When do we get our own version of Trump? Turnbull and Shorten are like wet towels.
When do we get our own version of Trump? Turnbull and Shorten are like wet towels
Why would we want trump? The man stands for nothing other than ego and one-upmanship.
If you're a traditional conservative, vote for a party that actually stands for that with conviction. If you're an economic conservative, for a party that actually stands for that. There's no need to desire a guy who stands for neither of those and only pays lip service to them because it's politically convenient.
Yeah, nah, get a dick up ya.
What? Why? Does standing for political integrity make me a faggot now?
>Literally "muh true conservative"
Yes, it does.
We had Tony but the Jews got him because he wouldn't sign their global warming bullshit. Now all we have is die hard globalists in all parties.
When I say "our own Trump" I mean someone who is able to actually rally at least half the country. The last PM to actually finish a term was Howard. I want there to be an end to political musical chairs and get someone who is strong enough to have the unwavering support of their party.
But Trump isn't a true conservative. He's not a true libertarian. He's not even a true liberal. He's a true Trump, and electing a man on that platform alone sets a dangerous precedent to undermine democracy and elect other demagogues in the future.
Too many leftists in the last thread. Can we just ignore them all in this one?
truth be told presidents dont really need to have a platform or plan. presidents are mostly just a pair of steady of hands that man manage the plan and keep it running. policy comes from the legislature
Ok, that's fair enough, but don't say "we need a Trump" in that case, say "we need a true leader." Trump isn't a leader, he's a demagogue with no ideological convictions that wants to get into power for the sake of getting into power who will probably bumble around office if he gets in. Hell, I'd even wager that if he DID get in, it would only result in MORE political bickering, not less, because many many people will be upset that such an unqualified person managed to get into power on such bullshit premises.
Clinton and Sanders aren't "true" representatives of their parties either. So what? Just because someone doesn't fit the cookie-cutter fit of their party doesn't mean it's defcon 1.
Bill Shorten is as close to Trump as we'll get. Zingers are the currency of the based.
>wanting a billionaire as a leader
Gee how could anything go wrong
We don't exactly have the system in place for one God emperor. If you want things done, you need a political party of Trumps.
Nigger, literally every person ever elected in any country is a demagogue.
>Bill Shorten
>close to Trump
You can stop posting now.
trump will invoke a state of emergency, dissolve the congress and call martial law
Because the guy isn't afraid to go against the party conventional policy when it is detrimental to the state's national interests (see trade and foreign policy).
He is by far the best candidate in the race, massively superior to Clinton and Sanders, and if you watched the truly laughable Libertarian debate today, he is far better than them as well.
>Bill Shorten is as close to Trump as we'll get
Strewth m8 you have gone all out.
Good. Fuck Congress. Mr Trump should be Dictator For Life.
I'm not saying that people should vote for someone who conforms to party platform, I'm saying that people should vote for someone who actually has a conviction about what's best for their country and will follow through with that.
Trump doesn't have that. I don't think anyone genuinely knows what he stands for. If he gets into power, he could do virtually anything and no one would be surprised, since we don't have a clue as to what his motivations are.
He might become tighter on abortion. He might liberalise it. He might be tougher on immigration. He might do fuck-all on it. He might decrease business taxes. He might increase them. Leaving all of these important questions up in the open is incredibly risky and not at all how a healthy democracy should function.
He's a feminist cuck.
>A president has to abide by a arbitrary limit of policies in order to maintain a political label
Shit tier
>He's a feminist cuck
He has the high-estrogen manboobs to prove it too.
>I'm psychic. I know Trumps true intentions, much like my clairvoyant colleague Cenk.
We don't need a Trump. At all. We don't have immigration problems, that's the only thing Trump brings to the table over our parties.
Also you're retarded if you vote Liberal.
Not necessarily. Being a demagogue doesn't just mean making promises to get elected that you later backflip on to promote your actual agenda instead, it means making your *entire platform* based around saying what's most popular because you have nothing else to go with.
You were already a faggot well before you started bleating about political integrity.
You've got PC bullshit, you have no guns, and the Abbos live off of your dime. You may not want a Trump, but your country needs one.
they won't be living as long as us if they keep it on the grog and sniffing petrol until the rainbow serpent comes to fuck their skulls out
That's not my point at all m8. Real political conviction isn't arbitrary in any sense of the word. If anything it's Donald "I will say whatever will be the most popular on the day even if it contradicts my previous statements" Trump who's arbitrary.
Name a president that has gotten into office using only hard fact.
Unlike, for example, Clinton? Who's 1994, 2008, and 2016 personas could have a debate with each other due to the sheer difference in policies.
