>Average IQ of Israelis is 94
>Ashkenazi Jews (a subset of all Jews) score 112 on average
>When taken as a whole, the average drops to 103
>"Whites" are never broken into subsets and scored this way
>Asians are never broken into subsets and scored this way
>Blacks are never broken down, despite differences
>Christians are never compared to Buddhists
>Catholics are never compared to Protestants
If Jews are "just a religion" and not a race, why do they study the IQs of each Jewish sub-group seperately? When you average a smaller group, you can get higher numbers. Does Jewish dominance of Universities produce pro-Jewish propaganda, just like Leftist dominance of universities does?
Is "superior Jewish IQ" another lie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ashkenazi Jews were isolated from the rest of Israel for centuries. Other Jews are dumber because they're basically Arabs
Jesus Christ, you fucking nigger, how retarded are you?
When most people say Jews they mean Ashkenazi Jews.
The sort of Jews that live predominantly in the west and we interact the most with.
This desu. Ashkenazis had to survive persecution in mostly Russia and Germany for centuries before 6 gigizillion were murdered, and the state of Israel was created.
different countries are sub divided on many test. the problem is you have to dig deeper and separate non indigenous people. which you might think is easy because like 98% of a country is white but no you have to dig through and remove scores from say french people and finns ect and nobody does the work
That's well known. The question is why break down these numbers and report them this way? Are they broken down by religious difference, racial difference, etc? All Europeans are included in the "white" category, including middle eastern arabs, persians, etc. Is that racist, to water down the numbers of all other groups by using these big "catch all" categories, despite the same excuses being applicable to them as to Ashkenazi jews? It seems a bit like gerrymandering the numbers. Also, if Ashkenazi Jews are mostly European, why are they not simply lumped in with the "white" scores, when Mexicans are, despite being more Mestizo than European?
Bantus are vastly different in terms of IQ than Berber tribes, as are Khosai, but they're all lumped together, droppin the average.
It seems convenient.
Ashkenazi Jews are White, people forget to point this out when saying they are "Smarter than Whites"
Sephardic Jews are the real Jews & they are just dumb Arabs
Ashkenazi's IQ isn't really the factor anyway, it's Nepotism
Pretty much all these companies they control were created & made successful by WASP's, not Jews
Facebook is one of the few created by Jews, but it was all stolen by a White dude, funny that
stolen from a white dude*
Jews are dumb as fuck
They are just devout liars
Funny how in the modern age, lying beats every other method of conquering the world
Seems like a lot of irregularities in terms of reported IQs and performance. Shouldn't Jews be dominating the bit Tech universities, instead of the ivy league?
>Average IQ of Israelis is 94
>Ashkenazi Jews (a subset of all Jews) score 112 on average
>When taken as a whole, the average drops to 103
This is not how averages work.
>go to Israel
>expect super smart Jew physicists and Nobel Laureates everywhere levitating with the power of their minds or some shit
>instead they are rude and dumb as fucking rocks
>completely indistinguishable from neighboring sand niggers except they worship a slightly different Canaanite warrior-god
No shit sherlock, Israel and Ashkenazim aren't all Jews. The world average for all populations of Jews is 103. That includes Chinese Jews, etc.
USA would be 103 without niggers, such a shame
Jews confirmed dumb as fuck cheaters
The people who study racial differences in IQ are almost always white and scared of being called racist, so they like talking about how certain groups have higher IQs than whites. The average Ashkenazi does have a higher IQ than the average "white" person, but there is little evidence that groups like the Japanese, Koreans, Indians or Chinese do. The average immigrant from those places might be more intelligent, but that's just because they're the best of the best from their countries.
That's alright then. The average of 94 and 112 also happens to be 103, so I thought you just added them up.
It's interesting that the average for Israel is lower than the world Jewish average.
East Asians are a bit ahead of Whitey, but they seem to lack creativity, can't think of anything they have invented recently
It's not jewishness that makes someone intelligent, it is race. Ashkenazis are white and that's why they are smart. Look at non-white jews, most of them are dumb as rocks.
what the fuck mongolia, did the spirit of genghis khan threathen the scientists?
Are the Jews the ugliest looking whites on the planet? They all look hideous (males anyway).
They cheat, most Chinese & Mongolians are just dumb peasants, they take the best of the best & make that the "national average"
Japan, SK & Singapore is about right though
Google "hydraulic bureaucracies".
