>falling for the SpaceX jew
Why fake this video? What does SpaceX have to gain?
>falling for the SpaceX jew
Why fake this video? What does SpaceX have to gain?
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another "earth is flat" thread
Roscosmos must be mad as fuck.
I've actually noticed a lot of the comments on these flat Earth videos are made by Aussies too. Is something happening to our brains? Are we just bored with life so we indulge in these fantasies so we believe ourselves to be too smart for the masses to understand?
Ha ha holy shit does that guy not know what a fucking gyroscope is
That guy should play some Kerbal. Would answer a few of his questions, provided he doesn't fuck up his launches (which I find doubtful).
does he not know that you can adjust the rocket by changing the direction of propulsion?
"How can it straighten itself out???"
Haven't looked at the schematics but from the video there's at least some monopropellant being PID-regulated. Other ways of doing this would be a fat gyroscope or just a set of fucking aelerons.
I bet you guys are gonna say your computers are faked because you don't know how they work.
Tesla and SpaceX are nothing but a money laundering front
>yes goy we have received 6 gorillion orders for our car (even though we can only """""""""produce"""""""" like """""""15.000""""""" a year)
>yeah we're totally making a killing of our new ultra cheap rocket technology. too bad we launch it in the middle of ocean so that nobody can actually see it in action teeeheee. other than from our stock footage which looks more fake than lunar landings that is
i never thought of it like this guess i am a rubio rocket again
>this tech is too advanced for my tiny brain so ill call it fake even though i have literally zero knowledge of it
You're a literal cuckdownsyndrome. Unless the guy making the video is a rocket scientist who spend 10+ years studying for his qualification he doesn't know SHIT.
Fucking retard
hes obviously trolling
whats wrong with you pol...
you were once the chosen one
>we launch it in the middle of ocean
Nope, launched at KSC. Saw it from the pool friday afternoon.
>Sup Forums was supposed to destroy the idiots, not join them. Sup Forums was supposed to bring balance to the internet, not leave it in darkness.
That's not what a containment board is.
Oh wow. I'm a #SpaceXMissile now
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the cancer
the logic is so sound tho bro
I can't really tell if he's trolling because all his videos are about illuminati and flat earth conspiracies, but his tone and speech seems satirical. Like he's mocking retarded right-wingers and conspirotards.
It's just how they used to do it on lost in space, they just reverse the footage.
Wow, I'm now #flattened
the retard refuted himself, lmaoooo
Oh fuck off, the original is sped up 12x.
>moves his mouse over stabiliser thrusters while they fire off
It launches from Cape Canaveral though.
Poe's law
This made no sense.
Try sticking a pencil in an orange. The top disappears first when you rotate.
Dude you're on to something
theres not enough chemtrails here to subvert our minds