Was he right to get rid of niggers, faggots, kikes, disabled and other degenerates?
Was he right to get rid of niggers, faggots, kikes, disabled and other degenerates?
so says the kike
why did the USA give you zionist jews free land i dont get it
you dont deserve it desu
think of it like this: if you're a businessman and you have incompetent employees holding back your business's productivity or breaking the rules, you would get rid of them right? its not necessarily ethical because these workers have families to feed and by firing them you're depriving them of their livelihood, but at the end of the day you have to ensure your business meets its goals and customers demands.
you WOULD say that, wouldn't you?
Top 10 Things The Nazis Got Right
homogeneity = stability = progress = happiness
that's absolutely clear, even to the left
it's just about how you achieve that
Get rid of? yes. Kill? mmmmm it's better to kill indiscriminately.
nah he wus nice about it he left records senpai
it's better to be friends with the zionist jews than it is to be enemies
they cause all the wars in the wold senpai
He was jewish himself. Hitler was sick. Not like in a degenerate way, what i mean is he needed help. He needed love. The world clocked him as a loser and the world found out they were dead wrong.
He had an iq in the 130s by contemporary estimates. He was a great man, just misguided.
Jews didnt deserve to die
Was he right to remove any freedom of speech?
War drives economy, helps reduce population, and provides job security for the military. I welcome hostilities.
> friends with jews
You fail to understand one or more words of that.
>Jews didnt deserve to die
they kinda did kek
if you only knew what they were doing to the economy
watch this
He was right
and this
being "friends" with jews is the same thing as being "nice" to the group of 10 niggers you just passed on the street.
>survive and fight your battles as an user
he killed too many whites and his mikro penis got hard when he thought about islam, if he would just have killed the disabled the niggers and the mudslims, he would have been right
>he killed too many whites
kikes are not white they're semites
just like arabs...ie palestinians
second post best post
get fucked schlomo
however he killed also anglos, french, and a lot of slavs
they kinda deserved it desu
>Implying there were Mudslimes or Niggers in any substantial number to kill in Germany during Hitler's lifetime.
A quintessentially Jewish misdirect.
If Hitler had succeeded Jews wouldn't ever threaten Europe again and we would never face the demographic catastrophies that we face today.
The problem have never been minorities of any sort. The problem will always be human interaction and power struggles thet deeply sicken humanity.
Hitler used good Germans as cannon-fodder after he underestimated the Russians. He should have finished off England first or just stayed the fuck out of Russia. Fuck the Jews, Hitler did a lot wrong but he did a lot right and kicking out the fucking Jews was definitely right. Just fucking look at the economic recovery after they were banished.
uh germany isn't u.s.a you fuck head we dont all have a history of fucking niggers holy shit americans seem to have this idea that every other white nation is like them fuck I hate americans so much
jesus christ, i do not think jews are the problem, they are the only ones thoday who remove kebab on a proffessional level
Europeans are too cucked, the problem is that we let marxists live and spread their propaganda and cuck ourselves through hate speech laws
It didnt went as intended tho
nazis were brutal in their ways, but if they had succeeded we would be all living in a much better world today
well except for slavs, jews and probably niggers that is
The jews would have just bought america and we would have nuked Berlin right after Hiroshima. FDR and Churchill fucked everything up. Too many egos and old wounds in WWII
>uh germany isn't u.s.a you fuck head we dont all have a history of fucking niggers holy shit americans seem to have this idea that every other white nation is like them fuck I hate americans so much
fuck you, america's hat
eat some poutine you waste of space
Cultural Marxism aka kikes is why you have those laws. Brought on by muh 6 gorillion never again never forget bullshit.
If you ask a nigger they blame all white people. They seriously fucking do. They would call you a racist just because youre German. They're scum of the planet. Literall dirt.
He never did any of that.
Slavs would have been left alone after he took their oil fields. They may have even ended up bros after they were no longer a threat.
>If you ask a nigger they blame all white people.
there's a reason why their IQ is so low
watch this
yes but htere are political parties, that do want to abolish laws, that cuck the white race, however white normalfags are too cck to vote for them and rightwings are too cucked to form paramilitary groups to take over, so you can blame the kike if you want, however I think it's just an sorry excuse for being a cuck
He was spot on. The current black communists #blacklivesmatter just yell and throw bottles while the jew spies pull their strings (Soros), although not a spy in the traditional sense.
True. Normiecucks are the fucking worst but the younger (educated) generation is starting to see through their bullshit. Thats why they're trying to flood in the 3rd world bloc voters because the normiecucks are about to become the new babyboomers in a few years. The out-of-touch assholes that don't even know they ruined the fucking world.
yes we will fucking take our nations back soon. 20 years I say.
>while the jew spies pull their strings (Soros), although not a spy in the traditional sense.
well they perfected the way they function, senpai
before they were spies and detractors, but they realized money can control the world and how the world sees them: ie hollywood, big money (soros) israel (weapons), etc etc.
nixon was fucking right
>yes we will fucking take our nations back soon. 20 years I say.
