>FLASHBACK: Ben Shapiro, nationally syndicated columnist and bestselling author, plays "Schindler's List" at the Israeli Bonds Banquet in 1996. Larry King introduces.
12 y/o Ben Shapiro plays violin for Larry King (can't make this up)
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What do you mean by "can't make this up"? What part of this is unbelievable to you
Reminder that Sup Forums fags are worshiping controlled opposition and Benjamin Shapiroberg probably got fiddled when he was a kid by his own kind.
Conservative Jews are based. Stormcucks go away
you guys sure this wasn't just last week? he looks exactly the same.
>but first, he has to be bar mitzvahed
what's that mean guys ;_;?
Did they rape little benny?
He really hasn't changed. He's still the same manlet who always has a frown on his face.
Go back to Bondi Junction
>He literally didn't change in height
Woooooooooooooooooow.... really makes u thlnk.....
I don't get the Shapiro hate
Sup Forums was worshiping him not so long ago
He hasn't aged or grown a bit I see.
eh continuing to pick on shapy is kinda like kicking a dead dog into the street . you can do it and wait for a car to run it over but there are better ways to spend your time
at least until he starts rambling about the definition of cuck again then hes asking for it
They didn't notice his conspicuous Jew hat before
>Sup Forums is one person
>Israeli Bonds Banquet
Literally cant make this shit up
And Steven Crowder was Brain on Arthur
I enjoy his podcaet
You are just jealous that he has kept his youthful looks into his 30s
Probably jealous of his hot wife too
It's because he refuses to support Trump. It made people realize that he is and always has been an Israel-first neocon with some admittedly agreeable opinions.
>he will play for us the theme from schindlers list
He's been prepped from the age of 12 to dissuade conservatives from voting Trump
Shapiro doesn't like Trump and the stormcunts threw a mass hissyfit about it. They've been shitting up pol for months now.
I play violin and this is really impressive for 12 years old, he's changing positions and vibrato on point.
What a virtuoso boy, such a shame Sup Forums bullied him to the point where he's now suicidal and his entire life is culminated on Donald Trump. Seriously look at his twitter, for the last 5 months he's been doing nothing but tweeting about Donald Trump because it's become a personal issue for him, something that defines his entire life.
If you listen to what his problem is with Trump there isn't really that much there, it's just that he's very sensitive to bullying and blows every small fib out or proportion and consciously ignores the positives.
Fucking lol
He was probably King's boy toy
He could've been doing this his entire life
>mfw he's just another pundit
When did the music in his soul flicker away?
When did yours?
I wish Sup Forums had so much power.
Benny Shapiro was a manlet Jew who tried to control white conservatives with neocon ideals, this was his entire goal in life.
Then Trump caused him to totally like out and shed his Israel first camo, same with all the Neocons and crypto Jews.
Fiddler on the poof