Here we discuss the reasons why Anglos are clearly the superior race, and why all others are beneath us.

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French are equal

the fucking desert does not count

K ya manlet nerd

>Anglos are clearly the superior race
right behind us Slavs

You ruined Suid Afrika, Anglos

Boers are backwards white trash with no sense of commerce or the march of civilization

>tfw from lowly colony
>tfw great great grandparent is an British engineer who came to SEA to make a railway.
>tfw I admire british achievements but brits will always think of us as scum


>white trash meme


Look at those second rate empires... Disappointing.




God why couldn't I have been born a 100 years earlier



canada : ice desert
india : poo desert
from egypt to south africa : sand desert
australia : fucking sand desert




your inhabitants ancestors were low life scum from britistan

anglos are literally cancer

then Australia is out

The two most loyal servants of the Shaytaan

Fuck anglo and french """""people"""""

June 23rd. British Empire V2.00

pay Boer reparations


Pax Britannica when?

I wish I could believe. I've done my part in campaigning and I'm doing more before the date, but I just know we're going to vote to remain.

Anglos made SA the industrial/economic powerhouse of Africa. The biggest mistake that the British did were the concentration camps for the boer women and children. Other than that, it was the British and not the Dutch that put SA on the map as a country

Butt hurt Frenchie incoming.

India - Rich natural resources, fertile land. Destroyed the Mughal empire to claim it as our own.

Canada - Oil. Fish.

Australia - Place to store convicts, also wiped out most abos. We tamed the wild lands, full of dangerous, deadly animals.

Egypt to South Africa - Lions, tigers, elephants. We tamed them all. We also crushed the pitiful empires in west Africa.

Still lads, enjoy your Sahara and chinkies.

You painted Romania instead of Bulgaria, but still a great map, fellow slav

Shut up, ARGIES. You literally have British islands on your money.

You lost the war, lads. Let it go.

The British Raj shall rise again.

We also had spices, fish, diamond mines, lions, tigers, elephants and a few oil fields too desu
You got a pretty good deal with India

>31% of the entire worlds Uranium supply
>So much iron ore we don't know what to do with it
>So much natrual gas/coal we don't know what to do with it
>large amounts of gold

Imagine a country the size of Europe or America that's never been touched/farmed or even had trees cut down until 1788 and for the first couple of hundred years the population was very small.

I know it sounds a lot like we wuz and India super power by 2020 but I seriously expect Australia to become a super power some time in the future we're the size of Europe for gods sake

Glorious Anglo sphere when?

If I can recall from a documentary I watched, India was meant to be their most important and lucrative colony of all their different territories. Unfortunately you locals weren't very pleased with these plans, which subsequently led to it failing miserably.

>French are equal

t. Jean from Lac Saint-Jean


It was, even Hitler was noted saying that if the colonialists were given the option to choose from having to abandon India or having to abandon Britain, they'd rather choose the latter

>the reasons why Anglos are

Literal Roman cucks. The joke with cuck nations though: all of them are cucking back into the basic beta state.

India was only good for extracting cotton other raw materials and then selling manufactured products back to them

Any day now brother

>If I can recall from a documentary I watched, India was meant to be their most important and lucrative colony of all their different territories.

The British Empire was composed of the following parts:

1. the UK
2. the White Dominions
3. India
4. the rest

Once India left and the white dominion drifted into US domination, the rest fell away, as there was no point to it afterwords.

Indian brothers, you must fight the white devil

>tfw born an Anglo

Truly the greatest feel

I'd imagine that the loss of finance and power that the world experienced during both world wars stunted any future plans with these colonies as well. From an African perspective, South Africa was the only colony that took off while the others were just large outposts for Rhodes' Cape to Cairo plan (Southern Rhodesia being an exception). Lack of finance to control these territories as well as the emergence of independence movements killed Britain off in Africa.

he wasn't even directing any comments at the British you stupid pompous English bastard.

The only superior empire is the one that included Philippines.

England shits out countries into 1st world super and regional powers

Spain takes all the gold back home, goes full retard and creates 2nd and 3rd world shit colonies. Unless your counting America as an Empire and you'll be correct with it being far more powerful but not necessarily superior

America is in the Anglosphere


pick one

Eternal Anglo thread.


100% of """refugees""" that have attacked Aryan women sexually have been racial ANGLOS.


literally kill yourself


should anglos even be considered human?

no, they are roaches

>Acuse Anglos and Russians for ficki ficki


Anglobros need to be working towards this.

why have jews never built a civilisation but always take over civilisations

they sound like actual parasites 2bh



Butt hurt Scot detected.

Ironic because you never actually beat Anglos.

>tfw your great-grandfather killed boers

Im in le Canada and Im not le anglo.

Signed le Québécois.