Asians stopped innovating thousands of years ago, as their cultures developed more toward complex, large-scale social organization and away from technology.
How do you know? Those studies are not reliable. In a totalitarian country like China, there's no way scientists are able/allowed to test the run of the mill Chinese person. Maybe the Japanese have higher IQs, but there is no way the Chinese do. Just look at their country.
IQ is accurate to the individual, but not correlating it with ethnicity, since early childhood development and education increases IQ, this argument is moot, since Jewish families put alot of value on exactly those things, early childhood learning and education.
>early childhood education makes race irrelevant
Welcome newfriend, read the Minnesota trans-racial adoption study. Then compare average SAT and IQ scores of the poorest whites to the richest blacks. IQ is highly heritable, and consistent across diaspora populations.
Dunno, I think most iq test and the research bias are kinda bullshit.
There are vastly more atheists in usa which score pretty mush as high as jews and christian episcopalians who score higher.
IQ is a meme.
Hey there Malvinas, ive been here longer than your kek fantasies.
That study is a tiny sample size and also completely irrelevant to what I said.
mixed race children (as a population) are consistently the average IQ of the two parent races
pic related
I don't think psychometrics as a discipline is bullshit, just the way that researchers are motivated by political bias these days. It's a problem throughout the sciences. Something like 40% of all results in psychological studies turn out to be unreproducible. Our universities are being corroded by financial incentives tied to social causes and politics.
See pharmaceutical research and/or climatology as the sine qua non of "motivated" science funding leading to poor research products. Our understanding of IQ is heavily loaded by how the data is carved and then reported. For example, why carve out subgroups and ethnicities so unevenly then report such skewed numbers? It can only serve a social or political agenda.
the same happens with all these clickbait studies of political orientation and IQ
Well, ok, if you were aware of that study, why are you sounding like a first year cultural anthropology major?
Bet you voted for Van der Bellen
>completely irrelevant to what I said.
I listed three things to completely contradict what you said, that race is irrelevant to IQ. Did you misunderstand your own argument and it's implications?
Stop boasting and speak like you know what you're talking about instead.
>%20 Muslim
>%50 Mizrahi
This is why.
>East Asians are a bit ahead of Whitey, but they seem to lack creativity, can't think of anything they have invented recently
China Teams Lead The Way
In what may be one of the first clear set of demonstrations of Artificial Intelligence on a Quantum Computer, one Chinese team of physicists has trained a quantum computer to recognise handwritten characters, the first standalone demonstration of “Quantum Artificial Intelligence” and another Chinese team using a small-scale photonic quantum computer is demonstrating that quantum computers may be able to exponentially speed up the rate at which certain machine learning tasks are performed, and in some cases, reducing the time from hundreds of thousands of years to mere seconds.
Zhaokai Li et al at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei have demonstrated machine learning on a Quantum Computer for the first time. Their Quantum Computer can recognise handwritten characters, just as humans can do, in what Li et al are calling the first demonstration of “Quantum artificial Intelligence”.
Chao-Yang Lu et al at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, have also demonstrated a quantum entanglement-based machine learning method called quantum-based vector classification. This quantum-based vector classification method can be used for both supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and so could have a wide variety of applications. It's also ubiquitous in our daily lives, such as in face recognition, email filtering, and recommendation systems for online shopping.
Chinese Physicists Smash Quantum Teleportation Record
Push the limits’: China to create world’s first quantum info teleport in 2016
China's Nuclear Fusion Machine Just Broke Germany's Hydrogen Plasma Record
Chinese Robot Breaks Guinness World Record for Walking
China’s Sub Jiaolong Set To Dive To Record-Breaking Depths
Doesn't know that 20% are 85% iq arabs and other minorities.
>East Asians are a bit ahead of Whitey, but they seem to lack creativity, can't think of anything they have invented recently
Made in China: Mars by Crazybaby is a wireless speaker that is out of this world
The world's first bendable smartphone made using graphene, which was first developed in Britain, is set to go on sale.
Made by a company in China, the device's graphene-based screen is so flexible that it can be worn as a chunky bracelet.
This, the Chinese definitely inflate their statistics.
Made by Whites
Quantum Theory
Made by Whites
Nuclear Fusion
Made by Whites
Radio technology
Made by Whites
Asians stealing what Whites did & "improving" it is nothing new, Japan stole the Dutches shit & used it to kill a bunch of Chinks & Ruskies
>Asians stealing what Whites did & "improving" it is nothing new
Usually we call that "innovation"
Read Karl Wittgofel's Oriental Despotism.