If anything, the best motivation for me to vote for trump (dual citizenship) is who is against him. The violence of the protests, mostly perpetuated by Mexican flag waving, literal communist, illegal immigrants, then it is clear that Trump is riling up all the wrong kinds of people.
settle down here lads
hes clearly autistic
I'm saying we DON'T know Trumps true intentions, which is an incredibly dangerous thing.
We know we do m8. It's these welfare cunts that keep drinking the leftist kool aid.
>incredibly dangerous
Nice hyperbowl m8.
>We don't have immigration problems
Legal immigration is why people cant afford a home
Its why wages stagnate
Its why the roads dont work
Its why public transport doesnt work
Its why welfare costs so much as a percentage of GDP
He wants to Make America Great Again, that's Mr Trump's intention.
>don't know his true intentions
And Hillary is the fucking paragon of virtue and trust?
We already had a democratically elected Trump, his name is Based Tones. He secured our borders and tried to fix our budget b4 the liberal faggot backstabbed him.
Based Tones Rest in Peace you mild mannered Emperor.
I genuinely don't understand. I know that Sup Forums isn't exactly a bastion of high political discourse, but I can't fathom why wanting a leader who actually has a set of ideals that isn't just "what will make me the most popular at the time" is a bad thing. Even Hitler had convictions. What Trump stands for is anyone's guess.
And yet many of those political convictions remain vastly superior to that of his opponents. We very clearly know Sander's intentions, to raise taxes across the board including up to 90% for the top bracket, to reward criminals with citizenship and to generally quell any business activity.
And with Clinton... the less said the better.
Tones was a globalist scumbag.
>"liberal" party
>party most responsible for Australia's gun control woes
Why must "progressives" hijack and then take a big shit over anything nice? It's even worse here in the US. "Liberals" are anything but liberal, there all fucking statist control freaks.
Maybe you just don't know the God Emperor like I do.
Trump doesn't need to be president. Clinton does to stay relevant, and Sandwrs wants to do he can pay the bills. People have been asking Trump to run for president since the 80s and he has said no over and over again. I think his motivation is clearer than most.
>You've got PC bullshit
Only in lelbourne
>you have no guns
And virtually no gun crime
>the Abbos live off of your dime
Only valid point
>Legal immigration is why people cant afford a home
No it's not, retarded "muh investment propertiez" is why
>Its why wages stagnate
>Its why the roads dont work
>Its why public transport doesnt work
Wtf are you on
>Its why welfare costs so much as a percentage of GDP
No, that's Abbos
I don't think it's a good idea to assume anybody on the internet supports $$hillary Clinton.
Profoundly sad m8.
What? How did you get that from what I said? I think Hillary is just as much a conniving two-timing opportunist as much as any other career politician. But at least she actually has a platform that's more or less consistent.
>we don't have immigration problems
My thoughts are that O'donnell got blown the fuck out and has been thoroughly stumped.
>I think his motivation is clearer than most.
What would that be?
He also knighted a britfag and fucks Cardinal Pell for $$$
>virtually no gun crime
Yeah, and Obamacare left virtually no people without healthcare. Both great reforms then, right?
>tfw dont want to vote for libs, but not voting libs gives labor a better chance
>But at least she actually has a platform that's more or less consistent.
compared to
Trump clearly has a more stable and consistent platform.
>No it's not, retarded "muh investment propertiez" is why
Population increase = demand increase = property value increase
>Its why wages stagnate
>Its why the roads dont work
>Its why public transport doesnt work
Wtf are you on
i can tell youre fucking retarded given you dont understand how increased population would effect property prices so im not going to educate you on how they might effect the employment market you stupid piece of shit
>"We need a true cuckservative!"
Yeaaaaaano, these so-called truly principled conservatives haven't gotten anything done in decades. Except for maybe going on TV and bitching about "muh governments".
True cucks stick together. I suggest you migrate to sweden where you'll find all kinds of 'truly principled conservatives'
>his cunt's election choices is between Far-Left and Centre-Left
Living outside of the United States, not even once...
>Parties you like
>meme/single issue parties
>left wing extremist parties
2 & 3 are interchangeable
Due to our preferential voting system our politicians are far more centrist than those in the US. I doubt we'll ever see a Trump-esque candidate here.
We had one already, his name was Clive. Same kind of anti-mainstream populism saw Clive and the PUP disrupt the last parliament.
Look how well that turned out.
>fucks Cardinal Pell for $$$
Who pays who m8?
Don't forget that murder and rape laws exist and people still get murdered and raped. We should lift those laws too.
>Population increase = demand increase = property value increase
Should be
>Population increase = demand increase = let's artificially inflate prices on muh investment propertiez to try to get more money out of people
Yes, yes, I know she lies consistently, hence the "more or less" part. But to anyone who has studied her actions and who she bases her support off it's clear that she stands for a very centrist Democrat position that will make incremental changes to Obama's policies, and not much else.
