

tired af edition

cut so tight it feels like your boner might burst > uncut


I saw a cut boy once.

I may be busy forming Germany in crusader kings 2 but i am never too busy for dumping shota!

what germany are you forming
as in which time period




HRE (Holy roman empire) i know it technicality aint Germany but eh





any todcon?



Remove yourself buddy. This is a Shota thread we aint that depraved

I count the HRE as one of the Germanies.
East Francia was p cool though







I want to be the one in the middle... Fuck me, boys, use me!

Don't be rude. We are all shit. Don't insult each others.




me on the left




what class is this


Circumcision scars are the hottest and cutest part of a boy.

I'm gonna sleeo, cya faggots~

me on the left tbh


Its even better because i formed the HRE as a 9 year old Aryan boy. Sadly his farther died in a battle vs some Muslims when he was crusading for Anatolia. Shota emperor for the win! also pic is how i imagine my ruler is like being a shota and all =3



nah, just a neet now

Gdit, I just got a spare moment-
Night fgt
Try not to dessicate from being too hot

Mutilating, traumatising and impairing young boys is not sexy or cute.


>Not ruling a nudist empire

fucking loser

>Implying I actually sleep when I say I'm gonna sleep
I can stay up kek





>people actually believe this


someone get those cute boys a bigger pool RIGHT NOW

You're either a kike or (((American)))
Please leave either way, goyim.

They seem to be having fun

american boys are the cutest by far

>people actually following barbaric pre-medieval traditions revived by religious nuts who thought cereals would lessen sexual urges


>Implying anything ever
Ye, but @ work still, so just checking in on these, not much time for bants, but glad I could wish night

Bigger is better for almost everything, with shotas being the obvious exception. In a few more months my pool will be full of cute boys again.



Aus and Dutch from what I've experienced.
Americans, while can be hyper cyoot, also tend to b a bit off

>Implying my implications are anything but façades
posting lewd at work, kinda really makes you think.
don't worry about the bants, i just take a guess at what you'd say and get insulted by that instead.

They're not that crazy......

There are also just a lot more Americans so obviously there would be more cute ones
Sure are a lot of 'dutch' people are these parts though

That kind of uncivil disagreement is found everywhere but at least Muslims cut their dick off because their religion requires them to, the quackers and Puritans revived the Jewish tradition with the exact purpose of reducing sexual pleasure.


>feminists and puritans convinced people to raise the age of consent from 10 to 18 and to start cutting off boy penises


Uncensored version please?

Rud loves this threads

diapers > undies > boxers

original is too big to post on Sup Forums





It was posted on Sup Forums with an innocuous question and lived 12 hours before Sup Forums's tard mod realized what it really was. Now it's not even on Paheal. It's postable. Please?


the file size limit on Sup Forums is 2mb. can't be posted on Sup Forums.

>three numbers

Do you guys read erotic literature? It can be quite better than static images sometimes.

i only read depraved stories about boys getting humiliated and forcibly stripped in public with people making fun of them

oh and their dicks should be really small too. like really pathetically small


>three trips in a chain

Where would one find such stories?

I just though you guys should know that Communism will soon prevail

Delete this.

google pza boy stories

Hey! Figures.
And my time, connection, off property, Jo big. Also some days just don't gaf about the c vs lewd


You won't get me this time FBI.

Communism will lead to dead shotas, ancap will lead to legal shota harems.

You can't silence the truth capitalist pig

u too tho

I have no clue what the first half of that means, but I just meant posting lewd specifically at work was a bit dodgy lmao. If someone sees you posting cute that's one thing, posting lewd and who knows.

Sup Forums says the link is spam. just fucking use duckduckgo or whatever the fuck you paranoid cuck.

The number three is of great importance