Redpill a shitposter on modern german politics. I want to know whose good, whose bad and all the rest. All I know is merkel is shit and let all the mosloms in. I don't trust the media to tell me anything so I confide in /pol.
Redpill a shitposter on modern german politics. I want to know whose good, whose bad and all the rest...
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if you can make a more concrete question i will gladly answer.
Imagine a society of utter drones who sort their trash into five different categories, learn every year in school that their country is evil, and have no legitimate freedom of speech.
Their leader tells them they need to suck Muslim dick just two months after refusing to resuck Greek dick. They follow like good little collectivists and it makes them feel good.
The media, government and social media conspire to shut down any nationalist or opposition groups, actually raiding people for posting anti-immigrant stuff. At one point a refugee housing project was burned down and vandalised but a few months later a refugee admitted that he was the one who did it because he thought the accommodations weren't good enough.
Some Germans try to stand up, but they are treated as pariahs in their own society. Beyond cointelpro, they put themselves at risk of career suicide and being blackballed by the government from benefits, etc.
Keep sorting your garbage, Hans.
Germanbros: AfD vs. Alfa. What's your take?
I have two questions
1. I would like to learn German. Do you have any tips? Are there any differences (meaningful) between Austrian German, Swiss German or German German?
2. What are the views on assimilation in Germany? Subsequently, how important is maintaining German identity in Germany?
Op here,
What are the major political parties and what are the most contemporary political issues dividing them? Also'd like to hear a response to the canuck.
1.i guess the difficulty is given by your personal skills. i often hear its hard. differences are pronounciation, grammar is the same,some words are diffrent (tomato is tomate in germany but paradeiser in austria eg)
2. depends on the area where you are moving. as long as you are white, there will be no problems.
there are 5 important political parties right now.
1.CDU/CSU (csu is just cdu in bavaria)-conservatives
2.SPD- socialist party
3.Die Grünen-green party
4.die linke- communist/socialist party
5.afd -right wing party
we have a nice thing here in germany called "kampf gegen rechts" fight against right-winged, so right now its basically all parties 1-4 against afd cuz "muh evil nazis".
For the 2. I meant for the migrants. I might come to Germany to visit but I'm going to Switzerland to study. German universities are too good for engineering I hear.
you cant compare switzerland to germany, they are way more based.studying in germany is probably a lot cheaper than in switzerland.
this one is right but way too oversimplified
CDU is Merkel party, christian democrats with CSU being their bavarian, more conservative counterpart. Mostly middle class electorate and notorius opportunistic shits since Merkel took power as she mostly just did what the popular opinion was demanding, until last summer.
SPD is the Socdems. They were in charge before Merkel and their leader, Schröder, was actually decent putting the wellbeing of the state before vote outcome. He made incredibly unpopular reforms that saved our asses in the financial crisis. His clique got ousted from higher party ranks and a bunch of brainless retards took over who get fucked eternally by Merkel. Strong on the state level though
Die Grünen - literally 68ers. name something Sup Forums hates and you can be sure to find it in their party program. Also known for having a pedophile platform in the 70s
Die Linke - union of former GDR commie state party and left-wing radicals. Lots of infighting and general social policy bullshit, but pretty based on foreign policy and calling out hypocrisy of our government.
AfD - new party unifying everything from disappointed CDU/SPD delegates to outright stormfront retards. Started economic liberal but now are very leftwing on social policies. Anti-Islam, Anti-Immigration, Anti-EU and therefore currently the only viable option
Also you should know theres a gigantic divide between east Germany (homogenous, formerly commie, eastern european mentality) and the West (western european country, demographics and mindset).
For example the MP of my state is an SPD guy but regularly spouts out comments that would befit an west german AfD official.
i meant PM
Thanks for the info Hans
thanks for clarifying my statement, was a bit too lazy but can sign everything you wrote, maybe wouldnt say that east germany has an eastern european mentality, just way more used to get told shit which isnt obvsly true(redpilled therefore)
so there isn't any real right wing party in Germany?
Oh, also FDP is likely to make a comeback in the next elections. Economic liberals with somewhat unclear social policies, mostly have a "fuck the poor" approach.
yeah eastern european is the wrong term since east Germans have somewhat changed from them. Also being a Putinboo is obligatory here.
there is the NPD which is stormweenie central/ government honeypot. They literally could not get banned because there were too many government agents in it.
They are retards in every aspect. Most media cliches about "nazis" can be found here.
They're all bad except the one's with 0.000% votes
also if anyone still reads
these are recent polls, the grey numbers to the right are the results of the last election
"sonstige" is others, NPD is there alongside with Pirate party, Danish minority party, independent voters party and some right-wing splinter factions
>destroys country, loses 8% votes and still can win.
wew germany
thats actually really depressing
>>differences are pronounciation, grammar is the same,some words are diffrent (tomato is tomate in germany but paradeiser in austria eg)
>>grammar is the same
>> same
Ich bin Amerikaner, und das ist die erste mal höre mich das Ami und Deutsche Grammatik gleich sein.
the best thing is that were shifting further left due to the "Bündnis gegen Rechts"-Anti-AfD-policy
before 2014 there were two coalition blocks: SPD-Green and CDU/CSU-FDP, sometimes a coalition grande of CDU/CSU-SPD like we have on the federal level
now CDU loses votes, FDP is out and CDU has begun to ally with the Greens more often on the state level which leads to them getting more and more influence since the states can block laws in the state assembly.
So were shifting left because of more people voting right basically
no afd isn't willing to abolish gun requirements or state sponsored schools/universities or the minimum wage or mandatory health insurance or "free" unemployment money and probably wants to regulate the economy too.
>Danish minority party
literally why
Because its typically german to have 30 parties fighting against each other
Danish demand after 1945, the alternative would probably have been to cede Schleswig or some shit. In return the Germans in Denmark had a representative in parliament in Copenhagen until the 70s or so.
Fun Fact: They get a free seat in the state parliament of the northernmost state without having to pass the 5% threshhold, and somehow their one single vote in the state parliament ended up deciding who gets the government. SocDems made the better offer so now they have a danish minister (education i think)
I used to know a German-Danish girl, she hated Germany lel
Only ourselves can uncuck us.
Whoa whoa you still have a socialist party? How is that not ticking the nazi box?