By far the best book I've read on why non-western people seem so retarded (taking race out of the question). The book is so red pilled the writer was a Marxist researching the "asiatic mode of production" and ended the writing of the book as muh freedom.
Yet so called genius whites are behind, in almost every leading field in quantum computing, nuclear fusion etc.... its chinese!
The reason why China leads in these fields is because of higher IQ + Creativity
The reason most were discovered by whites is not because of white genius but rather because east asians had economic disadvantages, but from 2000 onwards east asians have caught up and now surpassed, Something like 10% of the scientists in the USA are all east asian
The headline reads, “The Rapid Rise of a Research Nation: China’s economic boom is mirrored by its similarly meteoric rise in high quality science.” This was not a headline in People’s Daily or China Daily but in the most prestigious of Western scientific publications, Nature.
The 38 pages, which follow that headline in a special Supplement to the journal Nature, tell us that China is now second in the world in high-quality science publications and growing fast. This certainly contradicts the Western, dare I say racist, stereotype of the hardworking, but unimaginative, Asian drudge, dutifully churning out mounds of low quality work.
Physicists in China have broken their own record for the number of photons entangled in a "Schrödinger's cat state". They have managed to entangle eight photons in the state, beating the previous record of six, which they set in 2007.
Hats off to you OP.
Finally, the argies providing some good content.
China was a shithole until USA's outsourcing built it up recently
SK, Japan & Hong Kong were built by White people also
Look at Asian countries without Whites help, NK & Vietnam for example... kek
It is. You can manipulate numbers. They do that by only taking the numbers of those who go to school, and only certain schools.
It's the same scam with the Chinese. They only pick those who went to school. They don't test and include results from the farming communities, laborers, and other groups that may not test well. Not to mention that not every Chinese gets an education past grade school or something--most don't get educated at all beyond reading and writing.
In most (if not all) Western countries, almost all are forced into education, or at least elementary and high school. In the US, for example, parents are forced to send their children to school, all the way through high school. Even blacks who don't perform well in IQ tests, and some Latinos. And if you average the results, it drags everything down.
And then factor in how the Jews take their statistics sample. Jews, even the perceived smart ones (the Ashkenazi), get inflated averages because of the sampling.
And there's a reason for that. It's imperative for them to claim that they're smarter than everyone else, so people would trust them with key positions. This, in turn, allows them control.
In other words, the "Jew, high IQ" is a lie that facilitates their infiltration of key positions of power, which is backed by cries of anti-Semitism if challenged.
indrsding, got any proofs on the claim that jews in white countries are as smart or dumber as nonjews?
You don't see the ridiculous of your claims?
You imply that creativity is a quantity that if fixed either genetically or culturally
Yet China went from no physics presence to be world leader from 1980 - 2015 thats a 35 year span
This is evidence that white supremacy is bullcrap and only raw IQ matters, the mystical european creativity rationalization no longer makes sense when East Asia is the world leader in science and the problems they are solving right now are many times harder than the problems solved in the past
It is estimated that the famed genius Newton wasn't really a genius and all of his work could be done by someone with 140 IQ
Chinese Physics broke a temperature record of superconductivity
Chinese scientists have developed a new family of safer chemical propellants with the shortest ignition times and lowest viscosities of any ionic fluid rocket fuels to date.
Beijing Electron Positron Collider luminosity sets world record
In America among whites if you separate blonds away from the rest of whites blonds have an average IQ of 105. I think redheads were 101 and brown haired were 98.
I have a hypothesis on why Ashkenazi Jews score so high. They're an urbanite ethnicity which would give them greater access to education. You'll be hard pressed to find a Jew out in the country side. There's been studies on urban and rural white populations and the urban whites populations always have higher IQ than their rural counterparts. And here's the best part. The difference between urban and rural white IQ is one standard deviation. Which is exactly what Jews are to the white average.
This is wrong though. Historically most Ashkenazi Jews lived in tiny insular villages (shtetls).
Ashkenazi Jews are smarter because their communities promoted breeding with the smartest. Being a Talmud scholar who came up with some crazy shit was a good way to get laid.
Going backwards in time, where does the line of white innovation stop? Mesopotamia? They weren't white, were they?
I'm talking about in the present. Ashkenazi Jews are in the present a heavily urban demographic.
