If Arabs were Christian would you consider them white?
If Arabs were Christian would you consider them white?
>White religion
Nice try.
here's a christian arab for you
>If Arabs were Christian would you consider them white?
Arab litterally means mixed, so no: Arabs are arabs, mestizo, mulatto, michelins whatever.
The white-nonwhite dichotomy is really based on nothing else than subjective personal feels, so if the Arabs were Christian and a part of a wider Christian identity along with us most people would probably think they are white.
Copts and levantine Christians are white
This guy is Pashtun, not Arab. And he is nordic-Mediterranean.
what? Arabs are a Semitic people. It doesn't what their religion, they are NOT white.
Yes but I wouldnt want to live around them
If you ask some Sup Forumsack they would say Slavs are white, someone else would say they aren't and someone would say they are but Latins aren't and others may say neither really is white.
It's all so fucking subjective I see no reason why Certain Semites wouldn't fit right in.
Race is not subjective. Arabs are not white. That was the question
Daily reminder
Shouldn't there be a much more commonly accepted definition of white around here if it is so objective?
You didn't happen to save the image as well?
I agree there should be and believe there would be if this place weren't so full of disinformation.
That's not how it works, my white friend.
If I was unemployed would I be black?
No, and even IF I would, I still wouldn't want them in my country.
>if Argentinians were Christian would you consider them white?
still no.
no they tan. im more flexible than some others in what i consider white but you cant be able to tan if your a real white person. you should only turn pink
depends on the person, there are people who only consider germanics white and there are others who see hispanics and arabs as white... i guess for me its europeans with at least 75% european ancestry that i consider white. so no.
There are literally millions of Christian Arabs in Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.
Lebanon as well of course.
So most ethnic Swedes aren't white?
>Arab litterally means mixed
I'm an Arab Christian and I don't consider myself white.
Arabs/Turks (all middle easterners) have a different way of communicating than we do. What we'd consider "lying," they really do not.
Anyone who has spent time there will tell you, take anything an Arab says, divide it by 4, subtract 10, and you might have something approaching the truth.
Part of the reason Syrians/Afghans are a disaster. They really don't think it's immoral to claim to be from Syria or claim to be 12 when they 35 to get more monies.
So what counts as true information about it?
Are Slavs our kin or not?
>being that rugged and handsome
He isn't white thats for sure
That means 85% of Europe isn't white.
being european is irrelevant, its a peice of property,a valuble one but nothing more than an object with sentimental value. what matters is your blood and other cultural links that tie together the living group unit
What about Iranians
iran is a state, anyone can and does live there. only the persians that live there are white
Word means mixed
Call them white?
Please Steakanon study bible again and look where the new testament took place.
I love the Christian Arabs/Persians I've met. Very polite and considerate. One is buying me a burrito right now.
Doesn't mean they are white.
idk but they are hotter than Aryans. they have beautiful eyes