imagine what it would be like to live in one of those countries that are on the receiving end of foreign aid
like africa or poland for instance
that has got to give you one hell of an inferiority complex doesn't it, that your people don't even have their shit together enough to be economically self-sufficient
I bet you'd feel like you're genetically inferior or something since it's your whole people that is fucked up
tell me how it feels to be from a nigger country
Imagine what it would be like to live in one of those countries that are on the receiving end of foreign aid
Other urls found in this thread:
That will be Norway in 30 years
They don't feel like it's aid.
They either consider it reparation for colonialism or a way to fuck over wealthier country (I.e. : "Haha, X country is giving us money, they're so dumb).
Do you think they have any idea where it comes from? Honestly we are taking about people riding a chuckulu in from town. They don't know or care whether the rice they didn't grow is imported through trade or aid.
>please help us our people are uneducated and our land is infertile we need your aid
>haha losers I'm spending this aid on the elite of this country
your point? Most countries don't benefit from aid. The elite gather the aid and disperse among themselves (zimbabwe, uganda, greece, etc). while the plebs just sit there unable to comprehend their situation.
Doesn't matter who receives aid, we all know they're doomed. we're just prolonging- and assuring- the inevitable.
>or poland
go fuck yourself...sven
we owe you nothing
you nordic fuckers pillaged us for centuries with no end
now it's payback time
To add to that, I know a guy from Africa studying for barely anything (high education is highly funded here). He wants to go back to Africa once his studies are done. I asked him how he felt about having a good education at the expense of canadian citizens and taking advantage of our socialist system. He replied France and the US are fucking his country over, thus, we at least owe him that.
Rekt. OP is a basic biatch.
If we're receiving any substantial 'foreign aid', I'd cut that shit right on spot.
This bullshit is one of reasons we can't have nice things
>muh reparations
Poles truly are the original niggers of Europe.
Just become a Warlord you faggot.
pizda va matrina
nigger only for you, sveny faggot
we'll chew you up and spit you out.
Kek, Norway literally dindu nuffin to you.
Not really.
Ideally we should take all the money EU gives us and then bail without paying back.
I don't know if this is bait or just another manifestation of scandis superiority complex. Norway is nothing more than a country of fishermen that found oil. You are the Saudi Arabia of Europe.
And that
is exactly what is going to happen
This "union" is going down, with no survivors
Norway actually got its oil from Denmark, so consider yourself the biggest nigger country to date.
I think you vastly overestimate the complexity of the african thought process.
Who cares?
The Titanic is already sinking.
>polska is in the EU, and they are recieving MONEY! Oh god no!
>the horror
What now? Oh God!
All these precious magical shekels are going not into my personal pocket!
Not to derail you off your feel train or anything, but I think they're too overwhelmed with living in a shithole country to actually care about something like their egos.
>africa or polan
We finally see Polaks true face!
>or poland
You mean Sweden in a few decades?
The more people hate polska the more i love my country.
Im honest to God here.
Awesome, beautiful place filled with white people.
All you basement neckbeards keep calling it shit, but if any of you millenial feminine cunts would insult polska in my face i would punch your teeth out and sleep happy.
Ignore the nay-sayers, continue to remove kebab and live with pride my friend.
i love how people hate my country even tho we saved them from communism kek
I think you're hurting too much inside, Poland. I forgot OP even mentioned you so my immediate thoughts were to third world countries.
spot on m8.
You don't need much money to be happy and self-sufficent if you have the right mindset and brain to think how to do it.
Your hate is product of jealousy, you are jealous that your entire country will be ridden by immigrants, you are jealous of what you can't have, the balls to say ''no, fuck you''.
That's the difference between you and me, rich friend.
>That's the difference between you and me, rich friend.
The difference between him and you is that he's white, slav shit.
Scandinavians don't have to be jealous of anyone else, or any other country. We are literally the best countries on the planet, the best people. You're the jealous one, lmao.
Greece already tried that. Instead they got fucked and Germany pretty much owns them now. You know that's going to happen to you too, don't you, Poland?
The saddest lie is a lie to yourself.
Not really a lie though, is it?
Tell me how safe you feel in your country, taking into account that you are not a shitskin or forcefully converted muslim shill. Instead of giving me some outdated stats that were completely unrelated to my statement.
You wouldnt do shit, you fucking polish manlet. All you fucking slavs are weak little midgets.
Most of them don't even know about their situation, they're ignorant of first world amenities and commodities, they think it's normal. It's hard to self reflect when you're grinding your life away for a couple of dollars, living in a third world country can be extremely difficult if your family isn't well off, I live in Mexico but I'm one of the lucky ones that grew up in one of the best parts the country, still doesn't stop me from seeing people living in complete poverty, people living in houses made out of rubble in the mountains above tires, it honestly makes me feel guilty, a lot of you guy's don't understand what's it's like for a normal person to live in a third world country, there is no time to browse on Sup Forums and slovenly parade around your house the poor has two or three jobs and doesn't have time to self reflect.
