I thought Stefan was supposed to be based.
I thought Stefan was supposed to be based
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If you support Socialism you need to hang from a tree.
It's true
He destroyed the whole European continent
Not him alone of course
Stefan is still a deluded ancap faggot
Look at Hans-Hermann Hoppe for someone who isn't a total retard. He used to be ancap and gradually as he studied and research Germany his views changed.
Yeah, it must have been awful.
Nazism was communism with snazzier uniforms
He is a Jew
Jewish mother means a Jewish child. That's kike law
This video is completely purged by Mises institute from youtube. Not perfect but it's still very good coming from someone who at the time was an ancap
And anyone not understanding German Socialism from Judaic (normal) Socialism should be sterilized.
>t. newfag
Hitler destroyed Germany and nationalism as a whole.
>this is what ancap autists ACTUALLY believe
flew too close to the sun
give him time, recently he's been calling out Jews for promoting multiculturalism and ranting about blacks and muslims having lower IQs.
He only destroyed it because he lost.
And I hate this guy, I want to punch his smug face
>That insane ratio of dislikes:likes for speaking out against Nazis/Hitler
wew lad
Wonder how he can argue now that the majority of his supporters aren't literal nazis/nazi sympathizers/white supremacists etc
>some people are cheering a dictator, he must be great!
stormfags pls
The USSR and best Korea also used propaganda shots like that
not an argument
Isn't Hitler directly responsible for the deaths of millions of Aryan young men though?
Are there any intellectually minded people with radio shows similar to Stefan's that actually sympathize with ww2 Germany?
He doesn't have to. The powers that be have given us a fake Hitler, Donald Trump.
lol this comparison is shit
Hitler saved the German economy
>Hitler saved the German economy
Unsustainable deficit spending
Hitler killed more white people than anyone in history and being such a cunt stigmatised rational nationalism (not stormfaggotry) forever, thus destroying the whit race.
that was the allies desu, at least you liberated poland right
>Hitler killed more white people than anyone in history
Stalin you mean
>real proof how national socialism was socialism
Literally "Israel is controlled by the jews" tier.
wow, a picture
Progressive Leftists unironically argue that National Socialism is not socialism.
Nope, I mean Hitler. And I won't defend Stalin, he was a paranoid blood-thirsty tyrant, he killed 2-3 millions of innocent people and imprisoned much more, but it nowhere near hitler.
this was a year ago lad.
Stefan has been swallowing a lot of redpills since that.
>he killed 2-3 millions of innocent people
The death toll was a bit higher than that
Supporting the socialist Nazi scum means defiance to the ghost of Friedrich I.
Hitler was an incompetent plebeian whose arrogance towards his officer corps eclipsed even those of Russian czars.
Because of his infinite foolishness we need a whole century to restore the order.
What do you guys think of Based Red Pill? is he billwhittled?
>I have no fucking clue what I am talking about
>but let me just tell you that hitler saved germany
consider jumping off a bridge faggot
Stefan used to be totally blue pilled. The fun part about watching his videos is that he is too stubborn to deny logic and facts when he digs up a lot on a subject.. this lead to him redpilling the shit out of himself and becoming a total 1488 supporter.
He still believe some stupid shit like the oficial 911 story, but the overwhelming amount of quality shit he produces is worth it. also he began naming the jew in a few of his recent videos so I have hope he will come around yet
>implying juche is not the best
>implying the glorious leader is fallible in any way
Might have something to do with the lack of any proof about the "real 911 story".
Obviously there might have been some shady shit in it but if you're into logic and facts the official story is the best you have.
adolf hitler not only destroyed germany. He also destroyed the rest of europe, the concept of white nationalism and sent us into the future of jew-controlled world
fuck hitler.
blue pilled stefan also looks like shit
Nazism is perfect for the continental man. It was born out of Continental philosophy.
American styled beacons of freedom are perfect for anglo countries. It was born out of Analytical Philosophy from the British Isles.
Prove me wrong.
