You guys are delightfully sadistic, gimme some creative ways to vandalize a golf course...

You guys are delightfully sadistic, gimme some creative ways to vandalize a golf course. (You can also ask why I'm mad at a golf course if you want).

Get a hose and flood it.

Why are you mad at a golf course, OP?

Shit in the ball washers

Rip some burnouts through it on a dirt bike or a car if you're old enough to drive. Do a good enough job and it will be uninhabitable for at least a week or two.

store up a bunch of shit&piss, mix together, put a decent amount in every hole.

Motoctoss weekend

Or just shit in a hole

When we were young we would go around stealing all the flags from the holes.
We ended up with like 20

too easy to clean, if you are going to mess with something, do it in a way it is hard to fix.
besides, you want the shit to be liquid enough that it sticks to the ball, so unless he gets Diarrhea he'll need to mix it a liquid, hence the piss.

Release the golfers caddy shack style

Because you gave us a lolli I feel obliged to tell you this. Get weed killer and make the most obscene shapes you can think of. Swastikas, Dicks, Pentagrams it doesn't matter.
Go wild.


This is actually the best, do it do it do it

Step 1. Get a dog (can get multiple if necessary)
Step 2. Feed dogs 6 hours before going to golf course. Make sure it's gonna fill them up

Step 3. Get a tennis ball (or stick or whatever. However many needed depends on amount of dogs used)

Step 4. Take dogs to golf course

Step 5. Feed dogs an assortment of hardcore laxatives

Step 6. Play fetch across the entirety of the golf course

Bring a friend to help if necessary

Bury hardcore magnets under the driving area

I'm told high strength bleach in a spray bottle will work as well, but weed/grass killer seems faster to apply, especially the granular type.

Gophers. Lots and lots of gophers.

spray paint a bunch of dicks

Could also double to kill grass

break into the maintenance shed that holds the plumbing system for the sprinkler system
mix lye in with the tank, or system so the water picks up some lye or grass killer on the way to the sprinklers
next time they are ran all the grass is kill

or just one clever gopher

Superglue the flag in the hole.

I don't want to sound like a hippy but is there a way to get even without making them waste water to replace grass? Sure it sucks for the golf bros but it fucks everyone to waste water like that

there is no 'getting even'. It's just funny..ish...
Welcome to Sup!

Pour sand from the traps into the holes.

Remove flags.

Drive golf carts into hazards/crash them.

Buy a fuckton of nails and then strew the nails about the course to fuck up the carts and faggots whos tep on them, but make sure they're not rusty because then you would be a nigger.

if you really want to fuck them
take gasoline and poor it on the greens
Shit kills grass like no ones business
extra points if in the shape of a penis, and also dick and balls.