i don't remember it being there tbqh. just noticed it last night and got a little shaken. the world is too big of a place
>mfw what the fuck is this part of california
War is how Americans learn geography. -- Ambrose Bierce
>education American PO
Yeah that looks like it should belong to the US and not Mexico.
Will Trump take it back?
In the late 19th century there was a large earthquake along th SA fault that broke that strip off of mexico.
It's the cock that you nuzzle while we dp you.
It kinda looks like Florida's weird brother if you think about it
I honestly never noticed it before, either, until a few weeks ago. I thought I was just being dumb, because noone else talked about it.
It's Baja California, and it was never part of the United States.
That is Baja you uneducated piece of shit.
don't go about talking to people while wearing the grey fox cowl
There's nothing there, really. Only Tijuana, but that's not in the peninsula itself.
wtf are you talkinga bout m8
it started separating 12 million yearsa go
I went to Puerto Vallarta once for a holiday. Mexico sucks. Met some funny Yanks there, though.
haha florida looks like a benis
No there's a fucking Mayan pyramid there for one you retard
>American not even known Baja California
Do you guys learn anything in school at all? Or is American school just a place to keep youths so they don't roam around stealing cars and pushing drugs?
I doubt there's a Mayan pyramid there. Mayans never got there
>Says the fucking german cuck who loving all the mud dick he's getting
That's Baja. It's a pretty cool spot if you like whales and surfing.
lol mayan pyramid, what a dumbass
>be american in high school
>take 2 years of "american history"
>it's all about the civil war and muh slavery
>take 2 years of "world history"
>it's all about hitler and muh jews
>Berstein California
>'merilard geography education
That's baja california