do you hate women?
Do you hate women?
Why would I hate myself??
Usually, unless my cock is currently in one.
This. We're all cute girls here.
Fuck off you dirty slav nigger
Can you post some tits, please?
Yes all of them
Not if they have a cute feminine penis
Ruining western society.
You're just bitter because Slavic qts are superior to American landwhales, you jealous cunt.
No, I'm just frustrated because too loose and too fucking arrogant these days.
Would not help them if they are sexually assaulted because they can defend themselves right? ... equality?
how can you hate children?
I hatefuck women
Exactly this.
Sometimes, not always.
Would you like to see my feminine penis too? =p
No. I just don't give them any privileges and treat them like men if they are strangers.
Nah, just feminists. Most I know are rather good company.
absolutely. they ruined the west because they follow the message of marxist media kikes and parrot everything other sheeps do. they vote pro immigration even though it brings more rapists into our countries and if they are really brainwashed they'd rather breed with invaders.
women are so fucking degenerate.
>never talked to a girls longer than 10 sec except my mother
t. 24 years old
They are useless vain children who mistake feeling for thinking and believe their emotions create reality. They believe they are entitlted to everything, see themselves are superior yet somehow are perpetually victimized and constantly in meed of attention, money, and approval.
They have lost everything of value except their cunts, mouths, and assholes, and they don't even know how to use these properly.
Men fail to be men and then blame women for it. Women are just being women, you guys are being beta faggots
At least the girl's in high school liked me and treated me like a real human bean, male teenagers are fucking cancer.
this is so true
If you are an open and earnest person, women really know how to converse about deep personal things.
Once you have had a few women in your life that you have loved, you start realizing what life is really about.
A thousand times this! The current men of the world, especially western me dont learn how to govern women.
No, because unlike you I can talk to women and I have gotten to know a lot of great women that I frequently socialize with. Women are like any other group - diverse. There are horrible women, and there are great women and there are someone inbetween. The trick is to seperate then and it's NOT hard to single out the trash if you're not desperate.
Unlike you, I am not ugly. Unlike you, I am educated. Unlike you, I have bright prospects. Unlike you, I dgon't live with my parents. Unlike you, I'm not autistic. Unlike you, I don't blame my (very few) ills on women, jews, spics and other bogeymen. Unlike you, I got my shit together when I faced a rough time and changed for the better, by working out, reading and just going out.
They dindu nuffin
Jesus Christ how can you fucks be so blue pilled on women? Sure, you might fond decent ones now again or manage to tame the women in your direct control, but that does not change their nature. How can you treat these animals like people, and even elevate them above good, decent men?
I mean I'm sure youre a real level headed guy and all, but who are you talking to? What kind of healthy person posts that second bit out of no where?
Perhaps your mask of sanity is cracking at the seems...
Yep hate real women 2D is better.
No, I hate men who enable the stupidities of women
You need to find yourself. Your words are not those of someone with healthy human relations
>meet woman
>say she loves me
>get in fight
>wont talk to me all summer
>say she doesnt want to date
>texts me yesterday
>says she wants to be friends but needs time to heal and space
that's kinda what i thought as well, user
I love women. Till I dumped my seed in any hole of her body and her sexual attractiveness is 0. Then is she relevant for my no more.
Any problem with it?
She's a crazy bitch. Hope you didn't stick your dick in her.
Almost all the girlfriends I have had in the past have been incredibly materialistic and constantly wanted me to buy them shit.
I'm not MGTOW but holy fuck am i giving up on them.
i hate people who support women
No, they hate me for some weird reason. Forever a poo.
I would like them more if they weren't allowed to vote.
I showed this picture to my girlfriend and asked what she thought of it and she asked if it was a zombie apocalypse.
im a girl, with just a very feminine cock ok?
This is fucking Sup Forums
Political discussion,not this /s/hit
I don't hate people. I hate incompetence and ridiculousness (except for ridiculousness when it is harmless, e.g ridiculous characters in cartoons or video games).
The worst thing is.
>In today's society, this equals to hating women
wow how sexist and misogynistic of you
Hi, Sup Forums
I despise women, but love my gf.
Yep, but I still want to fuck them. desu its kind of annoying.
kek and nice dubs
Yes, even though ive had many positive experiences with them.
I just cant handle the lies.
Lift weights
make money
fuck bitches