TRUMP GENERAL- Comfy American Bedtime Edition

TRUMP’S BIRTHDAY IS SOON. Tweet a picture of a handwritten/homemade Birthday Card message dedicated to Donald Trump here:

EMOTIONAL: Trump Kisses the banners of The Remembrance Project Moms’ children at Anaheim Rally!

>Delegates Trump: 1,239 (+2 More than Needed)
(Hit the ‘magic number’ on May 26th)



>Trump Supporters Thanking Riot Cops in San Diego
>Trump in San Diego, CA 5/27/16
>Trump in Fresno, CA 5/27/16
>Trump in Billings, MT 5/26/16

>Ben Garrison on Infowars 5/27/16
>Scott Adams on Real Time w/ Bill Maher 5/27/16
>O’Reilly Special – The Trump Phenomenon
>Meet the Trumps

>Anti-Trump Protester Harasses young mother, gets Humiliated
>Introducing: TrumpCoin
>Trump Parody: Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice
>Trump – Everybody Hurts

Official /Trump/ Playlist



Other urls found in this thread:


I make pooost

I've been a Trump guy all my life. I fucking love the man. I bought a hat, went to a rally, told all my friends about him.

I even converted some people to the cause.

But yesterday, something upset me. I can't believe that Trump would go back on his word to debate Bernie. Imagining someone who can't keep his word is tearing at my soul. I was trying to sleep last night but trump denying the debate was playing behind my closed eyes like a movie.

I didn't sleep last night.
I just ordered a Hillary bumper sticker. It's been a long fight, but it's good to know I'm now on the right side. And honestly, you should be too.



Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me
>Trump loves me not
Trump loves me


>Barrier Breakers



Absolutely not. You may use his bathroom, though.

I used to believe AWOO is harmless.
I was so wrong.

Stay High Energy Senpai.
November will be glorious time this year.


trump vs biden? thoughts?

Why haven't you voted for Libertarian party Sup Forums ?

>paint this continent red

I am now an #AwooseMissle

For those of you who missed it last thread.

Breaking Poll: Trump Is Beating Crooked Hillary In Oregon

I watched the debate it was a fucking circus

One of the Libertarian candidates suggest the US hire pirates to fight isis


0 / 10 bread OP

>personal army requests
>bossy instructions

I was voting for Trump but your smug anime girl is the last straw, I am now #MakingJohnsonBig.

Bill needs bodyguards now !!!


*finishes jacking off


*binge watches 3 seasons of anime


*hugs waifu pillow


*jacks off again

it's an awo--

*wonders where it all went wrong


Reminder, if you are buttburt about animes than you are supporting reddit agenda
Reminder, if you are buttburt about people buttburt from animes than you also are supporting reddit agenda

By pirates they mean mercenaries?

>One of the Libertarian candidates suggest the US hire pirates to fight isis
That's just the same as hiring unqualified mercenaries.

is there a TrumpNightlyNews?
>Need past 24hrs

>Oregon going red

The absolute MADMAN

cry more faggit

Stop making sense 7dub.

Its fucking over.

Yes user.

>comfy American bed time
>haven't been able to sleep with out feeling i need to piss but ONLY when i lay down

Don't tell me how to be a faggot namefag, aussiebro

What color shirt to buy? White, red, navy or black.

They meant like actual sea pirates from africa mate

Also another candidate said that blind people should not be allowed to drive and he got booed

They also booed a candidate that said heroin should not be sold to 5 year olds

And one guy kept sperging out hardcore

It was cringeworthy

>Women need bodyguards around Bill

> “Letters of Marque and Reprisal are how Thomas Jefferson would have dealt with ISIS. I’m confident that his foreign policy, based on free market approach, would handily win the struggle against radical jihad,” Petersen stated

I wish.
I can feel my brain cells dying from all these awoo/anti-anime shitposts

please, tell me more.


>tfw your post gets copypasted

weebs will never stop posting their waifus. but there's no reason those of us who hate anime can't shit up the thread with them


I've never seen that webm, thank you family.

its a bernie bro tier OP, OP
(full of fuck ups)



I don't see a problem here

Trump? Oh wait do you mean that coward that wouldn't debate Sanders?

>How AWOO makes me feel

I mean paying criminals in the area to murder ISIS members does have some merit, it's just unfortunate that all the criminals in the area already are ISIS members.


I know that feel

If only there were a way to downvote awoo posts.
Who's with my guys? xD

It's saturday night here and I'm stoned as fuck. You make the next thread you abo.

