G'morning user

g'morning user.
i hope you have slept well.
please share why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

Well I tried yesterday, but didn't went well

don't try again.

Can't promise, but I'll try

GF went home for 2 weeks so I can chill and do what I want for a while.

thanks. try hard.
we want you around.



Still have 2 do a few things before I go

Cause I have a date with a very pretty m'ladies

Because there are no tall buildings within walking distance.

using my last sick day of the year to work on some writing - which means there will be a new story created today that wouldn't exist if I wasn't around

whether you draw, write, play music, sing, or are just really good at dirty limericks - making art is one of the best anti-suicidal activities, both for catharsis and purpose

Coz I don't wanna.

I have to cook for Christmas

Every day that passes I feel more and more ready to go. The only thing that's stopping me is my mum, it would devastate her. No matter how bad I get I always hang on for her sake.

Because my family will be devastated and I'm too empathetic to end my suffering if it means causing them some.


whawt u cooking?
i'm glad
have a great date.
good you love ur mum.

I'm seeing a girl, don't know if she likes me but yeah, if this doesn't work out I will kill myself. Maybe if I plan a vacation ahead of time I could use that as a reason not to kill myself.

It's too much effort

don't kill yourself over a gril my dude, that's how people will remember you. the "beta who couldn't handle rejection, what a fucking pussy". there are plenty of girls out there, i garuntee there are plenty better than the one you're interested it. try not to get yourself fucked up over some girl brah.

>be me many years ago
>16yo self absorbed faggot depresso
>smoke pot and walk the dog at dawn before before bed
>decided one day not to kill self but rather just see where the ride ends

>be me today
>sysadmin at multinational with wife/kids
>read everything i can and am interested in the world around me
>love you faggots even though you're assholes because Sup Forums can be counted on to call me on my shit
>things i like - baking, algorithms, electricity, political philosophy and civics
>still waiting to see where the ride ends

nice dubs.
there are othter girls user.
congrats on the turn around user.

Getting a blowjob tonight from my very pregnant gf.