>if you're into logic and facts the official story is the best you have
It doesn't work like that surely. The whole point people are speculating as to what really happened (and yes 'speculating' because we cannot know) is because the official story is implausible. So actually the official story is the one that is least believable, since we can be pretty much sure there was some 'shady shit' and the official story denies the presence of 'shady shit' and so is less credible than any number of wcky theories that at least acknowledge something was a bit rum about the whole thing.
yeah alright loosen your tinfoil alex jones
Meaning Nazism was perfect for Germany.
Losing the war was what was bad for Germany.
In context, Hitler did what was necessary at the time, but the Nazi ideology on its own is pretty fucking totalitarian
One of Stefan very first podcast (like 10 years ago) talks about 9/11. His opinion is that if you want to attack the government for his immorality, it's counterproductive to go that far: there is enough shady shit that's public.
Then, if you want to be an effective communicator, you have to pick topics that are not too foggy, i.e. where you have rock solid facts.
>Nazism is perfect for the continental man. It was born out of Continental philosophy.
Wrong. This stems out of the wrong idea that Hitler based his plans on continental philosophy. Knowing Hitler's personal history and knowing the mindset of continetal philosophers makes it easy to dismiss this theory. Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer etc. were all essentially aristocratic in mindset. Not all supported monarchy, but all of them supported individualism. Socialism that was still in its cradle during that time, gained harsh critique from those men. Hitler dispised aristocrats and this is well documented in his journal during his visit in Vienna. Those two stances don't mix.
Your second part seems correct, though.
No, commies and the Allies are responsible.
haven't you got some boots to lick, goy?
Hitler was a socialist.
Only other socialists try to somehow deny that.
Basically he did the right thing for the wrong reasons with an expected wrong and devastating result.
Today we are doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons and with the wrong result.
Hitler got to power by pointing out the wrong things.
People want leaders doing the right thing again and hope the result is right this time(the masses cannot be persuaded by reason anyway), that is why I like Hitler, because of the lack of people who point out the wrong things. His analysis for example of crony capitalism and gold standard were spot on at the time, and pointing out the Jewish involvement in both the corrupt state capitalism and the bolshevik communist Jews were always spot on.
Still I would not vote for socialists, because I know it will not have the right result. Socialism always ends in exploitation of the corporations and entrepreneurs and if there is anything left after that, those men with their workers will be sent out to exploit and pillage the neighbouring countries, just like what happened in national socialist Germany.
Socialists always keep up the appearance of being nice like picture , but, well.. until they are not, when the money and resources start to run out.
They abuse the lack of identity(moral and values) within people.
For example this is why Bernie Sanders is literally Hitler and voted for.
A socialist pointing out the corruption but offering the wrong reasons. The people voting for it are immune to reason, that is why his solutions are liked.
the soviets and the allies did.
Hitler ran as a socialist. But he abandoned most of the tenets he rant on as soion as he got into power.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about at all. None whatsoever. The nazis had no socialist elements that did not exist in most other developed nations at the time.
>Socialism always ends in exploitation of the corporations
The Nazis only nationalized one industry and it was a war measure, and even then they only partially nationalized it.
Your rhetoric doesn't even stand up when applied to the movement we're discussing.
You're just mindlessly babbling word salads with no actual knowledge of the situation.
>guy who thinks taxation is an act of violence dislikes socialism
shocking truth
>The Nazis only nationalized one industry
This is not true, they told most companies what to produce and how much. And companies they thought to be worthless were confiscated.
The basic idea of private ownership / property to this day in Germany is like that. It has to serve the state above all else. Eigentum verpflichtet.
Just read the damn party manifest of the NSDAP.
The Nazis used a slave labour organisation called the Reichsarbeitsdienst to tell everyone what to do, how much and where to work and not just during the war, long before it.
Exactly like every socialist state they tried to micromanage economy by telling companies how much and what to produce.
If you did not do that or not enough, they put in some government worker as CEO and sent you to the eastern front.
I have family history in exactly that.
Two Great grandmothers and a great grandfather abducted and resettled from their home to put to work in slave labour for ammunition by the Reichsarbeitsdienst, one great grand father's family business confiscated(There are enough barbers in that area!), sent to the eastern front, never returned.
Yeah, but keep listening to Hitler's speeches and looking at nice pictures and deny the dark side(as in socialism) of it.