You can't consider bribes to politicians so that they opress democracy, freedom of speech and whatever for the interests of EU as foreign aid though, also I don't need to hear about genetic superiority from citizen of such inbred country that you need to steal babies from families who make a mistake of choosing your destination for vacation.
Can you rephrase what you just said? I can't make anything of what were you trying to put together.
In a country like that, I'd still get a hobby because I wouldn't know what to do with all the fucking time I'd have.
>smug loli
>or poland
fucking norway bringing the bantz, rolling in crones
Fuck off you cunt, that was only a part of it.
We would still have oil.
You won't because you won't have enough money to afford it
Source of picture please
Did some pole fucked you up by any chance, mister butthurt ? I know there's quite alot of us in holland.
>I bet you'd feel like you're genetically inferior or something since it's your whole people that is fucked up
I won't comment on Poles but Africans certainly are genetically inferior.
>tell me how it feels to be from a nigger country
it's ok when compared to netherlands
I think it's Nico from Love Live or something
norway got all it's oil from england when they signed off the north sea
england didn't think there was any oil at all so said fuck it, norway gambled that there was some oil there.
and here we are.
you dissappoint me, dane
>Nico from Love Live
Found the turk.
I feel extremely safe.
Turk? Because he doesn't like slavs? Lmao.
please stop with this hate on my country
No. Fuck all slavic countries.
Learn enligsh then, it's gramatically correct maybe except for some typo I overlooked.
Most butthurt race.
This. Americans glorify the niggers of Europe. So funny.
Date this one
>OP mentions the inferiority complex to which you are prone
>spam this shit just to prove him right
That is the only thing you germanic has
Why dont you tell me your history before the romans?
You're on the decline, we're on the incline.
Norway looks like a complete shithole compared to Poland nowadays.
Imagine what it must be like waking up every day and seeing your country going to shit instead of getting more and more awesome.
We were the romans.
Also this.
>Norway looks like a complete shithole compared to Poland nowadays.
>You're on the decline, we're on the incline.
The scandinavian countries might have some problems right now, but nothing we can't fix. Also, Poland growing from shit to puke is not anything to brag about.
>Imagine what it must be like waking up every day and seeing your country going to shit instead of getting more and more awesome.
Imagine what it must be like to wake up every day, knowing that your country has been shit throughout the entirety of human history.
>European Civilisation
Oi wey
The foreign aid comes for 2 reasons.
1) Support government stability of regimes we want to remain in power so as to maintain the status quo. This comes in the form of military aid whether weapons or manpower and welfare aid. The welfare helps keep the population satisfied just enough to decrease the percentage open to revolt down and the military aid just provides the brute force necessary to suppress actual uprising.
2) Subsidies to industries that use the cheap labor of peasants who cannot reform their system due to control from the top. The peasants are barred from nationalist movements as this would disrupt the movement if resources outside the country. So subsidies are provided to strengthen industry security and stability. The goal is to not profit necessarily off of the resource itself, but to provide cheaply for global consumption to fuel other industries.
If the regime were to lose control then it would be possible for groups within the country to use nationalist policies that would raise the price of products and resources coming out. Gaddaffi is an example, he was an asshole like many other regimea but the crime that got him killed was to be a nationalist.
Not really. Look at the Greeks, they actually believe they are a hard working superior people. They are literally subhuman tier in reality though. The problem is, that they rationalise it as REPARATIONS to them because the only reason they suck is 'muh oppressive regimes, muh US/British Empire keepin' me down'
>Best Country to live in?
not even in top 10
>Economic competitiveness
dropped to 10 place
That flaccid and impotent rage you are feeling and directing at slavs?
It's your conscience screaming at you.
It's screaming that you are living in a dying country, and instead of calling other Europeans your worse, you should do something about politicians that are importing black and brown votes that make you with every passing year less and less relevant in your own country.
I hope you guys manage to get it together
Best wishes
Laugh all you want, there's niggers shitting all over your streets. Fucking disgusting.
>The scandinavian countries might have some problems right now, but nothing we can't fix. Also, Poland growing from shit to puke is not anything to brag about.
Sven... you haven't been scandinavian for a long time now. Fingols will be fine, Danes and Norwegians might be able to keep it together, but Sweden? You're a lost cause.
>Imagine what it must be like to wake up every day, knowing that your country has been shit throughout the entirety of human history.
I'm trying but it's hard to imagine being Swedish. Maybe if I had a Somali cock in both my hands...
Alas, can't be done. No niggers in bolan :(
It's always socialism.
You guys won the war, booted Churchill, and the very year elected a socialist government, after fighting socialists, and preparing to have a cold war with socialists.
