I'm a Muslim Arab ask me anything.
You are welcome to post insults and memes but you will kis your chance of getting real information without any bias.
I'm a Muslim Arab ask me anything.
You are welcome to post insults and memes but you will kis your chance of getting real information without any bias.
Why are you Muslim?
Do you prefer soft or hard tacos?
Why do Muslims flood secular countries then try to make them what they fled from in the first place? It's beyond illogical
>Muslim Arab
i love muslims, theyre the most non cuck people on earth. truly the best redpilled religion
go back
flag hidden
Why are you still Muslim. Aren't you embarrassed admitting to it?
vocaroo a couple of verses from some famous nasheed please
Why do Muslims flood secular countries then try to make them what they fled from in the first place?
I was born in a Muslim family and I like to keep my social statues with my relatives.
Because you invaded us and colonized us and installed puppet dictators and conspire against us all the time.
I know many Muslims in Australia too
Thank you Malay bro.
>coming from a muslim occupied country
You shitskins literally have nothing to offer society. Go smoke hash and fuck your sister if you didn't already stone her for getting raped by you.
They flood Europe for the money & opportunities, not Christianity or secularity. How is that hard to understand? It's really quite obvious.
so its fair game if we just nuke you?
So you're only a Muslim to keep you're social status good with you're family?
in their defense its the faggot liberals that let them in. those are the ones that need purging
That's right buddy. Y'all dindu nuffin. Whitey be terrorizin first n sheit.
Nah I like it here, it's little cold sometimes but fuck it. I'd rather shitty coldness to wars.
No I don't have to be ashamed of who I am just like you don't.
I don't memorize nasheeds bro
Are you Sunni, Shi'ite, or an offshoot such as Sufis?
Are you middle-eastern muslim, or did you/your family adopt Islam (such as so many blacks in America)
With all the stigma around Islam, why do you still practice/how firm are your beliefs/practices?
I am a Muslim in Australia then
Do Muslims worship Hitler as much as Sup Forums does?
What did muhammed (pbuh) mean by this?
>Because you invaded us and colonized us and installed puppet dictators and conspire against us all the time.
Lol, cru more faggot. Muslim countries tend to be shit regardless of foreign intervention.. Iran and Saudi Arabia, arguably the proto Shia and Sunni state are some of the most totalitarian places on this planet, and you didn't even need an invasion. Israel and Lebanon are some of the friendliest, and they're largely non islamic. I wonder why?
Fuck off Ahmed. This sort of thing might work on American college liberals, but not on people that actually know Islam.
How old where you at your first sexual encounter?
Social status, family honor and in many cases: Physical wellbeing . Muslims are a svage tribe. How is this news to you?
to bad this wasn't you
at this point you're just yelping in pain
What country are you/parents from?
I do know a lot of Muslims that really admire Hitler though. They pray to Allah to accept him as an honorary Muslim
Also some sources suggest Hitler had a huge affinity to Islam, and dreamt of a German Aryan nation led by white German Muslims.
I'm trying to understand them, do they even worship their god?
If i give muslim chicks nice facials, will you have to harm them?
What's your honest perception of what's going on in Europe right now with regards to rapefugees and second generation muslims?
Is kangaroo harem?
>Israel and Lebanon are some of the friendliest
In middle east I meant.
Why do Muslims think Islam is good when none of the countries they dream of living in are Muslim?
Do you get tired of praying fucking five tomes a day?
Do you think muslims are capable of integrating into western society en masse?
You've been fucking up and invading other civilizations literally since the beginning of your religion. You rape and breed like rats.
Jerusalem should have been a Christian territory, YOU ARE THE INVADERS.
I actually support feminism
It's human nature to immigrate why are you against human nature?
I think nuking would be the end of all humans literally
Yes also why do I have to be ashamed of my family and heratige to please some white trash scum?
I come from Sunni background but I have no problem with any creed
No only ignorant people like to quote him, but most people don't talk anything about him except his funny mustache
He liked women
6 or 7
Mother is Iraqi father is a non citizen Kuwaiti
I'm fine. I dislike the Muslim victim narrative they push everywhere. It's pathetic.. Why don't Muslims ever take responsibility for themselves, their families, children, countries, integration, leaders and brethren? Its always the Jews, the government, the shia, the sunni, western society or the Americans. It never seems to be your own fault, even though it usually is, objectively. From Iran to Ede to Syria this holds true.
is it true your women like it in the butt?
why haven't you suicide bombed yet? lazy?
OP do you agree with death penalty for apostates?
And before you say no compulsion in religion, I should remind you that Islamic scholars overwhelmingly agree I should be put to death.
Ah, I am familiar with the issues of citizenship in Kuwait :/
Are you familiar with how the Amish people in America have their own set of laws/rules and in general live separately from the rest of American society, while still following American laws? Do you believe Muslims could do the same in America as the Amish?
I think it's bad but we all need to help each other, we built Andalusia, spread knowledge in Europe in the Middle Ages and kept Greek knowledge it's your time to help
>do they even worship their god?
Many do the motions, but it's hard to day due to the fact they're not actually free to NOT believe in 90% of cases. Just imaginr fedora remarks are lashes and you'll get the idea..
Muslims are faggots. You're inbred animals that have accomplished NOTHING in millennia yet you have the largest egos? You're useless parasites. Allah isn't real and at best Mohammad didn't exist but at worst, Mohammad the pedo did exist. Kill yourself
What's it like knowing your religion is based entirely on false pretenses to maintain the birth of a civilization. Using every amount of historical evidence, scholars could not find any mention of memehammad fighting in any of the battles that the koran mentions;o mention of islam, no mention of memehammad.
