>when Sup Forums worships your own country
>when your country is ruled by a kike
>when you know that your own country destroyed the nazis, and that your race celebrates this act anually
Why does Sup Forums kiss Russia's ass again?
When Sup Forums worships your own country
Because it's edgy and political incorrect
I don't blame modern Russians for ruining the world.
I blame the communism pushing kike revolutionaries of the 1900's
Because Russia cares more for its citizens than Germoney for example
Are you still living in Soviet Russia?
It's just a joke.
Russia is the paradise.
I do
Praising Russia and Putin is just a meme.
However, we give Russians respect for having pride in their own country. Putin puts Russia first and that deserves some praise.
Did you ever go to Russia?
Your statement i absolute bullshit.
At least we don't suck Arabian & Nigger dick just because muh multiculti & muh white guilts & other such nonsensical babble.
Current Germany doesn't look very bright either mate
Yeah, sucking all other kinds of dicks is fine, Caucasian, middle Asian, Chinese. Nigs are surely the WORST.
>>when you know that your own country destroyed the nazis, and that your race celebrates this act anually
Paha, Russia was a mess. If there were no countries attacking on the western front you would have got fucked up.
Communism is the ideology of weak 3rd world tier nations.
We do the exact same thing only instead of rapefugees and niggers it's mudslimes from the Caucasus.
And which ones are worse is a still a question.
Words of wisdom, Ahmed.
>At least we don't suck Arabian & Nigger dick just because muh multiculti & muh white guilts & other such nonsensical babble
I gave you guys credit for that. However, you guys DO suck Arabian dick. You suck it long and hard and you fight in their wars just like the rest of us. You just suck a different flavor of Arab dick than Europeans and Americans do.
precisely this
Pretty much this tbqh.
I give you guys credit for having pride though. You guys are pretty much the only nation that was ever communist that actually MADE things. Communism is dumb in general, but Russians made great musicians, poets, architects and so on.
Every other communist nation was just retarded. Russia somehow made culture worth admiring.
This is now a Fyodor Dostoyevsky thread.
All comments must be related to the brilliant works of one of the greatest writers in Russian history.
You must be a special tier of a cuck to worship the nazicucks as a Slav.
>but muh juice
Yeah, that's exactly why JewSA tried their best to destroy USSR.
Now, I'm not saying that Imperial Russia was good. I can only wish that Social Democrats had won, really. What I'm saying is that it was an actual Russian state where Jews and many other non-Russians had been actively persecuted for centuries.
Man, to think that I didn't believe in Poe's law at some point.
This is almost as bad as newfags on Sup Forums hating loli due to conditioning shitposters.
>Putin puts Russia first
I thought Russia was based until I learned they had the same kind of retarded reality TV shows we have here in the US. Turns out their media and viewer base is just as dumb and degenerate as ours.
He doesn't puts it first, it's just another meme. He is just plundering us and trying his best to stay in power. At this point everything is so corrupt that we should expect 1992 once again as a natural result of what's going on.
Are you implying he's worse than the other leaders you've had after the fall of communism?
He's a retarded gangster, but he lets the world know that Russia has certain interests. Obviously I wouldn't want a ruler like him in America. However, you're insane if you think your previous leaders weren't selling out your national interests for pennies on the dollar.
Also, it's dumb to use a picture of him at the wailing wall to imply he's somehow beholden to Jews. Every world leader does that as a show of respect in the same way that a politician that comes to the American south wears cowboy shit to endear themselves to the local populace.
Is there a singe country without shitty reality shows?
There's always an audience for them due to the IQ curve.
I honestly don't know a singe person who willingly watches that shit, they are more guilty of watching godawful comedy clubs.
Close but no breeky.
I consider reality TV shows to be a Western invention so it was just surprising that Russians would gobble that shit up. I think the world is much, much more globalized than I had previously thought.
Who was a Russian leader that didn't do this though? Until Russia produces more than just energy you will be stuck with people just like him.
heard of Panama papers? his sins are out there in the open and he doesn't even deny them
his spokesman said that those secret documents were "stolen", hmmm, is that really supposed to mean that it makes them less trustworthy?
Alexander II, Peter I
That's honestly my only grip with reality shows in Russia.
They didn't try to make something on their own, they simply thought "Hey, it worked in USA, we should copy it and see if it works here" instead. Nevermind the fact that Russia is the land of commieblocks so living together doesn't bother anyone so all the scripts start falling apart and action in general just feels unnatural as fuck.
I've pretty much given up on the TV jew and only watch documentaries daily.
kek Peter was more ruthless than Stalin.
>Panama papers
What about them? He isn't mentioned there, just some of his friends having offshores, like all rich people do in the world.
So that's why garbage such as Dom 2 exists, I didn't know that!