper middle class 100 years ago
The way these western assholes are consuming Chinese products I'd say the Chinese are very successful
>finally get to mars
>stuck in tent all day
>hope to god air production machines dont break down in your sleep
>sit around and jack off
>go online
exciting stuff
>humans on earth send resources to build mars colony
>hundreds of years later they revolt
>no more taxes we are not human we are martian
>Mars Revolutionary War
>invade Earth
It's human nature
Babylon 5
your first point is rather debunked by the fact that when people get total freedom they yearn for control. the weak must be controlled by someone, to them life is chaos
Conflict is the endless path to perfection. Good ideas survive and thrive when tested with conflict.
It's natural to fear conflict, but these days people fear conflict to a degree that is unreasonable. People now fear the very concept of someone having a mild disagreement with the way they see things.
I imagine that your post is built upon the idea that a perfect society is a conflict free zone where everyone holds hands and there's no conflict. The idea that that is the perfect society is incorrect.
>We did a few decades ago.
Yes we can. But first we must purge our societies from agressive ideologies (like religions), and replace them with more suitable and peaceful ones. Then we will have to provide a large control over social life, including behaviour patterns, education, and overall order. Our united efforts would be a great step into became better race. Race that will be ready to explore galaxy, and maybe catch some attention from our extraterrestial neighbourhood. I guess they are far ahead from what we are now, so they don't treat us serious. At now. I hope this will change...
>in color
Oh, the irony in relation to its current state.
Because making a perfect society requires killing off or subjugating all the lesser societies in the world. Like what whites do now.
>Why are humans so inept at creating a perfect society? I feel like we have the resources and capabilities to do it.
We don't actually have the capabilities user.
1. We haven't evolved for that yet.
2. The bigger your society is, the more outliers there will be. There will always be duds, and that alone ruins a perfect society.
Different opinions on what a utopia would look like