>Australia is disregared automatically as a troll.
Gets me every time.


and Ron Paul said he would vote Libertarian instead of Trump.

Probably hesitant making that decision now.

If Sanders can get the nomination he can get plenty of debates with Trump. Shouldn't be too much to ask of him since Hillary is losing in blue states in the polls and even her own campaign team admits she's going to be indicted at this point. If he can't even get the nomination away from someone like that he isn't worth debating.

>Also another candidate said that blind people should not be allowed to drive and he got booed

>They also booed a candidate that said heroin should not be sold to 5 year olds
WTF lol. They are just as absolutist as leftists, and shit for the same reason. Didn't Gary Johnson pick a big anti-gun guy as his VP? That party got fucking hijacked.



One of the mods of that Awoo subreddit is definitely Anti-Trump and it's been around for a year. All he talks about is computer games. Not sure if this means what I think it means.

Every time they show another American flag burning his numbers go up

Bernie hasn`t earned a debate against a republican candidate and beyond that the stipulation was he would have to donate a certain amount to charity but he is a Jew.

It's what happens when almost every single decent Libertarian is a Republican.

Hillary will smother him soon for sympathy votes

>leading slightly in Oregon
>only down 7 in New Jersey
>Only down 8 in Connecticut

Because they're utterly incompetent who have piracy as their only option besides starvation. I could understand if they meant PMCs, but this is retarded. Plus the places were piracy is prevalent have Muslim influence anyways. It would be absolute lunacy to entrust the United States' military operations to a bunch of untrained criminals. It would be a fiasco, you think people like could keep mission critical info secret?

>Bill needs bodyguards around his woman.


I'd like to be as Libertarian as possible, but I hate "dude weed" and I think all hippies and leftists should be killed.

The day Trump gets elected is going to be awesome.

>chimpouts by dindus and spics
>young Turks kill themselves
>wolf blitzer and megyn Kelly melt down live on air

I'm going to need like 10 screens to watch the magic happen in real time. What else should I add to the list?

Bernie should debate McAfee and his black wife.

They will have a shit storm over the Civil Right act saying how utterly ridiculous it was.

>Only down 10 in Commiefornia

>Hillary is a reverse cuckold

The wouldn't have mission critical info, they'd have bags of gold in exchange for ISIS heads.

Normies are just starting to understand that these people hate them.

I think the idea is to make them do it for free, (we tried paying some, right?) but the question is how they make a profit apart from seizing assets that Syria/Russia will take back

Killing sandniggers doesnt seem terribly profitable.

>Twitter and Facebook go offline

Donald should just get /k/ to do it

Amazingly enough there was a time in the US when the social stigma attached to degenerate behavior was enough to stop most people from engaging in it.
These days not so much.

Also tied in Virginia, down 2 in NH, and there are the Quinnipiac polls for FL, OH and PA


do i fit in yet guyz XDD epic reddit raid !

Then they would never get anything done. ISIS is way better trained than these fools, a boat crew can fight them off. We gotta send in strike teams to capture oil fields, that kind of thing. Not send in hordes of incompetent niggers to soak up ISIS bullets. We'll run out of pirates before they run out of ammo.

But what if we just said, "Go get 'em".
I'm thinking like fire and forget. Shouldn't pirates be on par with insurgents who fire 50 cent bullets.

Could be worse, you could be in my country. Pretty sure even the worst hippie leftist Libertarian from the US would be considered far right up here.

Does that make me a conservative?

I am finding anti-Trump posts from one of the mods of the Awoo subreddit. And it's a year old. Am I getting rused?

Why does Lord Kek favor Trump when his rule will ultimately lead to more order and less chaos? In the time from now until a few months after he becomes president it will be non stop riots and rustling but after that what does Kek get out of it?

We would never accomplish any mission objectives is what I'm saying. We gotta assassinate their leaders, take their resources, cut off their money. The big one is the resources, and for that we need trained soldiers on the ground who are hooked up to the giant support and logistics network known as the US military.

Then America doesn't have to spend any money since they're all dead and the African piracy problem just got taken care of. That's a win too.

I don't know anymore.
Maybe a Goldwater/Nixon conservative, but not as they are now.

Ordo Ab Chao

So Trump says he has 15 states in mind that he thinks are in play and wants to focus on to win the election. What states do you think he means?

Obviously we can automatically assume he is going to hit the standard Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania etc states hard but what are some states he can realistically flip?

I think Oregon might be a state to look at, it's very white and George W. Bush came close in 2004. Connecticut and Maine he should hit, or at least Maine 2nd congressional district.