Whatever happened in the present doesn't really impact genetics or IQ, so Ashkenazi Jews living in big cities has nothing to do with their test results. It's thousands of years of breeding that gets you to that point.
Otherwise the niggers in Baltimore would be cranking out new economic projection models and shit.
Jews see themselves as jews and will work for a better world for the jews even if it means that others will suffer from it.
90% of Europeans in Europe and North America just see themselves as global citizens who care more about drinking and posting about it on Facebook than anything of substance.
That's why jews keep winning. It doesn't have to do with numbers or IQ, you just have to be organized and willing to die for your people.
I didn't say it impacts genetics. I said it impacts IQ and yes it does. If you have two identical twins and separate them and one is raised in an urban environment and the other is raised in a rural environment the twin that was raised in the urban environment will have a higher IQ.
Jews wanting a better world for themselves has nothing to do with IQ.
Their ability to get results when there are so few Jews has everything to do with IQ.
You don't get an extra standard deviation added on to your IQ by moving from a rural area to a city. Intelligence is more than 80% heritable.
Try again.
Ashkenazi Jews having a high average IQ may simply be an unexpected side effect of all Ashkenasi Jews being 30th cousins with each other.
There's plenty of room for a full standard deviation with 20% of IQ being environmental.
>made successful by WASP's, not Jews
tell me more shitposter sama
You're missing the fact that the Jews who lived in isolated villages hundreds of years ago were quite a bit more intelligent than their Polish neighbors.
Wait... that's not proof of anything.
That's exactly right! I guess it's time to admit that I'm an Ashkenazi Jew and a Rabbi once explained this to me. He didn't think it was God's blessings or anything. In France if you are from a poor family, but intelligent, then hundreds of years ago your only option for education was to become a priest and not have legitimate children.
In a shtetl if you're a poor genius the whole village pays you to study and it's considered a great honor to marry you. Maybe the smart businessman's daughter will marry you... and pay for you to shitpost Talmud interpretations all day!
Inbreeding is part of it but a difference in values is another part.
>You're missing the fact that the Jews who lived in isolated villages hundreds of years ago were quite a bit more intelligent than their Polish neighbors.
How do you know that? There weren't IQ tests hundreds of years ago.
Based on the complex religious scholarship that they produced..
I don't know if there are so few jews in the USA. Yeah there are more whites than jews but your typical whitey lives in a rural area, isn't interested in politics, just want to live like an average joe.
99% of the jews on the other hand, live in urban environment where the power is. As long as they control NYC, LA, Miami, Chicago, Philadelphia etc, it doesn't matter that they are few compared to the total population.
>Pretty much all these companies they control were created & made successful by WASP's, not Jews
Google was created by 2 Jews(the most successful internet company ever)
Bloomberg was also created and lead by a Jew(another massive financial success)
Those are the only ones I can name off the top of my head because I'm only familiar with software/tech, but I'm sure there are many more.
You sound like a butthurt anglo
This isn't even true. Many Jews live in suburbs. Most don't care about politics besides being Democrats and supporting Israel (yeah, it's a huge contradiction, I know).
Jews are a pretty small proportion of the population. The smarter a person is the more interested in politics they'll be. Having a higher baseline IQ means that there will be more super-smart Jews obsessed with politics and involved in political professions like the law and medicine.
Most of my extended family doesn't live in urban areas though, for example.
I remember back in the early 2000s reading on the subject as to why Ashkenazi Jews have higher than average IQs something along the lines of that only male Jews who were able to memorize and recite a certain text (I'm not sure if it was a verse or a chapter or a book) were able to marry a Jewish woman and thus this inevitably weeded out the lower intelligent genes.
This means nothing.
I have a good feeling that if you compare the IQ results of Ashkenazi Jews with that of urban whites with the same income levels as the Ashkenazi Jew average the results will be similar. I don't think anyone has ever tested this but it should be done just to destroy the argument that Jews are genetically predisposed to higher intelligence than whites.
If you were a dullard you weren't getting married. That's part of it. And the other part of it is what I mentioned, Catholic dysgenics. The Catholics literally made their population dumber for more than a thousand years, taking every poor-but-smart fucker who wanted an education and making sure he'd never have legitimate heirs. Who knows how smart Europe would have been if priests had been allowed to marry?
That's a chicken and egg argument. Sure, successful people might test out similarly, but if a much higher proportion of Ashkenazi Jews is in the successful, high-IQ group then you're not proving your point at all. You're just saying you can prove that Jews aren't smarter by excluding dumb whites from testing, and that's ridiculous.
