Redpill me on women, Sup Forums

Redpill me on women, Sup Forums.

Pic related.

They're the jews of gender.

>Trusting anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die

Don't fall for the ovarian kike!

>They're the jews of gender.

Holy shit, are they really that evil?
I always had my suspicions due to their odd bejavior in chatrooms, but I didn't realize they were that nasty.

I prefer this one right here

They want all your resources and if they don't get them they'll use the State to get your resources

They use their sexual attraction as a currency to have dominance over you.

but in the end we're powerless due to biology. unless you're a fag ofc

Literally degenerate.

France knows what's up

You think they are just men with vaginas but they are actually entitled aliens who thrive on your misery and paycheck money.

>what do you call the useless skin around the vagina?
The rest of the woman


at least financial dominatrices are honest desu

Top kek

You disgusting sodomite

When you fuck them in the butt, it feels the same as a pussy.

vaginas are legitimately gross. they remind me of some sort of insect or alien.


I've got news for you.

so wait, the vulva is the whole thing? I thought it was a part of the thing

So my girlfriend is ultra submissive and believes women are inferior to men.

Have I hit the jackpot?

queers usually do

evil stupid dickless faggots

good looking vaginas (on the outside) are just very very rare man

no, not really. just because it feels good on your dick doesn't change the fact.

they remind me of a shotgun wound, that never heals

In the western world, only girls with legit mental issues believe that these days unfortunately. Be careful.

women are so fucking useless

>Redpill me on women, Sup Forums.
They're irresponsible.

There. Redpilled. Can we stop having these threads now?

>conductor we have a problem

>the conductor is a woman