Super-rich Swiss village opts for £200,000 fine instead of accepting 10 refugees

Super-rich Swiss village opts for £200,000 fine instead of accepting 10 refugees

A Swiss village, one of the wealthiest in Europe, has refused to take in its government imposed quota of asylum seekers, voting to pay a fine of £200,000 instead.

The residents of Switzerland’s alpine resort Oberwil-Lieli, where there are 300 millionaires among a population of 2,200, voted “no” in a referendum over whether to accept just 10 refugees.

Swiss government proposals had outlined a quota across its 26 counties in order deliver on promise to take 50,000 asylum seekers across the country, but Oberwil-Lieli voted by 52 per cent to 48 to reject the refugees.

One resident of the village told MailOnline: “We do not want them here it is as simple as that.

“We have worked hard all our lives and have a lovely village that we do not want it spoiled. We are not suited to take in refugees. They would not fit in here.”

Steve Symonds, Amnesty UK's Refugee Programme Director, called on the West to take on their fair share of refugees.

Mr Symonds told The Independent: "Just as it's wrong for richer countries to keep leaving it to poorer countries to host the vast proportion of the world's growing refugee population, so more wealthy communities need to share responsibility with the less affluent.

"This is as true in Switzerland and the UK as it is in countries like Lebanon, which are currently hosting very many more refugees than European countries. We all need to play our part or the current crisis will keep getting worse."

Andreas Glarner, Oberwil-Lieli’s right wing mayor, denied that by refusing to accept refugees they were being racist.

Other urls found in this thread:,8.6334597,3a,55.1y,1.61h,84.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sohEqYN1zwhpvKB-ldcmCbw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Money well spent.

Based Swiss.

That fine is nothing compared to the irreparable damage the dindus wouldn't do


better to pay the pizzo in their backward countries than accepting a single dindu

I just wish all of switzerland would be strong enough to say fuck you, we shouldn't even have to pay anything

Meanwhile in /r/Switzerland:


What a fucking shithole.

oy vey its like annudah shoah

2 minutes on Google maps, and I spotted the first nigger in Switzerland,8.6334597,3a,55.1y,1.61h,84.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sohEqYN1zwhpvKB-ldcmCbw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

reddit never changes

what happened to /r/european? I'm trying to find a place for daily rapefugee news but no luck

it got quarantined after many reportings from people
so instead they moved to voat/v/european

thanks. I'll check it out

200.000 £ vs 10 muslim rapefugee niggers

Thats worth preventing at least 2 rape crimes, 20 cases of theft, feeding 5 criminals in jail and the total of 300.000 £ anual fees to pamper these niggers for the next 10 years

only 52% voted no? even millionaires are braindead cucks it seems.

OR maybe 48% could be female votes perhaps? old rich whores longing for dirty brown dick

>he's on a stolen bike

Probably postal votes from mysterious Jewish mailbox residents

>£200,000 fine
of it!

I wish I could force 10000 on them

Rich cunts like this sit in their ivory tower and vote for leftists while personally avoiding any consequences.


Glarner also was quoted in some media to support the idea of a Wall around Switzerland.

At least they have a choice.
We have to 'violently' protest for a few weeks in order to have our voices heard.


Fuck off, steve symons. Or step on our land and get shot.

>This is as true in Switzerland and the UK as it is in countries like Lebanon

no it is not. Middle eastern refugees are more in accordance ethnically and culturally with Lebanon, then they are with Switzerland and the UK.

Bring ethnic blacks and middle easterners to western european countries, and it will spoil those countries.


I would bet money that majority of people living in this "super rich village" vote left.

This bernie supporter has a point, rich people want to segregate themselves but for others diversity is good.

What happens if you don't pay the fine?

How the fuck can a government fine you for not wanting refugees ruining your town?

It's funny how people are very supportive of minority groups establishing themselves in Europe, but let a white man come to Africa (and improve it), and we suddenly have a case of racism and land invasion


the fucking disgusting rich elites who push this shit on the average middleclass citzen, and supporting leftwing agenda, preaching how good multiculti is while they sit in their rich white neighbourhoods, they should be the one housing rapefguees in their houses and mansions not forcing us to live next the filth of the world.

Maybe there is hope for reddit

Do you know what the real scandal is?
You can food and house people in refugee camps
around the war torn countries with 1/20 of the coast compared to Germany. That means insteaf of feeding and house 1 family here you could feed 20 in Jordan or Turgay.

