To all American veterans and soldiers
This is what you fought for
Don"t ever get butthurt when other anons tell you that joining and fighting was the dumbest thing you ever did
To all American veterans and soldiers
>Burris denied causing the damage, but said he was driving a 1979 Ford Thunderbird on Saturday morning.
>When officers found the car, it had pieces of a cross and ground stake embedded in the tires.
How the fuck do they even revert to "I DUNDU NUFFIN" when the evidence is right fucking there for all to see? This is literally how a fucking 5 year old tries to weasel his way out of facing consequences, and the man is nearly 30.
Why do you bring this Sup Forums shit here.
To anger us.
And it does.
>dumbest thing i ever did
>got to shoot probably islamists for a few years
>have a shitload of money saved up now
>getting a free ride through UCF
I think the dumbest thing I actually ever did was wait a year between getting my diploma and enlisting because i missed the invasion.
It fucking would be St.ShitHole. Fuck that place, Illinois can have the rest, we dont want it anymore.
As Mr. Shaggy fortold in his hit single:
Just say it wasn't you.
Even worked for R Kelly during trial.
What a fucking cockgobbler.
Regardless of the war of who's burial ground it was, you don't vandalize a burial ground.
We need to start gassing niggers who do this shit
>This is literally how a fucking 5 year old tries to weasel his way out of facing consequences,
Honestly, a lot of these guys have the maturity of a 5 year old. They've spent their entire life in an environment where maturity was ignored at best, actively shunned at worst, and where if you saw something you wanted, you took it, unless someone else was willing and able to stop you. Their entire sense of right and wrong is centered around the fulfillment of base needs. This guy probably doesn't even understand why what he did was wrong, only that he'll be punished for it.
Not to mention the general negro mental limitations.
We're those crosses offending vampires?
How's it feel to be a welfare queen?
How does it feel to not know the difference between welfare and contract work?
>contract work
Only about 20% of people in the military do work. The other 80% sits around doing dumb, pointless shit just so the military looks busy.
Welcome to contract work.
You might not be required to work the whole time, you might have to work 100% of the time.
So that sounds pretty much the same as my civi job.
Is it just me or is this thread full of elves
I think they're moving threads to pol from other boards, see
Welcome to Sup Forums!
This is spot on, and the influence of western civilization, in which the instinctive tendencies of a toddler are refined into self (and consent to external) governance have been under attack for over 50 years.
In "black culture" we see the result of it being removed altogether.
When you say "black culture" you make it sound as though it is a fixable problem. It's not. Niggers are niggers and they are regardless of nation state.
So they aren't just binning off-topic Sup Forums threads now?
We're officially a containment board for all the reddit shittery on Sup Forums?
dubs from parts unknown
that you NSA?
Filthy fucking niggers.