I'm curious, how many people here are classical liberal as opposed to "red pilled" ?

I'm curious, how many people here are classical liberal as opposed to "red pilled" ?

i'm a liberal but i also acknowledge the truth about islam and relaxed illegal immigration enforcement and the detrimental effect it has on western society.

I consider myself a paleocon without all the "open borders" shit most rebbit shills seem to tag on libertarians and paleocons.

Classic liberal is an outdated term, saying that you're a classic liberal is saying that you're a libertarian.


I'm not all for open borders, especially with people dragging a barbaric idealogy into the western world.

Ask a more meaningless and inconsequential question next time you catastrophically large homosexual

yeah but most rebbit kike shills tag open borders on libertarianism the same way they tag the "Drumpf" meme on Trump.

I am a Straussian Neoconservative.

This fat neck-beard does nothing but sit on his ass and rant about shit liberals do and then repeats the same goddamn "N-not all liberals" meme. Every attempt at debate he lost, some of them he even got an 'asexual' snowflake to mop the floor with his face.

He's a typical feminist like brain-dead liberal and the only thing he's able to accomplish is proving the fact furthermore that Liberalism is a type of mental disorder.

I consider myself both. Liberal doesn't mean you are some retard that thinks islam is good for society and feminism is great. SJW's arent liberal, they are radical leftists who dropped all the liberal principles of things like freedom of speech long ago.

>that Cheap ass cigar


I call myself classical liberal. I've got some left wing views and some right wing views, but modern liberalism is a cancer

Leftists, not liberals.

Pretty much what this guy said, except I stopped watching wrestling because I can't stand Roman Reigns.

>much classical liberal. Conservative in a fedora

He's not a fucking classical liberal (even though he thinks he is). If anything he's a social democrat.

Liberal - in the classical sense.

You have an open mind then.

It's a bit complicated since "libertarianism" is generally associated with the political right - chiefly in the US - while liberalism is more about freedom and progress, and not to be mixed up with conservatives fetishizing the good old days, aversion towards social progress. It's a semantic mess since the socialists call themselves "progressives" and "liberals", while not really representing true liberalism. There's of course more to it.

I would consider myself a classical liberal. I'm for open borders after the welfare state has been abolished.

>aversion towards social progress
poorly formulated, but you know the deal: muh religion, muh pseudo-scientific doctrines about society and people.

Wrestlemania 31 When they decided to break the Undertatkers streak and let that faggot Daniel Bryan win, that killed wrestling.

>I'm for open borders after the welfare state has been abolished
I agree on a utopic level that nation-states might be something to do without.

Why not just open the borders and let that ruin the welfare state? :[^])

National liberal maybe

That was 30, not 31

Because the government has used lots of taxpayer money to build the system. I'm not radical enough to believe that these taxpayers should be robbed of all of their investments just to eventually change the system.

>Implying you can't be both

Basically this. I move more to the right everyday though, because I can't open my mouth to express any kind of slight disagreement with a liberal without being instantly tagged as a neonazi.

>tfw pol is politically correct af

Tell me again how free-market capitalism is radical and communism is the status quo..
>muh red pill

yeah my bad it was 30

Sargon is like a Sun Reader or the white van man who wrote bigoted bollocks for the Sun.

I'm a communist and an anti-racist. Not baiting, I'm being sincere.

Basically this, I recognise that universal values can only work if they are accepted universally, until that happens there have to be divisions between rival cultures

I'm not Libertarian. That's for faggots.

I'm Eco Fascist. I want a strng government that practices eugenics and protects the enviroment.


Sargon is that idiot who thought Sam Hyde was a Yale university BLM protestor? Yeah he's a fucking tool.

A nazi? The sheer gut!
I'm an austrian-economics authoritarian social conservative fascist with pagan spiritual influences.

i'm anti-authoritarian so just follow whichever party sums that up best. so far it's the right

Yeah man, like, if everyone, just, like, totally worked a little harder for each other, man, then, like, everyone would, like, have a little more.

I'm an anti-islamic liberal. I supported the old Turkish government that banned hijab ,kuran and other islamic shit in schools, universities and public places. I also love Ataturk who tried to make people forget about islam and change the society towards the west.

But everything else, laissez faire laissez passer.

these "classical liberal" people are cancer
they will swallow all the discontent by being "normal people" regarding homosexuality, promiscuity etc, but they recognize that feminism and Islam are shit