The EU desperately needs growth and cheap labour force to face high debt and inflation.
It is fucked up and will destroy the public peace anf finally will end in the decline of the west.

Prepare yourself and the next generations for the downfall and tribulation.

Good choice other villages should follow

>"Just as it's wrong for richer countries to keep leaving it to poorer countries to host the vast proportion of the world's growing refugee population

How is this even a thing when Switzerland isn't in the EU?


I was arguing with some person the other day and they acknowledged that things are now worse under black rule in SA. Yet they said just because thinks were working under white rule doesn't mean it should stay the same and that change is good.

Leftist logic.

In addition to that "refugees" are chronically unemployed and thus will rely on Sozialhilfe a lot. Sozialhilfe is a ~1000bucks a month, a place to live, healthcare and usually public transport. In addition to that you get it even if you turn down good job offers, all they can do is reduce the cash part by 15%. Since you get extra cash for children there are "refugees" who have noticed that it's profitable to have a lot of children and thus they shit out like 8-10 children to get rich off the taxpayers back.

Considering housing costs, the propensity to create an array of children to leech the maximum amount and other factrs, they saved a lot of money in the long run.

They and us still get cucked by the EU pretty often. I don't think the EU was behind this particular "quota" though.

>How is this even a thing when Switzerland isn't in the EU?
It's their national quota forced by their own government. Nothing to do with the EU.


and his pants are down on his ass so you can see his ugly underwear. sigh. fucking niggers.

yeah, and in a town full of millionaires you bet there are Jews--both amongst the millionaires, and parasiting off them.

Haha, are you from the based village? If so, nice work. And if not, good luck!

So the solution to refugees is being a millionaire and just paying the gov not to put them near you. Problem solved!

>Do you know what the real scandal is?
>You can food and house people in refugee camps
>around the war torn countries with 1/20 of the coast compared to Germany. That means insteaf of feeding and house 1 family here you could feed 20 in Jordan or Turgay.
>The EU desperately needs growth and cheap labour force to face high debt and inflation.
>It is fucked up and will destroy the public peace anf finally will end in the decline of the west.
>Prepare yourself and the next generations for the downfall and tribulation.

Thank god, others see it too. Thank you.

>it's wrong for richer countries to keep leaving it to poorer countries to host the vast proportion of the world's growing refugee population,
No one fucking said we had to invite half of africa inside.

That's a cheap price.

That's peanuts for them.
It is also means, the rich can buy themselves out of dindus, everyone else can get fucked by themselves.

Based. Never change Switzerland, never change.

Rich people dont vote left, you morons. The left wants to tax them to hell and back, and restrict their ability to exploit workers.

They vote for neo-liberals.

Waste of money, Rapefugees will just walk into the village to pillage and rape. Instead of giving the government 200k, build a Trump-Wall around the village, its cheaper and gives better protection.

>Americans teaching Europeans on how to fortify cities

>rich people voting for commies

Exactly what I was thinking.

You're thinking about billionaires who have too much money to actually give a fuck for not giving more than 1% of their wealth to their kids.
Or comfy upper middle-class (doctors, lawyers) who don't worry much about anything since they are screwing the system.

"Small" millionaires (around 1 to 10 million USD) are right-winged as fuck in Europe, because they want to keep their houses and money for their children.

In Paris, in rich neighboroods (8th and 16th district), almost 90% have voted for right-wing parties.


The children of rich fucks vote for lefties. They are the no-borders, rapefugees welcome crowd. Because everything is given to them on a silver platter and they need to find some bullshit cause to feel validated.

>52 per cent to 48

too close for comfort


>Rich cunts like this sit in their ivory tower and vote for leftists

They don't. They really, really don't.

Their faggots kids, on the other hand, who've never known poverty or want and so fetishise the left out of some guilt complex - yeah, those idiots vote left. Rich people don't.

in b4 the Govt takes the money and foists the refugees on them anyway

>around Mountain Jews, you lose

>"Just as it's wrong for richer countries to keep leaving it to poorer countries to host the vast proportion of the world's growing refugee population, so more wealthy communities need to share responsibility with the less affluent.

"This is as true in Switzerland and the UK as it is in countries like Lebanon, which are currently hosting very many more refugees than European countries. We all need to play our part or the current crisis will keep getting worse."

this dynamic is exactly why globalism will never work.

based swiss, the only uncucked yuros

Where does Jonas Sjöstedt live?