Why are you so proud to be a nationalist Sup Forums?
Why are you so proud to be a nationalist Sup Forums?
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>not taking pride in your parents achievements
We Whites who are fully racially awakened, that is, aware of Jewish rule of our lands, have a duty to tell others of our race and convince them of it, no matter how much they insult us or don't wish to hear it.
Nationalism is the enemy of the establishment. In this rotten system heading towards a one world government and total obliteration of sovereign nations, cultures, identities, differences and traditions; pride in one's own country and heritage is demonised and slandered. Nationalism's core ideals and values are against the interests of the greedy hypercapitalist financial élite that is enslaving us and wants America and Europe as a mixed, multiracial, multicultural, rootless and homogeneous HUMAN FARM of easily controllable consumers. Politicians are irrelevant, they are puppets of the banks and corporations, and thus act their part accordingly. Merkel is a prime example of sellout politician taking orders from the banks and corporations and actively and subtly destroying Europe and the Europeans.
Nuclear weapons has made it impossible for wars these days.
>the chinaman has nothing to be proud of.
>Teaching you to feel bad for things you don't/didn't do and to love people that hate you
I'm not a nationalist because of pride. I am one because a welfare state and open borders are mutually exclusive, and I don't see the welfare state going anywhere any time soon.
I'd like to, but that's another story
Collectivism is a mental illness that has infested humanity since the beginning. The worship of god and gods has just been transformed into the worship of abstractions. Either way, most people remain slaves to the ruling ideology.
notice how it's always shit or pissskins that make these threads
I meant to say gods and kings but that works OK too I guess.
teaches to be quilty for shit you haven't done and hate people in general
My ancestors are smiling at me globalist, can you say the same?
Im about as proud of being a nationalist as i am being a human. Its fucking nature, there is nothing to be proud about.
Do not respond to jewish posts.
>every country in the world is nationalist
>except Europe because that would be racist
>every country in the world protects its culture
>except Europe because it's "excluding to foreigners", who in turn can freely express their culture
Fucking millenials I swear.
Because making my country great is what makes me move forward
At least sage this shit
>implying I didn't
Jeez Oh Man
Nationalism is literally we wuz kangz.
>loving your own automatically means you hate every one else
Get fucked retard, i can love my wife without hating my neighbor.
>Teaches you to.... hate people
That's not nationalism my friendo
That's jinguism mate.
Nationalism is the love of your own nation and opting others to do the same for their own nations.
Because I want every other country destroyed for our personal gain. Seriously, all of you aside from maybe England are filth.
Nationalism is just math.
Assuming 2 equally populated countries.
Each person in A is worth $5m
Each person in B is worth $0.1m
Each person in globalist A+B is worth 2.55m + a little from better utilization of resources of B, so about $3m
B would reject nationalism and be part of A any day, unless they really fucking hate you (see Middle East).
A would eject globalism any day, unless they really fucking hate themselves (see white guilt).
>If it is not Nationalism it's Racism.
>If it is not Racism it's Tribalism.
>If it is not Tribalism it's for Religious reasons.
>If it is not for Religious reasons it's because they support the wrong sports team.
People will always hate people, they just need an excuse.
nationalism keeps a welfare state operating by constricting non productive immigration.
What's up with the flag of greenland?
Racism, nationalism and religious identity are all forms of tribalism retard.
Because my ancestors had some pretty badasses and they gave me a comfortable heritage by hardwork which about I am really thankful.
Being nationalist is just aknowledging the greatness of you ancestors.
Denmark owns Greenland
>hypercapitalist financial élite
They're not capitalists. They're the ones scapegoating it and getting people to hate it. Anti capitalist brainwashing in the last 2 generations is the exact reason why so many people support bernie and think freedom is bad.
IF there was capitalism they'd have to compete for their position, without it they remain unchallenged by a better idea.
niggeer cunt ill raep u
Greenland is a part of Denmark you inbred arab.
I take pride in my people, but I don't claim it for my own
they inspire me to do better
they don't inspire hatred
Not in Kenya were there are literally tribe you fucking convict.
They are a form of tribe you neg.
Sorry, please could you speak English and go fuck a kangaroo.
fuck up nigger
your violent instincts are kicking in
go and eat some fucking whichety grubs
so you be saying
>bangs on drums
that we were
>drinks cow urine to enhance fertility
english professionals and shit
>does tribal dance to try and stop 300 year old famine
hi dipshit Australia also have literally abo tribes
Valid point.
>shit you haven't done.
You're continuing a heritage of the ancestors that build your country. You can't depreciate your cultural and environmental heritage, it determines your paradigm, your set of thought systems and your base of knowledge and status quo moral compass. All this makes you the only possibel carrier for the legacy of your ancestors.
So yes there's a lot to be proud of, cause a true citizen carry the palingenesis of the brave men that build your land.