It's too late
You can start today by beating the fuck out of Trudeau who is probably the biggest cuck of them all
>You can start today by beating the fuck out of Trudeau who is probably the biggest cuck of them all
but it's 2016
yeah lets just make sure we know who is below who here
>subjugating and opressing different cultures which do not work as fittingly as the German culture due to ethnocentric behavior and different values is not the right thing to do
faggots might've not deserved it, they can integrate very easily if their gayness is accepted in the sense that they cannot form a culture based completely around it anymore
Kikes though deserved everything they got...they should've been wiped completely
>nixon was fucking right
thats why he had to go
Yes. Societies thrive when you weed out the false positives.
Sadly, it would require an acceptance of great injustice, prejudice, and cruelty to achieve what he asked for, and for this alone we cannot achieve what he fought for.
It has simply become inhuman to strive for perfection as society.
>thats why he had to go
well he kind of cucked himself there
but yeah
At least Obongo didn't apologize for Hiroshima.
yeah because that's at all relevant
im just glad he didnt get rid of anime
>Would require an acceptance of great injustice, prejudice, and cruelty.
Have to disagree with you there. Nazi Germany was/would have been a great place to live as a German citizen. If you were not a German you simply had to go somewhere else. You were free to form your own awesome society elsewhere, just not in Germany
Don't get me wrong, Obama is by far the biggest fuck up of a President in at least 80 years. Obama is just a corrupt globalist scumbag But Trudeau makes me want to vomit even more. His pandering is at another level. He treats minorities like they are mentally-disabled kindergartners, he babies them, he coddles them, and he acts like a 14 year old making a movie about "what a president should really do" and acts it out in real life.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler described children resulting from marriages to African occupation soldiers as a contamination of the white race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe." He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate." He also implied that this was a plot on the part of the French, since the population of France was being increasingly "negrified".
You're now working under the assumption that viewing non-natives as subhuman is acceptable.
The mass-slaughter of wrong-beings is fucking extreme. Actual extermination setups, mass-graves, gassing of kikes.
I'm not saying that society would not thrive. I'm saying that in order to reach perfection you would have to act with great cruelty, injustice, and prejudice.
And as a citizen of What-if-nation it would be necessary to accept this reality, and live with knowing what is done to actual human beings who do not befit the structure of your nation.
It would also mean giving up your children to extermination if they happened to be born crippled, homosexual, etc.
>hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate.
Isn't that what's happening now?
The more idiots there are in the public, the easier for the left to control and get free votes.
ie if they give amnesty to 11 million or 30 (whatever the number is in the U.S.) illegal immigrants, they will get voting rights.
That means landslide victories in every election.
2016 is a monumental time in USA. I feel like if USA can get uncucked, the world will follow suit.
We don't need bastard uneducated lazy scum in our society.
Yes I do view removinf of foreigners as acceptable.
" subhuman " why does this jewish thought enter your mind? Shut the fuck up with your implications, the insecurity on your part to try to paint any ethnic nationalist as only being racially supremacist as opposed to racially preservationist is an extreme ignorance that must be eradicated.
He could have done it without mass murder.
>expell all jews
>sterilise all mentally disabled and those with hereditary diseases.
>ban public homosexuality.
Not unless you lose the war of course in which case you fall back into a bigger slump you at first tried to come out of through war
Viewing a population as unworthy of living in one's country would require lowering their status as human beings to be subpar with what you stand by.
I'm not saying this in and of itself is wrong, I'm saying that it is required. I don't think we're talking about the same shit here, even.
What is Estonia like? Did anything crazy happen there during WWII?
>I do not think Jews are the problem
Hello newshit/leddit/kike shill
But most of that shit was exaggerated or falsified. If we just put them in a train and tell them best of luck, I don't see the problem.
Thats the kike fictional Nazi Germay. They didnt do 99% of that shit. History is written by the victors and the nazis lost. The jew propoganda campaign is 70 years and counting.
>Was he right to get rid of niggers, faggots, kikes, disabled and other degenerates?
He first and foremost got rid of the most able men.
Yeah no it doesn't.
Viewing others as not being a part of my people and not belonging doesn't mean I view them as " subhuman " because this is not a question of who is human or not but who are my people or not. The goal is to eternally preserve and strengthen this people and ensure they exist into the future.
they were killing jews with wrenches and mallets before the krauts even showed up
>holocaust never happened
Six million people exterminated en masse is a very probable number.
Please don't be that guy to call it bullshit. And for what it's worth it wasn't that terrible a plan. Our world as a whole would have benefited greatly from the total annihilation of the jew.
The problem with your solution is that it only moves the problem elsewhere. 9/11 happened despite the camel fuckers living across the planet. There will always be problems. Hitler was right about Die Endlösung, and this world will not survive unless something similar is done - and done properly, this time.
