How has Mannerheim escaped a tarnished reputation from his association with Hitler?
How has Mannerheim escaped a tarnished reputation from his association with Hitler?
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>association with Hitler?
Mannerheim thought Hitler was an arrogant upstart who should stay away from military matters.
He refused to extend his attacks against the soviets as Hitler wished, retreated at the right time from the alliance and finally attacked his former german allies on soviet request.
Finland have managed to force the "Not allied, just fighting together" meme.
Also, Mannerheim never committed any Genocides and it's not like you care about any of Hitler's other irrelevant leaders for that part.
Ok thank you
Despite of this fact he still was allied with Hitler to gain back finish territory lost in the winter war. Not all of his allies were his greatest fans per se. Learn your history.
He was a swedish alpha who got out of the war without finns having to carry guilt of slaughtering bolshevik pigs.
It's funny when you remember Hitler had promised Stalin all of Finland just two years prior to that.
No, you dingaling. Finland was allied with Germany. Mannerheim is a person, he wasn't allied with anyone.
>German family
>Grandfather moved into Finland proper a century before our independence
Pekka pliis.
He wasn't the only one to refuse genocide - bulgaria saved it's jews from deportation, didn't participate in the russia-war and still got bombarded and finally occupied. I think geography also played it's part. Finland wasn't that much needed for a soviet version of the cordon sanitaire.
Yeah but he was in command and practically made the decisions at this time.
Finland wasn't occupied because the SU failed. At the end of the war the Soviets attacked with full might, were stopped, lost two entire divisions in a week of consecutive defeats until STAVKA stopped the attack and ended the war diplomatically since Finland could not in the end defeat the Soviet Union and they did not want massive losses, but instead to focus on attacking Berlin.
>Also, Mannerheim never committed any Genocides
not that it matters though, those russkies deserved it and eastern karelia was rightful finnish territory anyway :^)
Mannerheim was a weird person.
Born in Grand Duchy of Finland, to a swedish-speaking parents, served in Imperial Russian army, sided with Whites in Finnish Civil War against Reds, then as Commander-in-Chier and Marshall in Winter War and Continuation War against Sovjet Union and from what I've heard did not speak much Finnish.
Yeah. Question is if he ever intended to keep this promise. he planned to invade russia for a long time, probably even before the Hitler-Stalin pact. Only thing in question is when it became really concrete and irreversible.
Considering that the German state barely gave any support at all and the Invasion of Russia didn't come until one year after the winter war, isn't it fairly certain he at least were going to keep his promise to give Finland away to Russia?
Possibly not let them keep it, but let hem occupy it for some time and have enough time to deport a few thousands or more to gulag.
Nope. He was not responsible for Finland de facto allying with Germany. Even after the war the responsibility fell to the president, Risto Ryti, who was imprisoned. Mannerheim wasn't even the Marshal until 42.
Lol yeah, they stopped the `44 offensive before near defeat only with german help and were then able to make a peace-agreement. In exchange they had to attack their former german ally.
But if Stalin had wanted finland afterwards he would have gotten it.
Ryti was the scape-goat.
Went from unconditional surrender into peace talks.
Just like the US would've won in Vietnam. :^)
Giving away in the sense of not intervening for sure.
Yeah he wasn't Marshall before but he always commanded the army in the war. Hence i wrote practically - finish government had to make great concessions to him, otherwise he wouldn't have taken the lead. He was the main-decision-maker at this time.
What does commanding the army have to do with political alliances? Can you provide me evidence of Mannerheim being the man behind Finland's de facto alliance with Germany?