Is where we went wrong?



... and female education.



No, giving the right to vote to non-landowners is where it went wrong

No. Andrew Jackson is where we went wrong.
Originally the United States only gave voting franchise to land owners, the wealthy, and the intelligentsia. A Meritocratic Democracy.
Then Jackson came along and campaigned on the idea of Jacksonian Democracy, and a key tenant of that is that ALL American men should have voting franchise.
He fucked everything up. He gave the idiots the right to vote. He created the Tyranny of the Majority that the Founding Fathers fought so hard to prevent.
Jackson paved the way for the international jew to take control of the voters with propaganda. The idiots simply outnumbered the qualified.
So the idiots voted for woman's suffrage because they were told to, and women accelerated the decline.
Fuck Jackson.
Also he got rid of the National American Bank because he was a shortsighted retard. He allowed the Rothschilds to come in and privatize the banking institution.
I fucking HATE Jackson

Newfag, fuck off.


fuck off, faggot

>No. Andrew Jackson is where we went wrong.

The problems are the same world wide, you're trying to make it an American issue, when in reality it's a worldwide woman issue.

t. envious underachieving men

The straw that collapsed society

>Women's suffrage is not about politics
>Taking away women's voting rights is not politically incorrect

Retarded stormnigger detected.

Prove it, roastie.

Women who are 30+ should be vote. Most women below that age a fucking retarded.

Women's vote will be banned in Britain soon anyway.

Pic related is our future prime minister, Anjem Choudary

>Women's vote will be banned in Britain soon anyway.

Name one Muslim country where women's voting is banned.

Name one Western country where feminist parties are against Muslims.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

school education, yes. but 'life' education is something woman should have. there is nothing more interesting to me than exploring new stuff, discovering misteries of the world, learning as much as possible, but not in oppressive institutions like school, college etc. if a woman is not educated, she will probably end up as a nigger-loving slut or stupid robot who van't think for herself but obeys government and modern society.

>Muslim country
i see what you tried to do there lol

That shit movement started in England. Spread to America then was put into movies and television the entire world watched.

Thanks England!

>name one western country
>argue within the rules I make
> wont...

Well, then was the premise. user claimed that Muslims will take away women's voting rights, yet can't name a single country where this actually is the case.

It happens. Wherever Muslims already have a majority, they'll allow or even welcome democracy. They breed like rabbits so it's not like they're ever going to lose their majority once they have it.

No, this was when.