SWEDEN YES - Cucksheds

>look for a new flat to move into
>fuck around looking for places
>NEW CONSTRUCTION, auction starting at 1.35mkr suburb outside Swedish Capital
>living area 25 cubic meters, smaller than my current bedroom
>its a fucking cuckshed


>paying $200000 for rights to live in a fucking cuckshed
You can't make this shit up

I can't imagine the kind of hell it must be to be a sane person living in Sweden. Stay sand stay strong, user.

>Stay sand
Meant to say safe, Jesus fuck even my phone is pro-immigration.

How does it feel to know that your taxes subsidize housing for minorities, which drive up the prices for housing for you? You're getting hit on both ends.


why would you use m3 instead of m2? confusing. thats small though. just bought about 160 for 4 mill. not in a huge city though

Because he thought ''cubic'' sounded rad as fuck.

Square meter sounds like shit in comparison

for that price i got myself a fucking 113m2 apartment lmao!

Looks like a doll house.
On an other note i have relatives in swedistan, they had massive property on something caled the kings land?
They fucked it all up and now i think only one family is left, the rest all fell into disrepair and sold of for quick monies.

Squaremeters is used area when you buy plots of land. Cubic is for actual space inside say a room or flat.

>You can't make this shit up
worst cliche ever

>tfw free apartment in a mostly white town
Neet master race.

burn them op. burn them all and write cucksheds on the pavement.
>post pics

Can someone translate this gobbledigook? Google translate's version is shit. Kind of sounds like it's just for a small cottage/cabin though, not a literal shed. 1.35 million fucking dollars is ridiculous though

Its 1.35 million Swedish crowns, which is like 200 000$
still alot for a goddamn shed and some plot

>it actually looks like cuckshed meme images
Meme magic strikes again

Bought this for 65000 yuros.

It's 110m2

No, you got that wrong mate. Who the fuck talks about volume when it comes to housing? Have you even ever bought a house? Or more like do you even know what volume is?

And they say that there is no housing bubble in nor-swe-fin. You would have to pay atleast double from that in Finland.

65k? How the fuck are properties that cheap in France?


Is it cursed or something? Its fucking cheaper than it would be here.

>bathroom as big as the kitchen

Mulhouse, Alsace, close to german border.

Technically there is only 60 m2 counted because we have a law here that you can only count square meters if the height (between roof and floor) is at least 1m80.

>tfw the previous owner bought it for 35k 3 years ago

Also if you check Paris' prices, it's super expensive.

Yes there is, and they brought it migrants, which means it's not going to burst anytime soon.

>ceiling over the bed is so fucking low you can't even sit in bed
Naturally, the cuck also can't fit a girlfriend either, never mind actually doing anything in bed with her.

Holy shit, my sides are in orbit. Even an appartment in a commieblock is more comfie than this.

Jesus Christ

at least the refugees get free housing in any home they choose rent free AND get free money!
>and sniper training.

I kinda like the idea of these small houses with just the basics. I mean ill never have a gf or family of my own so theres no need to impress anyone with a big house. If i wasnt inheriting my parents house, I would save up some money and look into one of these small houses

Bull needs a lot of room to wash, while the cuck can operate effectively even in a small kitchen

>paying $200000 for rights to live in a fucking cuckshed

161,675 usd to be precize.

its ok your government is replacing you anyways.

They've also been placing cucksheds near Amsterdam for quite some time now.

atleast you paid over 1 million into the government coffers for what amounts to 500 in wood and Glass.

How much would this cost in your country ?

Keep in mind Charlotte is the largest city in my state

Still better than this Swedish piece of shit.


Definitely over a million dollars.

Don't call it a home sweden, call it your coffin.

Roughly the same, if in village.

Probably around €1.600.000,00 or more.

holy shit that would cost like 1 350 000$ here

3194441.73 KR

It's for people with a life, that are never home because they are busy having a life

could the placement of those stairs be any more awkward? and what's with the random junkyard with the crt monitor?

Those flimsy things wouldn't stand a gale, let alone the merciless hammer of a nuclear shockwave.

Europe is deliberately planning something.

God damn i love America. Reading all these foreign responses to this post makes me feel grateful.

Hello JOCO checking in

I guess Swedes use it to make cucksheds seem larger.

You know who is planning something. Be a good goy and take out a massive loan for a shed with a bed.

We actually have those here too in some places, though they are ALOT cheaper than that.

Called studio apartments.

They're everywhere.

This thread is a bait thread.

Just move into to bush m8

buy some land near your city, build house YOU want, live in it as you wish.

oops, sorry sven, i forgot you live in a socialist country where you cant own anything.

enjoy renting a closet for 50k kroners /month

>Saying anything against based commieblocks
A commieblock flat the size of that shit would go for 10000 Merkelmonies, maybe 30k in a bigger city and even mor if you go to bumfuck nowhere

less ofc

American houses are not nearly as strongly built as Scandinavian homes. Your doors are literally paper. Your walls are styrofoam. So that would cost a lot more in Scandinavia, but only because we have to build strong houses that can withstand hellwinter.

