Are Germanics truly the inferior race?

Are Germanics truly the inferior race?
No,seriously think about it.
>Anglos had greatest colonial empire in history
>Slavs control largest territory in the world

>Germanics...lost both world wars
>"Well,Anglos have colonies,Slavs have territory,we...w-we have...we have blond hair...well,some of us...I guess."
Once you look at it the way it is,the story of Germans is a sad story,really.

What are you doing mate

The Eternal Anglo strikes again

Anglos are Germanics mixed with Celts

Scandinavians are Germanic too and you aren't showing them there

Only the industrious and moral Englishmen can create an empire and spread imperial glory around the earth. The inferior Germanic spends all his time kicking around the rest of the continent while the Englishmen inhabits the world

Anglos are Germanics faggot

we had an empire actually

krauts lost both world war because they're incompetent losers who rather bomb civilians than fight on the battlefield

>What is the Habsburg Dynasty
>What is the Dutch Colonial empire
>What is the German GDP compared to the rest of European countries
>What is the Swiss banks
>What is... Yeah never mind about Belgium

>Mongolia is grey

They're slavs too...


^bomb themselves
fixed that for you

"Anglos" arent a race

That one german memester has confused people into thinking they are

Belgium turned Congo into a fucking goldmine. Way more profitable than Indonesia or any French colony in the Sahara

>Romania and Moldova blue
>Bulgaria grey

Or maybe because they had to more or less fight against the rest of the world themselves.

English people aren't mixed actually. They stayed pretty Anglosaxon

this is more accurate

ayyyy lmao

Anglos are Germanic.

Yeah and they managed to fuck up like no other country. Within a year they've become a laughing stock with the "refugees welcome" shit.

>Highly germanic portions of the US labeled latin

It's impressive what you did over there. You've gotta give Belgium a hand for what they did in Congo.

Guess what anglo-saxon means. Could it be a mix of Angles and Saxons which were two ancient germanic people?

funny story, time for a history lesson, so once apon a time there was a dutch explorer who was the first European to discover New Zealand.
first thing he did was send some of his men to shore to catch some fish.
little did he know, the maori were descended from asians, so they're a little smarter than your average native, they had deep cultures and traditions and well developed wooden fortresses complete with long term food storage ect.
Anyway, the dutch explorers were catching fish from the part of the sea the maori had set aside for a burial ground, the maori knew the fish consumed their ancestors there so the fish were sacred as maori had a lot of respect for their elders and ancestors.
when the maori saw the dutch eating the fish they got mad and brutally killed and ate all the ones that were sent to shore.
the dutch captain was so shocked and horrified he got the fuck out of there fast.

thing is, Europeans had a funny rule where the captain had to set foot on the land for it to get claimed, and that only happened a year later when british captain james cook arrived.

the dutch were that close to owning NZ.

a couple of years later after the brits had already settled NZ the dutch tried to take it, but got completely BTFO a second time when the maori teamed up with the brits an sent them packing.


Wrong the Anglo-Saxon is God's Real chosen people

>a couple of years later after the brits had already settled NZ the dutch tried to take it, but got completely BTFO a second time when the maori teamed up with the brits an sent them packing

When the Hell did this ever Happen

Yes so they aren't mixed with Celts.

>>Slavs control largest territory in the world

the moment I realized OP is a clueless retard.

>calling places the dutch settled "germanic"

south island history
gold mining

why does no one do this with a rectangular map, it is considered to be the most accurate

it was originally a Latin colony

meant to post picture

>germanic somalia

Anglos are Germanic you donkey. Saxons, Angles, Normans (people will say either "French" or "Norse" to this but early Norse migrations and culture created the Germanic people's). Shit, even the Angles gave the name to England (where you get the term Anglo from) as England comes from Angle-land. Anglos and Germanics are basically the same people's.

Britain didn't control all of the USA.

France is only Latin by language, ethnically they are Celt - Germanic, because of the Franks

shut up ustase, fuckin german- bootlicker

I miss the days of the empire, hey Ireland you wanna go for round 2

that's a mistake

Franks, Burgondes and Visigoths were all germanic to begin with. So if you include the Normans, include all the rest too.