Or we can continue like we do now, until a plethora of domestic terrorist attacks cause a race war to weed out the wrong-beings in society (Western) as it is today.
I have reason to believe things went on as described in the history books.
There are still people alive today who experienced the horrors of extermination camps.
That's ridiculous, sorry.
Why do you even bother with that flag you might as well be israel when it comes to this topic.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be allowed to post, but I'm saying we already know your opinion on this question 95% probability by looking at your flag.
>He first and foremost got rid of the most able men.
You think it was easy being Hitler, Vladimir?
The nigga was paranoiod as fuck especially in his later years before pilling-out.
>your opinion doesnt matter because flag related
not an rebuttal
Who wouldn't be, considering how many of his most inner-circle made attempts on his life?
>I have reason to believe things went just as described in the history books
Please leave. Your level of naivete is embarrassing.
Nazi's created radical islam
Sorry but you've just been proven wrong. When faced with actual national socialism and reasoning, you run out of steam.
Another one bites the dust.
Our ideals continue to grow because the opposition has yet to disprove them, you can see them grow in various corners of the internet including mainstream ones such as youtube as evident by hitler speeches now hitting millions of views, and certain national socialist youtubers becoming popular such as evalion.
You people need to step your fucking game up if you run out of steam this quickly you are going to keep losing until we are finally Back.
>Who wouldn't be, considering how many of his most inner-circle made attempts on his life?
Wouldn't be surprised if some of his inner-circle were secret jews but hid themselves well.
He cucked himself but a brilliant man nonetheless.
Also literally all the problems you describe from white bring cucked to 9/11 are the result of Jewish plots.
You are either very bluepilled or a shill.
>beta kike detected...fuck off this board....you will not be so lucky the next time.... the kikes days are numbered...back to the oven for you.
Yeah well the russian can come back with an actual argument that requires a rebuttal , and Then you can make your same comment.
So delete your comment until that happens. Thanks.
I love you stormfags. It will be an honour to be liquidated by you.
t. nihilistic degenerate
>Jews didnt deserve to die
Neither did the million Germans that died during the failed jewish attempt of a communist revolution in 1918.
Jews have their homeland now yet still continue their past ways; it will never end for as long as they exist, lad.
i hate stormfags
this thread isn't about the aryan race you fuckfaces
it's about following darwinism's rules of survival of the fittest and measuring ethnicity by IQ.
there are plenty of shit tier honkeys that deserve to die in ovens too so fuck off stormfags
>his mikro penis
He also was into scat and a Jew and gay and a vegetarian.
It's pathetic seeing people swallow the propaganda goo this willingly.
Nothing crazy, at least not on a global scale.We got fucked by MRP and when the Nazis came people were willingly joining the wermacht to kick some soviet ass.
The Soviets were bad because they imposed their own ideology and language upon us, and deported a shitload of Estonians to work camps, mainly in Siberia(see: juuniküüditamine). Not to mention the executions of course.
The Nazis seemed favourable at first as they allowed us to use our own flag and create some sort of estonian corps for the wermacht with estonian officers to fight the ruskies. Nazis did kill some jews and other degenerates, and there were some camps, but overall it was a more favourable regime between the two
All we actually wanted was just to be independent :(
[buzzwords intensify]
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
What a fucking individualist degenerate.
Individualism, selfishness is something to triumph over and not embrace.
You really need some enlightenment and inspiration from Hitler.
So before you criticize more, at least taste what you are criticizing first.
There are some who claim this to be the case.
The events described in the history books are plausible. The 'theories' contradicting them are fucking tinfoil-hat-retarded in comparison. We may never know absolute truth, but holyshit the 'theories' speaking against what our history books teach us are ridiculous to say the least.
Hitler has a 99% success rate in conversion of european/white males.
What has that Goebbels quote to do with my post?
>actual argument that requires a rebuttal
The argument is Hitler's own words in the pic, retard.
This is true. Individualism was the first jew trick. And it's so obvious why they would push this nihilistic ideology - because the individual feels a childish instinct to have their own small mindedness and selfishness morally justified It is a basely attractive ideology, but the individual is weak and divided into individuals we are nothing, but through concerted action we become strong. The international cartels, who do work together, want to keep us weak and disconnected, so that they may enslave us.
The Nazis toyed with the idea of deportation, but ultimately it would've done nothing because they would've gone to the USSR/USA to incite more hatred against Germany (as did those who developed the atom bomb did) and in any case, a gigantic expulsion would've been a huge, open humanitarian disaster. The secretive nature of the operation was preferable and cheaper.
The disabled were killed primarily because the Weimar government had left care homes in an extremely deplorable, squalid state and the Nazis could not pay for any of it when their finances were running on borrowed time.
The Nazis were a lot of things but they were not stupid and they weren't interested in the same kinds of cuckservative compromises that had came back to bite Germany before.