>Up to 700 migrants feared dead in three shipwrecks off Libyan coast this week, UN refugee agency says
>Up to 700 migrants feared dead in three shipwrecks off Libyan coast this week, UN refugee agency says
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Rest in Ripples
>700 Dead Migrants Drown
That's not something to be happy about. Over 12,000 migrants have been rescued in this week ALONE! It just shows you that more will keep on coming and coming. Europe is finished.
Still no enough
Why hasn't Sup Forums made a pepeseidon yet?
Might put some off travelling to Europe though. Every little helps.
It won't, otherwise you would be seeing a decrease in the numbers coming, which there hasn't been.
Think we'll see around 700 less
Like I said, that doesn't make much of a difference when there's tens of thousands coming by the week.
Kek has spoken. Will you listen?
(as they were heading for Italy - Roman god)
t. pedant
shut up ehmed
Its not called a Great White for nothing
What the fuck?! This is not funny!
Well done Merkel, good job Soros you evil cunt.
Even 1 less is still a victory
This is only happens because Eu gives the impression that it will welcome any refugee that will manage to reach it.
Just show everyone that you will not accept any and move the ones that already in the EU back to their own countries then people will stop coming the EU.
What is so hard about doing this?
Blame Merkel and Soros, the blood is on their hands
This will make waves in the media .
>not stopping the boats
The EU wants refugees to die.
Not funny or good at all. These were people. Have some respect
Actually zero will change to the European countries taking these freeloading bastards in, start to fall apart.
In that sense every Sup Forumsfag should be cheering for more to come.
even the fucking boat didn't want them
How can you drown if you're already dead?
Get fucked
They don't give a shit if any European dies or has their life ruined because of them coming here - so why should we?
Aww, that's too bad
hehe xd
That's why you shouldn't welcome them, no matter what.
All out of empathy now sorry.
This is what happens when you place burden after burden on peoples shoulders. Things are going to get worse too
Granted, it's a drop in an ocean, but still. Every dead shitskin is great news!
>tfw even BBC cant call the refugees nor Syrian anymore
Thanks Based Poseidon btw
>Dead Migrants Drown
>British education
> Perhaps he's wondering why someone would drown a man before throwing him off of a boat
Why not just leave them here they came and drop them supplies to get by and then arm them to fight for there own country.. Maybe i'm oversimplifying it sure, but its a valid point. I mean for real? Why not fight for your land that you were brought up in??
If it destroys liberal faggots running Europe then I do welcome that - I just find muslimes and niggers to be repulsive generally - it is a price we have to pay
>Liberals BTFO
>Conservatives are ruling the country now
>But Muslims are a permanent part of the country
>They multiply 10 times more than you
>In 50 years they will be the ones to rule your country
Such a master plan desu
>Why not fight for your land that you were brought up in
lel - they are here for a better life at the expense of Europeans - if there is a war on or not they'd still come and have been for 70 years
It's almost like there's a way to remove pest....
Wrong Abdul
>liberals/jews hold the power in Europe
>mudslimes will bit for power once enough are here
>only choice the sheep will have is submit to muds and islam or join us.
>first ones to be slaughtered will be liberals and their supporters
Was that your master plan all along
Muslims"No we Jihad these infedils, With no Survivors"
Then why don't you take them, yankee doodle?
Segregation.. make it ok
>in unrelated news weekly sea rescues reach 13,000
>The rescue of more than 600 migrants off Libya on Saturday by a flotilla of EU ships
> EU ships
The only thing that counts is whether Italy's Northern border is leaking or not. France and Austria have closed their borders afaik, I don't know about Switzerland and Slovenia.
you know shit mate
Bad news. Only 700 dead? For fuck's sake, a thousand shitskins can die every day, and it still won't be enough.
go to hell, commie. niggers aren't people.
Does it really matter? Every day dozens more like this arrive.
At some point yuros will become refugees themselves, fleeing from the savage """refugees""" that flooded their country.
Can you imagine them moving to now unoccupied nigger lands and turning them into functioning strongholds? Too bad that would be racist.
Is Poseidon really the last god besides kek to give a shit about the west anymore? Satan's been pretty cool to be personally but just me in particular.
Winter-chan tried her best this year but it wasn't enough.
Do you really believe that this cuck with one testicle left will save the whole EU?
Anyone know any official offers to Poseidon?
they didn't listen
He prefers fountains of salt water, if you really want Poseidon to drown more migrants make a dish of salt water and offer your memes to him.
Drowning rapefugees is getting kinda boring. Can we get some fire god engaged in solving this problem?
Yay, but let's be honest
Western foreign aid programs have made sure these fuckers will just spawn like Marvel Movies. There's no end of it.
Europeans should never have left Europe from the beginning.
The fire gods will come, when they do their wrath purges many. The problem with fire gods is everyone burns.
>They will now use this to use planes to transport immigrants
You get that right Sup Forums?
They will probably crash it into the most tower looking thing they will see.
27/05/2016 1900 refugees saved