Trump stands for.. building a wall? Everything else is completely up in the air, since he has continually contradicted himself throughout the campaign and uses incredibly vague and extravagant speech to talk about essentially nothing in most of his speeches. He's a loose cannon, it's really not that hard to see.
Labor is not Centre-left. They're like a US Democratic Party (Centre), at best. You could easily swap the terms ALP and LNP in a headline and nobody would notice.
>you have no guns
You can't artificially increase the price of something you dumb cunt
>Trump stands for.. building a wall? Everything else is completely up in the air, since he has continually contradicted himself throughout the campaign and uses incredibly vague and extravagant speech to talk about essentially nothing in most of his speeches. He's a loose cannon, it's really not that hard to see.
What part of this looks vague and uncertain to you?
And you think Trump will? How will he promote a traditionalist agenda when we can't even be sure if he actually believes in it? The man isn't even a Christian for fuck's sake, he barely has any personal morals.
>It's all teh evil rich people gouging people on investment properties
>Chinks buying $800,000 apartments off the plan in Chatswong has nothing to do with it
How do you keep this narrative straight in your own head?
To stop the fucking brownies.
Was about to post what this guy posted But yeah, Trump is far more consistent than Hilda on almost every issue.
>implying it's anything to do with race and not just lazy cunts of all races trying to make a quick buck while not actually providing any benefit to society
Because of our preferential voting system and mandatory voting. Basically the party that wins here is the one that is least hated, not the most liked, if that makes sense. Look at Trump's disapproval ratings. 100% minus that is what he would get in an election here, the remainder would go to his last standing opponent, maybe more if the opponent was particularly awful.
So how is a population increase not going to increase the number of lazy cunts trying to make a quick buck?
The posters in this thread are giving me cancer.
All you bluepilled shills are retarded- after the disgrace of the Rudd and Gillard years that were a complete circus and one of the worst political periods I've ever seen, Abbott was our savior to fix the immigration disasters, the carbon tax catastrophe, the 'baby bonus' payments that were hysterically shit and our skyrocketing debt and budget stupidities to name a few.
As the media and the libshit Uni and union faggots maintained a heavy propaganda presence against Abbott, he actually delivered on his promises and stopped the costly, dangerous and incredibly stupid 'asylum seeker settlement' in exchange for temporary protection visas and offshore processing, he actually delivered on repealing the carbon tax and putting forward some common sense climate solutions and he actually delivered on cutting a budget that was spiraling us into debt and fiscal issues.
Yet the progressive cunts that fill our media and educational facilities criticized EVERYTHING he did.
Did he do some stupid shit? Yeah- that thing to Putin was just unnecessary and probably cost him Bishop's support. The Prince Philip award was fucking stupid. He did not do nearly enough on abortion, which should be banned under all or life of the mother circumstances.
But he actually delivered- all in the space of two years.
But because the Liberal Party is not a conservative party- despite whatever Wikipedia, ABC and Q&A tell you, Malcolm Turdbull- the pro abortionist, pro Jew science, bluepilled republican beta cunt who only stabbed Abbott in the back because he supported a stupid fucking cap and trade policy in 2009, is literally Judas.
Anyone with any common sense would only vote for either Family First or Katter (although some of the shit he says is fucking stupid- he is totally right about the Nationals doing jackshit for rural Aus, limiting foreign investment and stopping Coles and Woolworths raping every other supremarket chain).
the ratio should stay about the same
but breeding is also a population increase
this is such bullshit rudd and gillard even with all their internal shit delivered good policy
Abbott promised the world (paid maternity leave, no changes to tax, etc) and fucked everyone over
>Don't forget that murder and rape laws exist and people still get murdered and raped. We should lift those laws too.
Laws against rape and murder exclusively target rapists and murderers. Gun laws target the peaceful activities of massive numbers of people for the sake of a relatively tiny group of people who would call off their crimes if they lack a legal path to gun ownership.
The only person he fucked over was your mum m8
Also dubs
The ratio of demand:supply cannot stay the same when demand reduces and supply remains constnat?
When your country has collapsed so much under the weight of its own corruption that a new leader arises.
>but breeding is also a population increase
Not in my circles m8. It's how I got AIDS.
The ratio of demand:supply cannot stay the same when demand reduces and supply remains constant*
>this is such bullshit rudd and gillard even with all their internal shit delivered good policy
>Abbott promised the world (paid maternity leave, no changes to tax, etc) and fucked everyone over
Plibersek for PM when?
I mean the ratio of lazy cunts other people should stay the same.
Would you care to provide any evidence at all for the ratio staying the same. We don't have to let in anyone unless they will provide a net benefit.
Nose looks like my soft willy desu famalam.