Be americuck

>be americuck
>walk around in house with shoes on
>sweaty feet in shoes all day
>bring shit from outside into your kitchen etc.

doesn't that shit feel uncomfortable? seriously what the hell is wrong with you? i see people sometimes go and lay in their beds/sofas with their shoes on as well.

you're disgusting


Found the quintessentially-Finnish guy.

Why would they not take tbeir shoes off? Are they really that lazy? I only leave them on if i know im going back outside shortly

What. I sometimes saw americans in movies with their shoes on all the time, but I thought it was just sloppy production.

You mean they actually go around their home with their shoes on? The same shoes they go outside in?

It's not a meme; you guys really are Asian.

is it true that americans don't even have Updogs?

Yeah it is

I do. What's the problem if you regularly clean the floors (or have someone do it for you)?

Im not sure what you are talking about.

When you enter a house and you intend to stay for any amount of time or you intend to go onto carpeted area you take your shoes off.

This has been true in all 3 of the states ive lived in.

Can confirm, walking around on someone's carpet with your shoes on is fucked up (unless they have a nasty-ass house).

>pic related judging others on when you should take your shoes off

If they have carpet, you take your shoes off. If they have anything else and you're not going to be there for a while, you can leave them on. If you're sitting on furniture, you should not put your feet on it unless you have taken your shoes off.

But doesnt it feel fucking uncomfortable having them on all the time?
I thank the feet-jesus every day after school when I get to take my shoes off.

Keeps my chi in check, brah

At least I'm not an obese diabetic person who gets out of breath walking to the fridge

>It's the turanic mongol guy from binland

Not only do they wear shoes indoors, they also wear shoes while swimming.

Almost every one I know thinks feet look gross as fuck, including myself.

My shoes are comfy so I wear them around unless it's hot as balls.

I vacuum and sweep regularly.


I noticed this on TV shows like Seinfeld as well, It's pretty weird. Not many people wear shoes inside here, maybe into a foyer area but not around the house.

I traded my Updog for a Henway.

I'd kick anyone who didn't take their shoes off at the door out of my house.


>Almost every one I know thinks feet look gross as fuck, including myself.

of course they do if you keep them in shoes 18 hours a day in all that sweat and fungus

Ofc it's white 90's style trainers as well. Part of the American middle class uniform.

This, I have no idea where the idea of us never taking our shoes off came from.

It's a dry vs wet climate-thing tbph.

This very much. It's similar to people who wear caps and beanies on their heads 24/7. I swear these manchilds start balding sooner than others and their hair is in much worse shape than hat free -masterrace people.

It's like you keep your head and feet in a constant humid and warm enviroment.

Disgusting as fuck. JUST

I'm not sure why but wearing no shoes makes me feel really lazy an unproductive, I just feel like a complete slob if I'm not completely dressed and ready. I definitely think that shoes and carpets are a disgusting mix, but most Western houses have wood and ceramic which are bleached on The Daily.

This is actually true in a lot of American households, I grew up there.
At my house and a handful of others you take your shoes off at the door, most Americans don't.

What's a Henway?

>carpet was a mistake

Seriously, your carpet is disgusting no matter what you do. Vacuuming is just damage control. Oils from your skin get on the fabric, and then dirt grime and dust stick to the oil. It's a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria and other nasties. It's a shit-trap.

t. carpet cleaner

About five pounds.

What if you step in poo. Then you bring that poo to your bed. Then you sleep with poo. You're branded for life

why is this a asian thing? Its like saying not pooping on the street is a white people thing.

Don't you have socks?
They're like gloves, but for your shoes. Keeps the disgusting feet-ness away from sight, and lets you have a bit more freedom once indoor.
Socks are fucking great... you guys should use them.

Don't your feet get sweaty? Some people even take shoes off on a long train ride.

I have never seen this
do niggers do this?
Did you see it on TV?
If you saw it on TV then I understand why you think this, also not all Americans are Bodybuilding Sex-Machines - I know you saw this on TV too, but it's sadly not true.

Only disguising fuckers wear shoes inside their house. I take mine off at the door.

not all Americans,own slaves. I came close on 1982 with a beautiful Cambodian girl I retained as a housekeeper. I was 18 and thought it was cool to have a perfectly clean apartment and a smile with food ready when I got home. she did fuck my perspective on pussy size. it may have been a 2 1/2 inch in total size. I was met at the door and my shoes removed for slippers. most clean I have ever been for 2 glorious years.

Interesting aside: this is literally no different than letting a dog live inside your house

The only time you wear shoes inside is if you are at someone elses home and aren't close enough to get comfy.

Socks indoors is comfy as fuck. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

And not all Americans dodge bullets on their way to work. Although, in 1994 I had to take a bus though Detroit. The local gangs in the area hadn't been able to get their hands on any guns so, they had decided to break into a local museum and take the muskets instead. On my way home, the bus went by their rundown ghettos and the locals had decided to throw the muskets at the bus, I don't think they knew how to load one but they knew how to chuck them. Anyways, I got home and took off my shoes and put on my slippers. Nigs don't know how to load a muzzle.

Or they wear caps to disguise thinning hair. Male pattern baldness doesn't come from hats. Balding men never lose the horseshoe pattern of hair on the back and sides.

It's genetic vulnerability to DHT, not hats that shrink hairs. Stop thinking like a woman with your old wives' tales.