I'd be afraid to run my desktop in such a small space. Might cause condensation

>Stay sand

I laughed a little too long at this


What how big is the house in m^2?

Seriously these are ment for the boomers for vacationing at summer time.

How's Charlotte to live in? Niggers and shit? Give some intel please

>it can only fit one person and that's a stretch

That's great and all funland, but charlotte doesn't get much snow at all, if any

We have shit like that in the US, but only in garbage, overpriced, tax-burdened, cuck cities like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Boston. For that much money though, you could buy a suburban mini-mansion outside of a nice/decent city like Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville, Austin, Houston, Charlotte, and Miami.
>in b4 "muh Southern bias".

North Carolina and the American south is filled with blacks. Now they're not as bad northern Dindus, but a nig's a nig. The white people here are as dumb as the day is long and make the average white northerner appear a genius

It's actually pretty nice. Every city has its shitty parts, but Charlotte seems to have its shitty areas pretty well quarantined.

Charlotte? Nice place it is pretty much one of the fastest growing cities int he US. Niggers are sectioned off to little ghettos outside the City, while white people live int he various condos and stuff in the city

>paying $200000 for rights to live in a fucking cuckshed

But don't you have free health care and free college?


Looks comfy desu

I think that was his entire point though.

> Muh cuckshed

How are these things any different to a fucking small apartment. Have none of you any concept of reality? The gripe I have is 200k is extortionate

25 cubic metres, assuming the ceiling is 3 metres off the ground, would be 8.3 square metres. A room less that 3 metres by 3 metres. This is about right for a shed. However using cubic metres is probably an estate agent trick to charge more for places with high ceilings.

>How are these things any different to a fucking small apartment.
A small appartment would be justified by being in the centre of a bustling city. And it's price would be a hell lot smaller.

This cuckshed is outside a city where you have unlimited space and overpriced.

Moving to USA in 1 year, give me more intel on these houses, and is it with a pool, shooting yard for excercise 2nd ammendment + tigercave?

>How are these things any different to a fucking small apartment.
Because it's literally a shed. Do you not understand the difference between a shed and an apartment?


Thid is true. European houses are more strong and higher in quality compared to American houses

>literally paper
>literally Styrofoam
>literally not living in a human containment box making reindeer spaghetti every night watching videos of hydraulic presses smashing stuff
Feels good man

Where you movin?

>European houses are more strong and higher in quality compared to American houses
Which is weird, we don't get nearly as many earthquakes, hurricanes or tornadoes.

Best thing is, you don't actually own it. Nice "apartment".

Some kind of hyper kikery.

>can't own anything in a socialist Sweden
not sure if bait or actually retarded


Let me give you some advice.
If you're are going to buy a home make sure and I can't stress this enought, that your mortgage is < or = to 30% of your income.

Make sure only 1/3rd or less goes to your mortgage.

Watch out for property taxes, I trying to move to the states also but you have to keep this in mind because a 'castle' like that will have a high property tax which can fuck up your income.

Make sure you can pay the 20% down payment you want to avoid the private mortgage insurance.

If you take this into account you can make some really good deals and live a wealthier live in the States

How much would this cost in Amsterdam?

Lookf pretty comfy, to be honest.

It is because of tradition. Use is build on capitalism and consumerism. Building stuff that lasts long wont work there. Things need to be changed so that people want to build new houses or renovate the house to keep up with the style.

This isnt as commom in Europe hemce why we invest more in hour houses. Also higher energy costs made it so that people invested more in the house to lower the costs of the energy bill.

>How are these things any different to a fucking small apartment

>They are not vertical, therefore not space-efficient
>You'll be a cuckfag if you had this as your primary house
>Even fucking refugees get larger houses

Dont go live in Amsterdam. It is cancerous niggervile with weed and hookets and generates.

Protip you have hookers and weed in other cities as well but wothout he darkies and degenerates

American pre-fab wood/cartboard is a better insulator than bricks

just saying

2 to 3.5M

Think you could buy this for €200.000,00.

Agreed. I went there on vacation and that was enough. Looks more like a playground than a serious place to live.

Was just curious about the normal asking price for such a home, because it honestly doesn't seem too bad to me.

>No kitchen.
Enjoy wasting half your income on McDonald's.

Oh shit, you're right. Didn't even notice.

Forget what I said then.

Could Europeans ever really have a US-style living standard, with a car culture and suburban McMansions selling for under $300k? The population density tells me no.

Best Dutch city is Maastricht

>cubic meters
I lol'd.

I don't think either one of you dipshits have any fucking idea what you're talking about.
The only structural advantage Euro cuck sheds could usually have to American houses is the fact that they were built more recently....and that's because the previous cucks sheds that were built in Europe were bombed to smoldering ash during the Second World War.

>with a car culture
Why the fuck would we want that?

What is a cuckshed? A smal apartment? My apartment is also very small but only around $250 a month. Is that also a cuckshed?