Ask a Mexican anything


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El de rojo me lo cojo

Do you like tacos?

Are you a Mexican?

When are you coming to mow the lawn?

How often do you have to bribe the police/government/gangs?

yes, a lot.

maybe tomorrow, white master.

Why are you the next Chyna?

Thoughts on Donald Trump

yes, lesbos.

its rare.

because we have a lot of factories and shit wages.

I cant stand him.

Ok. But, where do you stand on quesadillas?

yes with beef and chicken.

pure gold, white masters.

why? cause you gotta pay for a wall?

because he is too stupid and racist. There is a wall. and its not working right know,

Why don't you work for the cartels and sell mad cocaine and weed?

because im a student of engineering.

If you protest will the Mexican Army kill you and burn you and your fellow students?

of course. They killed other kids in 1968, google up for tlatelolco massacre.

You have an ungodly amount of chickens running around every town in Mexico. I'm sorry, but it's just kind of fucked up.

So, with that, is this how the 'chicken taco' came to be?

chickens? Have you seen all the dogs around in all Mexico? Chickens are at pollo feliz.

Train some of those dogs to sniff out the hosts of anchor babies then. Daddy Trump is really getting pissed off up here, Paco.

I know, We made him pissed off. But its our nature to be, Should we start building it? But My president said that we wont, its a hard situation.

that was really good

Are you a Mexican?


Why didn't you faggots build this??

because its useless.

How do you feel about us Swedes taking something good(the taco) and PERFECTING it?

That looks bland as fuck

good, your food is better than taco bell. but where is the mole, enchiladas, enmoladas, tortas cubanas, ceviche, horchatas, tortas ahogadas,etc?

how much does a corna cost in cuckland?

Mexicans > swedes

Yeah sure buddy.

Success breeds jealousy.

All Mexicans are invited to tacokväll next week though


that all sounds a bit too ethnic for us
Never heard of corna. Is it similar to a coma? Those are free!

yet you built this instead which is even more useless and ugly

Your welcome in my book.
The kraut and potatoe genes white wash the shit out of mexicans
pic related my best friend's 1/4 mexican daughter


I was born in the city that invented the burritos, good job. But burritos and corn, isnt that weird?

Only El Paso has the blessing of real Mexican burritos

that shit costed millions, we are so mad.

>ground beef
>lettuce not spinach
>corn tortilla hard rounds
>canned corn
>string cheese
>can salsa

are you even trying faggot

that's what I'm saying, should have built the wheel


we mexicans have 80% Spanish blood, and Spanish have German, and celt blood too.


I have a question. Do you honestly believe this?

We just call these tacos(or soft tacos) though

Why would it be weird with corn, is it haram? Corn is tasty senpai

tacos are with little corn tortillas, and big flour toritillas are called burritos.

holy fuck that is retarded, it's probably true about Sweden but countries like Spain going to fourth place? No way.

The country is already doing very poorly AND they're on their way to electing Venezuelan styled socialists.

What do you think of Mexican women?

He called ms. house keeping

some good some ugly whores.

whats wrong with cucumbers? anything that you have in a sallad can be in a taco!
i see

where are the beans and rice?

Did you know that chocolate is a Mexican invention?

will you be voting for AMLO in 2018?

Mexico, I think I have an idea. This might be the ultimate way to stump the Trump.

You should build a wall. Not a wall on the U.S. border, but on the Mexico side. A wall to keep Americans out of Mexico. Give them a taste of their own medicine, and it might just make Trump voters realize how demeaning a Trump wall would be.

yes or Denisse Dresser 2018

good idea, LMAO

then why are they so shit at making it compared to New Zealand and Swiss chocolate

haz patria matar chalingo

How good you are at English vs cleaning houses?

bitch please


speak spanish?

be a black

>tfw no qt Mexican gf

>uising comedy central for political arguments
build the wall now, paco

>tortas ahogadas

My favorite, god damn.

Mexicans might not be known for their intellectualism but their contributions to humanity are immense.

What is it?

It looks like a wall so Mexicans can get used to the view.

its a big light that turns in colors.

thanks we were aztecs and shit.

Tortas ahogadas are very spicy hahahahahaha

kill yourself jew

an "arch"


what is some cool slang i can use to impress my mexican friends
last frijolero thread told me to use "ariba el cruz azul" and it worked okay

"no era penal" may work, since it's about soccer (futbol) too

Do indian shamans sell psychedelics?

additionally, is tamaulipas the worst place to be mexican?

Nestlé is swiss

you just btfo yourself

Are you retarded?

Its a Swiss company thats making Mexican chocolate.

take this shit to or you fucking taco

Because we always have to make other's stuff better than them.

why do you call it mexican then? is it because it gets into america for free?

Why do you call Chinese food made by a white person Chinese?

Fuck off with your retarded questions.

not an argument
it's not mexican because it's swiss, whittaker's and NZ cadbury taste better anyway

Is it Mexico or Mehico?


>It's not Chinese food because it's American

Wasn't aware that Mexican was a race.

>it's not mexican because it's swiss

they're just making Ibrarra chocolate desu, just another company acquired by another. doesn't make the actual recipe swiss

>can't explain why it's mexican
>can only compare it to something completely un-related
cool cool, you totally win the argument bro, great job :^)

>Can't explain why something made in a specific cultures style no longer receives that cultures label
>Disregards an entirely apt analogy to act retarded

Thats nice hun, kill yourself :)

Kill yourself

How's your wall building skills?

>There is a wall. and its not working right know,
You do know it's only to stimulate the economy right?

By the end of building Mexico might be almost on par with the rest of the west.

You still need a south wall though.