They're using frog memes now.
Will we match?
They're using frog memes now.
Will we match?
dat boi isn't funny
memes need to be funny for kek to bestow his great powers
I refuse to believe this is real
dat boi is an artificial meme developed by microsoft with tay technoloy. memetic warfare in action
>literally the definition of shitty forced meme
>trying to use it to harness meme magic
Nah, doesn't even deserve a response, just pity.
off by one.
proof dat boi is a false prophet
Somone make a twitter with a nigger's name and picture.
Tweet at them that they are being condescending towards the black community and include #blacklivesmatter along with it.
Instant drama.
Dat boi is such a fuckin stupid meme. You can't even do shit with it. Pepe can at least get pretty fuckin weird and sometimes, downright dark.
Someone here smells like a meme snob to me
>Dat boi is such a fuckin stupid meme. You can't even do shit with it.
That's the case for all memes conceived in the mainstream, though. Just look at that Minion shit that was going around a while back.
They're learning the arcanes of meme magic.
Kek grants power only to those on Sup Forums and slightly less on Sup Forums in general
CERN's doings have brought attention to various powerful beings that used to be worshiped by various peoples, and they're mad at various shit
Bernie just insulted Kek, bad things will happen
That senile old kike has gone too far this time
Is that the frog Hillary sacrificed to Moloch?
Really Makes you think.
Trump must respond with a pepe shirt or something
To be fair theres only 2 memes that have evolved past the point of no return. Baneposting and pepe.
The final concrete proof that Bernie is reddit. Donald tweeted a meme. Bernie wore a meme in public.
>being a memepleb
Go back to 9gag
He has been marked by Kek. His doom is nigh.
here comes dat boi
I want a liberal president in ameirca so all you racist can learn some respect.
>They're using frog memes now.
>Will we match?
The meme gods will punish him for the misappropriation of their image
We must subvert their memes. pic related is fresh OC from 8/pol/
just how fucking new can you be?
How about you learn how to respect your streets first
This is insane
>implying other memes have been taken to the level of pepe or baneposting
If it actually happened, it's a dumbass move. Looks like a shop anyway.
Recently, a bunch of retarded groups called dat Boi racist simply for using nigger speak. It'd have a small amount of backlash.
Keep in mind that it happened before Sup Forums began subverting dat boi.
>this is sparta
>shoop da whoop
>over 9000
and many more
you're new as fuck buddy
It's kind of sad actually. Memeing irl is patethic
>Sup Forums has chosen the new president
No. We are the new Jews.
A great way to ruin a meme by shitty delusional politicians. Excellent.
Dat boi is a false prophet. Kek shall smite him down with the force of these repeating digits.
thanks for proving my point. The only one remotely close to pepe is rick astley
>unironically thinking that pepe is a major meme in internet history
Wow, I'm impressed by his meme magic. He truly will be a great President for these United States. It really makes you think.
>Pepe can at least get pretty fuckin weird and sometimes, downright dark.
So dark he can become the fake meme "dat boi"
The anti-kek
Where is your god now?
i've never heard of this 'dat boi'. how is a frog on a unicycle even funny?
dat boi was a shitty dead meme from the get go. this is just a nail in the coffin
Does someone smell shit in here?
>how is a frog on a unicycle even funny?
lel so randum xD
>literally using forced memes to try and counter pepe
It never fails to make me laugh how much DAT BOI triggers you fags. KEK is on our side now, deal with it.
it's the normie version of pepe that is spreading on kikebook
>bernout mistakes tumblr meme for 500 delegates
>when you fail kek twice
>disrespecting Lord Kek with a shitty nigger meme
Breadline Bernie will soon feel His wrath.
american wannabe
>unironically believing that memes only autistic manchilds spouted on a nihonese basket weaving imageboard are relevant to anyone else
pepe was tweeted by the future president of the us
Kek does not forgive, kek does not forget
That tie Bern is wearing is a photoshop.
The "Dat Boy" meme is just too new to have merchandize, specially for stuff that a candidate would wear.
Also, unlike Bernie that needs to have memes photoshop to him, Trump actually posted a Rare Pepe.
and his best pal Oprah Winfrey recited over 9000 penises on national television
fuck off idiot, you're new as fuck
>it's okay when Donald does it.
>that meme is gud xD
>this meme is bad delet x(
this is how you sound like
a human sacrifice was made, no wonder Kek awoke to aid us in out time of need. praise Kek
okay twisting and bastardizing dat boi is funny
>tick tick tick tick tick
This is what you sound like you fucking roach.
Implying your cuck frog is any better
Dat Boi is a forced meme developed by the FBI to test the effects of green frogs on meme magic
It'll help them in the upcoming memetic war
top-tier shitposting
>Implying kek or pepe are funny memes
>retweeting a dank meme
>autistically wearing a custom made tie covered with counterfeit nigger memes
sure it's exactly the same
How does hindu religion see frogs?
>How does hindu religion see frogs?
pic related
Saved. You think Lord Kek would give me his blessings if I buy a frog and take care of it?
>He's dead. Wrapped in plastic.
I think he is talking about having real-life impact. Pepe is obvious, baneposting I assume it's because of that "4U" flight that crashed with no survivors.
Were there ever a meme as bad as this one?
>Were there ever a meme as bad as this one?
Yes, but you need to take care of all its needs
Angering kek would be unwise
You're almost right for once, Pajeet.
It was born naturally, but immediately co-opted by Facebook in conjunction with applied memetics, or another similar agency.
Pepe was gaining traction within normie book, and the above parties sought to usurp and replace him to avoid his problematic nature corrupting youth.
The proof is in the pudding- though the first datbois were completely dumb random shit, the posts that Facebook and Google kept pinning to the top of searches for datboi were always in the nature of "dat Boi is better than Pepe", even though they only ever received
Okay no
Follow Kek, down with Dat Bernie!
Doesn't mean it's real. It could be though
I highly doubt dat boi started on Sup Forums. If it did, it wouldn't go mainstream leddit for at least 2 months, just like the forced meme wew lad.
Dat boi is Reddit teir gayness as well which
Kek bestowed trips upon me!
Stop shitposting Ivan.
I feel stupid for not having noticed that, I did see a lot of posts where pepe was depicted as being suicidal while Dat Boi looked at him and laughed smugly
That's some subliminal messaging shit right there
Good catch, straya
It started on Tumblr
Bernie trying to harness meme magic is like a blind kid playing with fire. A disaster.
Trump is the true follower of Kek.
Why am I not surprised
I thought Trump was the Messiah
you can simply get a frog statue and worship it in the name of kek and offer it food and light up incense. Maybe make a fancy altar in a separate room and keep the statue over it.
Example pic
>Doesn't mean it's real.
You mean the tie? I thought you menat the tweet.
The tie is probably a shop, it doesn't matter.
Our frog is the strongest frog.
I would've bought this from Amazon but it's sold out because of autistic Sup Forumsacks
Where can I get Mtn Dew incense?