Only 63 percent of the U.S. is white right now

>only 63 percent of the U.S. is white right now
>supposedly gradually decreasing
>they say by 2040 we will be a minority

Are they trolling or serious? If this is true we must prevent it. Immigrants are fine but them making white people a minority in their own country isn't acceptable.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's already happened cunt. By 2040 we'll be WAY below 50%. Only thing to do now is to recoup our loses and cut out chunk of this country and keep non-whites out of it.

As I recall newborns are already a minority or will be in a year or two

It was bound to happen edventually, the US is a colony, not indignous white land

thats horseshit. for almost 200 years it stayed White majority. it was subversion that changed it.

I don't even get how that's possible considering we're at 63 percent. We need to bang more.

Subversion and the fact that you will be outbred by minorities if you allow them to do so

Instead of letting a bunch of illegal immigrants in why doesn't the government help fix their own countries so they can stay there? This temporary fix isn't healthy for them or us.

USA is less than 20% white
i'm 6ft and when i came to usa all i see is a river of manlets and black hair.

Both. Projecting demographic shifts decades out is always iffy, but we still a fucking huge problem. Just Fuck and have kids, no excuses.

That was in California lad.

Naturalized spic birthrates start to drop to white levels after a couple of generations, it's the bastards that keep bringing in more.

>This temporary fix isn't healthy for them or us.

It's great for them. The goal here is the abolition of the nation-state. Get enough Mexicans in the US and Canada, and you got yourself a North American superstate. Throw in some Mudshits for occasional terrorism and identity politics to keep the pro ppl a divided and you got yourself a cozy empire of 450 million people.

It's all traceable to this:

At least the black population will stay relatively static thanks to abortion.

And what percentage of that 63% is mud eyed pseudo-shitskin "whites"?


No way you've ever left Chinkland

It's not "minorities" though. It's 1 very specific group.

Easy fix, IMO.

This just motivates me even more to become a family man when I get older.
Those that plan this out are crazy. This seems like it's linked to a NWO for sure. I heard it's starting here in the U.S. which explains why they're making a entirely new country.

youll be surprised at how many midgets exists in the us

>"However, immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and "special immigrants" had no restrictions."

As soon as they get citizenship they can bring their entire family in. That explains it.

Your females are either whores or vampires, of course your race is dwindling. Blame the jews media for that, tv and now the internet killed your female's personality.

As soon as the white people become a minority, 1984 will happen. And they will be no turning back.

62% white, 49% of the newborns are white(aka they are a minority) add the 30 million illegals you got all over the place, America resembles a latino country more than a european one

Actually its a good thing a white american minority
you no longer have the burden of being a majority, will form more cohesive communities since other minorities become progressively hostile and sjws will be purged

Every civilized race is experiencing dwindling birth rates. The same thing is happening in Japan and they aren't subject to the Jewish propaganda you mentioned. The difference is they aren't being phased out in their own country as a consequence of being subjected to mass immigration.

I bet that's true but the Jewish propaganda is definitely making it much worse.

Yeah but I don't know enough about their situation to claim that I know what's happening with them. Here however it's pretty clear.

The solution is easy.
give men an intensive to get married.
pic related

>sjws will be purged

To get an idea of what America will be like for whites once they become a minority, we only have to look at South Africa and Zimbabwe.



Gotta increase the newborn rate to at least 70% white.

White man come home.

>only 63 percent of the U.S. is white right now

And these 63% still includes past generations of whites, so the real number is far worse.

That's what you get for giving white women too many rights.


Why am I always the one who has t opost all of these? how many times have I posted all of these already?

seriously folk, save them

[urge to liberate intensifies]

Trump's our only hope I think

basically New England is one of the last strongholds. If you live there, you have to fight and die for it. Defend the USA at all cost

and this is just for fun

On the bright side, once the US is majority shitskin, it will be just as backwards and impoverished as every other shitskin nation, and they won't want to come here anymore.

>inb4 eurocucks come with their
don't think it's not coming to you too

Holy shit that sweet perfect ass.

Why isn't there a graphic of percentage negroes on your collection?

>That was in California lad.

and its already happened

check and mate gringo


Don't get it. Why are states sometimes red and sometimes blue?


Why don't you stop trying to find different statistics and just say that southern states have more niggers.

ah yeah, forgot to post this one

You people just want a reason to feel like victims, it's pathetic.

I didn't make this
that's why I posted this just before
if you have anything that shows IQ in southern states by race share it with me

You're a cute jew.

You're already a minority. Whites are less than 50% of babies born in the US today. Demography is destiny.

You'd better start fighting soon white boi.

This land belongs to the Native Americans anyway.

>only 63 percent of the U.S. is Amerindian right now
>supposedly gradually decreasing
>they say by 1830 we will be a minority

Are they trolling or serious? If this is true we must prevent it. Settlers are fine but making Amerindians a minority in their own country isn't acceptable.

Fuck some Mexican women... DUUH

>tfw live in a red one


>we wuz Americans n shiet

>I don't need science when I have my leftist beliefs!