What are Romanians?
topkek, you are fucking retards.
Also the nigger Argentin doesn't know what Baltics are, Funnugors are, Ostpreußen Slavic on a pre-WW1 map. Your skin color is the true manifestation of your wisdom.

sure thing mate. get me a redcoat and lets head to africa

because we don't have a map like that with borders

what about Ethiopia, didn't the Ethiopians cuck the Italians


The superior races are Chinks and Indians. They will change the world

what the fuck, your map says unknown

where did your meme flag come from

ask any questions, my son

where are you, oh malevolent one

I'm everywhere.

Well they are tracksuit wearing, vodka drinking, cyrllic alphabet writing people now. Transformation is almost complete.

>conquer Slavs
>become Slav yourself

Romanians are Latins, I mistook Bulgaria for Romania. That's why Bulgaria is green

That map doesn't represent the language spoken by the majority of the people. Baltics are blue because they were part of the Russian Empire(just as Finland).

protip: the Angles and the Saxons were both Germaic peoples, ergo anything the Anglo-Saxons achieved would fall under Germanic achievements.
Of course, the real dirty laundry is that the Anglo-Saxons never achieved anything of note till the Normans conquered them.

I beg most humbly on my knee for your gift, oh mighty and powerful one

germans are retarded and their only goal is to destroy europe
fuck them
we should just use their women as sex slaves
the kikes can only control so much, no one is responsible for an entire generation of beta leftist cucks other than germans

and the Norman dynasty lasted from 1066 - 1154, nothing of note happened in that time

What is Dutch if not Germanic?

Ov vey, the goyim know. Shut it down.

what are you doing


I thought Bulgaria was Romania since in the original map, Romania was blue. Romania was never part of any Slav empire so it made no sense

Choose one you retard.

Too bad they were forced to hand it over to niggers eventually.

Anglo are germanic you retarded shit

that's because you were part of the Russian empire. Are you retarded? India is not Anglo neither but it's labeled as Anglo because it was part of the British Empire.

Anglos are Germanic you idiot.

>called Anglo
>"they're actually Germanic!!!!"
You can't make them Germanic,and then outcast them as it fits you,fucking idiot.
One step back,and Germanics and Slavs are the same tribe.
One step back,and Iranians are the same.
Can't do that my friend.

Why the fuck are Crimea, Sakhalin, Kurils, Novaya Zemlya and other islands gray?


We could go one step further and call Croatians not slavic because they don't call themselves Slovenes

crikey mate


Are you on the ISS?

Someone check the flag code on 4plebs

the dutch empire was a trade empire, anytime the british or spanish got close to one of your ports you would run for the hills

>Latins in Africa

ayyyyyyy lmao

bait over 9000

Anglo-saxons are germanic, you retard. They're germanic tribes (angles and saxons) that migrated to great britain and pushed the disgusting celts out.


pick one, faggot

just because people were "part" or "conquered" by a country doesnt change their race you stupid nigger


the map is about which race had the biggest empire, not about which race populated the biggest amount of territory.

You don't understand, don't you?

sorry, i forgot to waste mt tinw reading your autistic post


Because Eternal Anglo

>the first colony ship sent to outer space has a bigger chance of being called the HMS Shaniqwa'lashan than the HMS Cecil Rhodes at this rate.

I didn't know Swedish were so sassy

did your mom fuck a rapefugee?

Anglos are germanic so your example is a pretty poor one, also you're trying too hard

>tfw blond hair Slav and reading this
Slava Rodu!


>implying any nation dominated by nigger-worship and white self-hate will ever be able to create an interstellar colony ship

First colony ship will be named Mao Zedong at this rate.

>not turks

srbe na vrbe

holy shit, nobody saw this?

He is shitposing in many threads at this moment.

Hello, rarefriend

ooga booga


Are you White?

Anglos are Germanic

Germanic and Celtic are pretty much entirely cultural and linguistic distinctions, not racial ones

English is a Germanic language and the English identity was heavily influenced by the Anglo and Saxon Germanic tribes (Denmark and Germany) along with the Vikings (Sweden and Norway) and English is Germanic language.