>CERN is Chinese
Yes. IQ is ranked by country, not race, and Israel is way down the list.
Nobody has ever claimed that Sephardics are smarter. Also Israel is about 20% Arab. It's like saying all Europeans are dumb as shit because half the people tested are Albanian.
SO the MIzrahi are Jewish niggers?
I mean to say with a population of urban whites that have as a sum the same average income as Ashkenazi Jews. So that includes whites with an income of $20,000 and whites with an income of $20,000 so long as the averages are the same.
I'm not suggesting go out and find a bunch of urban whites with them all having an income of $98,000. If that happened the average IQ of whites with an income of $98,000 would likely surpass Ashkenazi Jews.
So you're saying Jews are white? I mean, I guess.
Also, Religion does not equal to Ethnicity.
>Average I.Q of six gorillion
>Hey guys I.Q is really dependant on culture and family life, it's really not an accurate measurment of anything and if all races had the same opportunities I'm sure they'd be the same but BOY WE I MEAN THOSE JEWS SURE GENIUSES RIGHT WOWZER CHECK EM OUT HOOOO
The idea that a certain subgroup of jews born primarily in Europe, with primarily European ancestry, are somehow intellectually superior is the same European they live alongside is a preposterous claim backed by very little evidence. Recent genetic studies even prove that "Ashkenazis" are just Italian converts.
And as I said, all legitimate IQ scores only account for the IQ of a population, not the various ethnic groups in that population.
But that population wouldn't be representative of whites, which is why you take a sample of the whole population of whites and the whole population of Ashkenazi and compare them.
Because what you're doing is not testing for differences, but trying to formulate the test in such a way that doesn't show whites as being, on average, dumber.
Noticed how all of these genetics disorders have to do with recessive genes that affect neurological development and fat deposits (the brain is made of fat). Ashkenazim were under pressure in Europe for high intelligence because the had to lie to survive pogroms, and their primary income was Usury (a high IQ profession). Talmudic tradition banned Jews from manual labor, so those who were not good at usury were unable to reproduce in large numbers.
I suggest everyone here read "The 10,000 Year Explosion", "Before the Dawn", and "Separation and Its Discontents", to get a full picture of the evolution of humanity, the white race, and the Jews.
Ashkenazi are like 70% European DNA wise and all their maternal DNA is European which makes them not technically jews by their own standards.
It's only preposterous because you don't like the outcome. Also Ashkeanzi Jews don't have primarily European ancestry. It's a big factor for sure, but it's not primary.
Because Jews control the narrative and can do any kind of "look how smart we are compared to you" tests they want without fear of political backlash.
I'm really not defending this whole higher IQ thing, but I have to say that Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews are of absolutely different races. Ashkenazis have a 20% shitskin and a 75% Euro genes, while Mizrahis are full shitskin.
So the braking down is relevant, and you can't check the Jews as a whole - on the other hand I think it's fair to check japs and chinese seperately, as well as anglos, slavs and germanics.
My theory is that the whites genes with a combination of endless reading(as jewish tradition dictates) may have resulted in a higher IQ, but in truth I think this is a myth to excuse the positions of power, which were earned by Nepotism rather than by skill.
>25%* shitskin
I'll also add that Israel has like a hundred different races and cultural lines here.
I'm not trying to trick you m8, all legit IQ ranks only measure countries, not ethnic groups.
Only a few Jews trying to perpetuate the Exodus myth claim to be anything other than European.
>Only a few Jews trying to perpetuate the Exodus myth claim to be anything other than European.
Unfortunately false.
the Talmud does not ban manual labor.
The problem with comparing the Ashkenazi Jew average IQ to whites is that Ashkenazi Jews are a heavily urban demographic and whites are mixed evenly between rural and urban. Whites are also mixed evenly across income levels.
Jews are already in environments that are proven to correspond to higher IQ which is urban environments and high income environments. If you compare whites in those two exact same environments you will likely find similar results. Which if the results are similar will show that the IQ advantage of Jews over whites is only environmental.
The actions of the elite Ashkenazi globalists will cause the entire Jewish race to be exterminated. The world is opening its eyes to these fatcat Jews' exploits. I doubt we'll be differentiating between "good Jews" and "bad Jews" when the time comes though, unfortunately. It's a shame. There's no denying that many great thinkers and scientific minds were Jewish.