Hello Sup Forums. I don’t post on here, usually. Because I used to think you guys were hateful bullies

Hello Sup Forums. I don’t post on here, usually. Because I used to think you guys were hateful bullies.
But seeing some of your more recent post has changed my mind. You guys are alright, and I think we can be allies. No more raids, just friendship.

Fuck off you sea cow cunt

tits or GTFO bitch


they're the rules, newfag.

Rules made up by autistic neckbeards don't stop them from being misogynistic you fucking piece of trash


>autistic neckbeards
>5 posts in
>tfw op takes the b8 in his own b8 thread and ceases it
You truly are the peak of autism op.

Fuck off.

>lelele epic may mays hehehe xD
You fucking retards are too wrapped up in your own misogynist/sexist/racist bullshit to stop and think about what everyone else thinks of you. You aren't respected. You're fucking reviled, and for good reason if this short thread is any sort of proof

Hey! Please don’t say r*t*rd. I have an autistic brother, and that’s ableist AF.

I wanna do a raid tonight now let's goeeeeeee

Shut the fuck up.

Of course you do, that's all you losers can do because you spend your entire lives glued to your computers eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew and WoW raiding or whatever the fuck it is you fatasses do now


>people falling for this bait


dont call me a fatass. thats fatphobic and i demand acceptance! i am beautiful!

2017 and lamefags still taking the bait.

Bitch before I came here and joined them I feared the channers, They were gods to me, gods to be respected and feared. I suppose I still do, though, for I am but a newfag.

Hey, what’s your Tumblr account? I’m sorry they’re bullying you. I’ll add you.

op is a nigger faggot

Op you fucking suck at b8
>pretend to be hardcore tumblr
>forget about fatphobic comments
Gg faggot /thread


Fuck all of you insensitive cunts. This site is a fucking hellhole

Welp this thread happened....

faggot bait

is it even bait at this point??

Ikr, now time to crash this thread with no survivors

put me in the screencap


Fuck off newfag! Go back to thy tunnel of faggots

Fuck you I just forgot about that

You fucking pieces of shit are going to be lonely forever and worthwhile people are going to laugh about it

Your b8 failed fgt but here have a consolation prize

I'm not the OP, just someone from tumblr who wanted to see how this attempt at friendship was going. For fucks's sake you guys are intolerant of anyone outside your "sekritt klub"

Well done op

Have you ever considered we don't want respect? None of us want to be liked by society. We want to be feared. We want to be hated. You know why? Because, we all go out and live our daily lives, and none of you normies know who we are. We're just like the rest of you. Some of us are Liberals, some are Conservatives. No one is safe. Anyone could be one of us. Your friends, family, coworkers, any one of them could be here. And the best part? We're just a bunch of autistic retards, and for some reason, normies like you get all butthurt, and for reasons I'll never understand, fear us. Countless news articles make us out to be gods, demons, or monsters, that own the net. They say we're everywhere, undetectable. People like you try to put us down and say we're nothing, but we already know. We don't think we're powerful or important, you do. You're all scared of us, a large group of mostly overweight, mostly autistic, retarded neckbeards that only do things for the lulz. And if we're nothing, what does that make you?

Fuck off and stop trying to be edgy

> (OP)
>tits or GTFO bitch

>Rules made up by autistic neckbeards don't stop them from being misogynistic you fucking piece of trash

Someone post user's explanation of why we have Tits or GTFO.



Some of the worst and obvious bait I've ever seen.

Stupid cuck

Just checking your trip dubdubs.

Nobody gives a fuck about your shitty site or your "muh equality muh trans/body positivity muh feminism" garbage. Nobody. Not a single fucking person. Not even you fucking fat sluts care about the "cause" you're supposedly fighting for; you're just screeching autistically because you want attention, even if it's negative, because negative attention is better than the pure lack of attention you receive in day to day life because you're fat, socially awkward, intolerant whores. And you choose to come to fucking Sup Forums, to fucking Sup Forums of all places, in an attempt to make friends? Are you even denser than the combined mass of every tumblr lard on the Internet? You will find nothing here but ridicule and hate, and rightfully so. People talk about Sup Forums being the cancerous cesspool of the Internet, but they're wrong. It's anywhere screaming masses of fat, intolerant cunts gather and circlejerk about causes that preach equality but in reality are just thin facades for what you're really after: handouts and attention.

Fuck off and fucking die. Not a single soul will miss you.

checking your newfaggotry

Bumping this amazing thread