Muslims parade elderly Christian woman naked through streets

>Armed Muslim mob in Egypt attacks elderly Christian woman, parades her naked through streets of Cairo

How will feminists defend their Muslims this time?

CAIRO — An armed Muslim mob stripped an elderly Christian woman and paraded her naked on the streets in an attack last week in which seven Christian homes were also looted and torched in a province south of the Egyptian capital.

According to the local Orthodox Coptic church and security officials, the assault in the Minya province village of Karma on Friday began after rumors spread that the elderly woman’s son had an affair with a Muslim woman — a taboo in conservative Egypt.

>How will feminists defend their Muslims this time?
No true Scotsman as always

Surely it's getting more and more difficult, seeing as these guys weren't even jihadists, they were just civilians. Like any civilian getting on a boat...

They'll cover their ears and keep on saying islam is not misogynystic

>#notallmuslims you shit lord. Bigots like you are a much bigger problem.
Same old, same old.

Hey fuckwit

I didn't click this thread not to see some granny pussy


They are spreading their faith as your own savior did, shitlord

>How will feminists defend their Muslims this time?

It's just their culture (tm)

What else do you need?

violence is always a cry for help

Most will pretend it didn't happen.

Unless a white man does it, then he's a disgusting animal who should be killed in the name of peace and tolerance.

If that was my mom, I'd cut their dicks off one by one and make them watch me feed em to pigs.

Niggers, always keeping it classy.

exactly this
the media will hide this as always in favor of poor dindu shot by le evil white man while after robbing somebody


I didn't believe that was real.

This pope should die.


I see you're on about 5 or 6 layers, my dude.

The problem of people like this is that they are mostly just oppressed by terrible physical realities like being fat and/or unfit, caused mostly by having no spirit and sometimes poor genetics, so they will equate everything because they are unable to find any real satisfaction whilst having freedom.
Combined with an unwillingness to admit to their submissive sexual nature you will get shit like them defending islam and savages due to being pressured into not being submissive by muh feminism. Basically fighting their own subconscience like a bunch of lunatics.

The feminists will ignore it.

>parades her