Sup Forums, who are more evil:
women or jews?
Sup Forums, who are more evil:
women or jews?
jews are the reason women are so free today
Jews, they created feminism in the first place and encouraged women to do this fucking insane behavior
Yes, but on the other side, women have also infiltrated the jews
Leftards are the ones who brainwashed women. Sure a lot of Jews are leftards but anyone can be one.
Women are just another tool of the jews and they're too stupid to realize that they're being used
Leftards. Women can be brought back to the right side and the problematic jews aren't such a large proportion, but all leftards are leftards by definition.
jews existed before women could vote, and after women vote everything went shit.
Women are a product of the media they consume. They're brainwashed by it. Molded in it.
And Jews run the media.
Ergo, you remove the Jews, you fix women.
Jewish women
It's always the jews.
If you think women are less evil than Jews you're the nicest goy ever.
gay jew here. Women. You are getting cucked by the weak.
Neither. Jews are not plotting some conspiracy to destroy the West (they are just regular people like us), and women have never started any wars that killed millions of people. Get your head out of the gutter.
Dude nice.
your service is not forgotten, simply ignored by the masses.
>captcha pizza
Jewish women.
Well done, you have won 10 good goy points.
Women by far. Jews themselves are the victim of women.
>women have never started any wars
Because they didn't have the possibility to.
>we will lose another six million
Jewish women are pinnacle of evil.
That's actually not true here, women always voted more conservative in France until 00s and now the stats are the same for both sexes.
>women always voted more conservative
No, they didn't.
Also, what you call conservative is already a shadow of real conservatism thanks to women's suffrage.
In a democracy without women's suffrage guys like Trump would be left wing compared to others that would run.
There is only 1 exception to the rule that women vote more conservative: When a conservative politician is female or a good looking male then women will vote for them.
We need to get rid of Jews first, as they use women as their tools to help their ideas spread.
Then we get rid of our current women and perfect gender changing so that we can turn useless piles of garbage like me into lolis.
Jewish women are like intelligent Back butch dikes.
They pretty much run all but the orthodox jews.
Probably best to live in a world without women than a world without jews
Although jews are the greatest evil on Earth, women will still continue to be dumb and just get brainwashed by somebody else.
Women arent evil
it's just their nature, as Patrice O'Neil and Dante Nero used to say women are 'sick' and men (alphas - pimps) have to provide the cure
Women is not evil.
Society cannot survive without women.
The general message of your pic isn't wrong but I hope you realize that planned parenthood started out as eugenics. They wanted to keep black birth rates in check and they're succeeding.
Even in areas where blacks are a minority, the majority of abortion takers are black. Planned parenthood centers are predominantly placed in black neighborhoods aswell.
Fair enough for the immigration part of the image, again, but it's heavily misrepresenting the abortion part.
Abortion is literally a white construct to keep black birthrates down and retards campaign against it because they don't understand it.
They are the puppet master that is pulling the strings.
We can if we master the art of turning some men who aren't very successful as working individuals and would be better at housework (like me) into cute loli housewives who can do lewdstuffs for good, redpilled, white men.
I wholeheartedly agree with this notion.
I like women, but they're enablers. Liberalism, the tool of the Jew in the modern age, can only work because we've let women and feminine values open us up to be pegged by the zog.
Women are enherently more evil by nature
But they are also enherently more useless.
One is more evil, but the other has capacity for more evil.
there is someone more evil than both of them combined: the Patriarchy
those shitlords are responsible for global warming!
Women's liberation has destroyed Western society far faster than nefarious Jewish influence (100 years versus thousands of years).
Women by far.
Neither are evil unless your an underage alt-righter
same thing
>my an underage alt-righter
Shut up newfag
according to bps women. they prefer virtue signaling and to limit their freedom in return for welfare state. women are stupid, at least the jews intention are obvious and are the same with every empire in history.