I dream of living in a peaceful Iran or Iraq not the Canada actually, but I can't live there now its dangerous
It's basically win, win for them absolves them of sin (Hijrah) and they and don't have to work.
>I'm fine. I dislike the Muslim victim narrative they push everywhere. It's pathetic.. Why don't Muslims ever take responsibility for themselves, their families, children, countries, integration, leaders and brethren? Its always the Jews, the government, the shia, the sunni, western society or the Americans. It never seems to be your own fault, even though it usually is, objectively. From Iran to Ede to Syria this holds true.
Culture of victimhood. And the idea that your fate is decided before you're born. So it doesn't matter what you do and Allah will decide if you deserve heaven or not even if you did everything right.
>6 or 7
Family or friend?
>why are you against human nature?
I'm not. I'm against islam, as islam goes against basic human decency.
I pray rarely only if I'm pressured from my family or friends
>It's human nature to immigrate why are you against human nature?
Xenophobia against people different than your own is also human nature. Why are you denying human nature?
>Yes also why do I have to be ashamed of my family and heratige to please some white trash scum?
Do Arabs fail at reading comprehension?
He was asking if you are Muslim because you actually believe in the quran and worship a pedophile warlord and that there is no God but Allah. Or if you're simply a "muslim" culturally to maintain niceties with your relatives and not get honor-killed.
They're taking a page straight from the Jew's playbook with their victim narrative.
There's billions of them, they control dozens of countries and they posses massive amounts of oil wealth yet they try to portray themselves as a trembling little minority that needs protection.
I don't think it's possible on masses but who knows
Christfags are the original invaders during Roman times
>Complains about westerners invading their lands
>Shitskins conquered Spain, parts of France, parts of Italy, Sicily, Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, the Levant
You reap what you sow. Shitskin genocide when
>'How old were you when you got your first sexual encounter'
'6 or 7'
'I support feminism'
'I'm a muslim arab
This is shitty bait,even by Muslim IQ standards
Go back and fight if you want change. Or is that the job of western civilisation? >And the idea that your fate is decided before you're born.
INSHALLAH. stupid concept if you apply it to things like 'when will the train come?.. It's not gods will at all, its your lazy fucking compatriots paid to run the goddamn railways.
They willingly subject themselves to abject insanity.
Your political view? right or left?What's your vision of socialism?
Do Arabs poo in the loo or do you have designated shitting deserts?
I'm pretty sure they shit in eachother's mouth
>parts of Italy
Never happened, that were only raids
Do you support multiculti, or do you think it's like cancer to the world?
No but some do it to keep virginity, it's all urban myths
I like life and have a small business and pussy to pound at night
I disagree with it completely and actively
I don't think so in the next 200 years. But it could happen if Islam is hugely reformed in future
We acomplished many things eternal Anglo
It's not completely false. I believe truth is divided between all humans and there are many ways to God.
Thoughts on based Hussein (Saddam) and gay Hussein (Barack)?
How does it feel to be the lowest of the low, trying to preach your superiority from a country that sheltered you, whose culture you betray by calling them invaders? Arabs really have no shame.
of the 80 virgins you get when you suicide bomb the infidel, are any of them hotties or is it a rip off like christianity?
Very distant female family
Lol they don't even have a military
>We acomplished many things eternal Anglo
Funnily enough in the absence of the "great" allah we built the modern world and went to the moon. Islam on the other hand is just as backwards and barbaric as it was when we kicked your arses out of Europe the first time.
What do you do for a living?
Thoughts on Trump?
Did you vote for Weedman or no?
How did you find Sup Forums?
>Islam reform
>many ways to god
kufar pls. surrender your head.
Do you think we should let Muslims in (just in general)? I mean sure you MIGHT be a cool guy and all, but in masses, Muslims are a blight. Agree?
I'm extremely left wing and I support socialism to the helt
Is it a common practice?
You invaded christian lands before any crusade happened, what is Al-Andalus?
Of course we have toilets and we like to wash our asses with water and consider it unclean to just wipe
>I disagree with it completely and actively
What gives you the authority to disagree with this ancient and important Islamic tradition?
Fuckin rare holy shitdicks.
Do you want Europe and Canada to take in rapefugees or no?
The kikes put socialism in Russia, and look how that turned out
>extremely left wing
I think doing Ramadan is pretty difficult, and it also weakens Muslims a lot in this month. Is it true?
Fuck you are one dillusioned fuck. Slaveships came to Europe from Arabia and took whole islands as slaves back in the 1800's
I think it's a two edged sword but it has to happen everywhere with a slow firm process in some countries and a fast vigorous process in others depending on many factors
Yet Arabs are more arrogant than Hispanics about the superiority of their culture when talking one on one.
>it has to happen everywhere
So you want the whole world to be the same?
>but you will kis your chance of getting real information without any bias.
There's already lots of information on you guys out there. What do you mean "without bias" though? Without bias from you?
>it's a two edged sword
>it has to happen everywhere
You shouldn't let your religion define who you are. I believe most of us can can articulate ourselves, have a strong character, moral, ethics and culture without the need of religion l(I'm not an atheist btw I just think that religion can be obsolete in certain developed societies)
>It's not completely false. I believe truth is divided between all humans and there are many ways to God.
That statement alone would get you the death sentence in islamic countries.
>the whitey keep me down they rayciss dont accept our religion of peace
you sound like a nigger
The West invented 90% of everything in modern society, kindly fuck off, we've done enough.
Romans were pagans, not Christian.