And thus you did not get your shit together until 1955, and created a rolling stone of bad decisions that led to Thacher.
Meanwhile Germany got a guy that hated the fuck out of socialism, and they surpassed you economically in 25 years, of course then they elected socialists that created all current problems.
Oh, btw. Norway, if we're such a shithole why are your submarines being built in our shipyards?
Thanks for the shekels I guess
Bros, I suggest you leave these cucks alone, just wasting time on them. Time will show us which country prevails in the upcoming conflicts.
>oil welfare babby
>talking about self-sufficiency
>not even in top 10
No shit. Sweden used to top that list, but then american, slavs, south-europeans, asians and other non-white trash migrated here because "muh best country to live". The result? Us dropping on the list. It's not rocket science... or well, for a slav it might be.
>That flaccid and impotent rage you are feeling and directing at slavs?
Your kind has always been despised. You're the worst ethnicity in Europe (even below mediterranean mongrels). It's not just my "anger". You're nigger-tier.
>It's screaming that you are living in a dying country, and instead of calling other Europeans your worse, you should do something about politicians that are importing black and brown votes that make you with every passing year less and less relevant in your own country.
You don't get it, do you? Slavs, americans, mediterranean mongrels, etc, are also a threat. It's not just niggers, sand-niggers and jews.
>I hope you guys manage to get it together
Why? So your kind can come here and leech again? Piss off.
Because you work for slave-salary. You're basically the european equivalent of China.
>huff gasoline
>steal money from tourists
>use money to huff more gasoline
>get high and rape the local college girl missionaries
>steal their money
>huff more gasoline
It's a simple hobby, but rewarding nonetheless
>Pizda va matrina
>Mfw i kind of understand that and im not even slav
>Laugh all you want, there's niggers shitting all over your streets. Fucking disgusting.
There are slavs EVERYWHERE in your country. That's equally disgusting. Filthy half-breeds.
>Sven... you haven't been scandinavian for a long time now. Fingols will be fine, Danes and Norwegians might be able to keep it together, but Sweden? You're a lost cause.
Finland isn't even a scandinavian country you uneducated slav. The only reason Finland isn't a 3rd world shithole like Poland is because of their close relationship and history with Sweden.
>I'm trying but it's hard to imagine being Swedish.
Heh, see pic-related. Where is Poland on that list? Nigger intelligence.
I just graduated and I'm on welfare, it's pretty depresso t b h, not supporting yourself and doing a productive job. It led to some pretty destructive habits, had to try hard to break them. Maybe that's why African countries are so shit, national depression.
>implying all our nobel laureats aren't already in the USA
Why are you cuckposting? Do you really think your country won˙t be fucked over once Germany becomes a muslim state? You will be surrounded by niggers and sadniggers.
Right here are the original cucks of Europe
In your mind it's a Norwegian company building them and hiring Polish workers. In reality you're buying submarines designed in Poland, made by a Polish company and all the maintenance will be also done in Poland.
And the correct answer is because you can't do it yourself. You don't have the know-how, you don't have proper shipyards, you just have the shekels.
So spare me your bullshit, cuck.
It's even worse if you're from one of the many that were colonised. You were basically brought out of the stone age by western europe, your people eventually decided to chimp when they were trusted with autonomy, essentially burning all of the infrastructure to the ground, and now they're subserviant to the insidious jew.
This would be actually GOOD for Poland you retardo. We fucked shitskins up countless times throughtout history, it would just make us united and stronger. Polish people work best when there is immediate threat to all of us.
Please. Tell me how long you lasted against Germany and the Soviets.
>Poland stronk
> missing muh ancestoral homeland
> muh people r peacful n shiet, we never do nuffin
> Africuh is not a shithole
The fact that VICE has documented, in great detail, the shit that goes on in Africa is very fucking telling. But, as always, they're probably going to blame the white devil for these obviously cultural and possibly genetic problems.
>you just have the shekels.
so they have the thing that actually matters?....
>implying that fighting against germans AND soviets equals fighting against hordes of brainless shitskins
Grow a brain burger
>Swedes have a lot of Swedish prizes
Paint me surprised.
that's clearly Hinata from yama no susume you ignorant swine
They cant connect the dots
They just take and move on
Im positive that a huge chunk of black people legitamately are not born with a conscience
You can't have inferiority complex in our countries, it can easily lead you to death.
What do you mean "lasted"? The Germans came, the Soviets kicked them out and we kicked out the Soviets.
There's no Nazis anymore.
There's no Soviets either.
While Poland is very much alive and comfy.
Every nation that attacks us gets destroyed, Jesus protects.
Where are the Prussians? Where's Tzarist Russia? Where are the Mongolian hordes? Where's the Ottoman Empire?
All gone, all punished for daring to strike at the eternal Pole.
Okay, Sweden is still around, but in a state that's worse than death.
You only say that because you never had any.