I have the etetnal viking blood running through my veins and assurance of homogenity of land shall be my palengenisian gift to my descendants - so that they too shall feel the pride of being a part of my Nordic bloodline.
North for the Nords!
Everyone should really stop replying to these daily bait posts.
I'm not, nationalists are retards. Nothing good has ever come of nationalism. There is a reason it only attracts the unemployed, uneducated and poor: they have nothing else to be "proud" of.
>Teaches you to take shame in things you've never done and hate people who did nothing wrong
Guess what I'll choose
You wrote "eternal Viking" when u really meant "eternal virgin".
Well memed paki-shit.
I bet I'm higher educated than you are.
It's not my country that's cucked by muslims you pathetic neckbeard. Enjoy your terrorist mayor.
Humans are social creatures who fare better in a collective. Globalism is a good thing taken too far.
That's the case for most individuals. NEETs, unemployed teenagers and the likes will often use their nation's past achievements as something to take pride of regardless of how useless those individuals may be to society. Real nationalism relies on preserving your heritage and improving what was giving to you by your ancestors, rather than simply sitting on it and waving a flag. Also, hatred is beneficial. Competition leads to innovation, and only fools would disagree with it.
>We Whites who are fully racially awakened
No, you aren't. There's only a minority who's aware of these problems, if that was the case you'd have a completely different scenario in Europe today.
>Nuclear weapons has made it impossible for wars these days.
Not necessarily. You can still engage military conflicts given you hold legitimate territorial claims, for example. No country will engage a nuclear war unless it's absolutely necessary, which is the main reason why nuclear weaponry are used mainly as pacifiers.
>Competition leads to innovation, and only fools would disagree with it.
There are some professional psychologists and learned folks who have made good arguments against competition. The Case Against Competition - Alfie Kohn is a good place to start.
My ancestors stormed Paris during imperial times, our grandfathers stromed Berlin in the soviet times. Almost forgot to mention that we were first in space.
Want me to forget about it?
I will also do my best make our successors go "Our fathers and grandfathers in 2000 kicked Chechen ass, defeated Georgia, reclaimed Crimea and Donbass and went to Syria to fight the fucking Isis"
Hopefully we will have even more achievements.
>Why are you so proud to be a nationalist
Hopefully i answered your question.
These are the same people who would say, "We wiz Kangz."
How does nationalism produce hate? Do I hate other families if I love my own?
Can you not feel pride for the achievements of your brothers/sisters and children?
Being born in a country is like being born into a family, you can't choose which and obv. can leave all of that behind, but why do so?
>People worked for centuries to establish their civilizations
>Lets just take a huge shit on that
American and proud. Theres something humorous about seeing people yell Black Pride, Mexican Pride, and Islamic Pride when none of them had the balls to liberate their own home turf and have to migrate to our country instead. Its an admittance of cultural inferiority.
>Alfie Kohn
I google the author and apparently his name seems to be of Balkan-Jewish origin and he looks just the way I expected him to. But I've read it anyway, and here are my thoughts:
>The more he competes, the more he needs to compete to feel good about himself.
A result of serotonin release. The more you win, the greater the achievement will be required in order for you to feel something. That's why children who always succeed at school seek greater achievements later in life, while underachievers will be more than happy to receive a single A+ in school.
>But none of these requires winning and losing — that is, having to beat other children and worry about being beaten.
Tell that to someone who had to sacrifice his youth in order to be accepted at a public university for engineering and study for free, with tens of thousands of others competing for one single spot. It's literally your future at stake. The same applies to competition when it comes to career: you may lose a job where you could earn twice as much if someone else is perceived even as slightly more qualified than you.
>When classrooms and playing fields are based on cooperation rather than competition
Communist much? Boys will always compete against each other to show the girls who's the best. They may help each other out, but when it comes to the real secret to succeed at it, no man will ever reveal it unless he's a fool.
>One after another, researchers across the country have concluded that children do not learn better when education is transformed into a competitive struggle. Competition often makes kids anxious and that interferes with concentration.
Wrong. Competition is what drives people to study for the best possible grades, for being under the pressure that if you fail you wouldn't be accepted to university and would never get a decent job. That's our modern environmental pressure.
Should I even keep reading this?
I'm not a nationalist in fact. I'd rather live in Hong Kong than here, for instance.
Depends what sort of nationalism.
Nation is usually composed of people who have similar culture, and cultural elements like mentality, religion, language and so on.
There is nothing strange in feeling more attached to your group than some foreign group.
>implying im nationalist because i m proud about my country`s achivements
im not proud about any achivements,i m proud about being romanian,about my culture and my genes,about my lands,i m proud for not being american,russian,paki or anything else
my country doesnt have that many achivements to begin with
let me stop you there, there are no Romanian genes
otherwise okay
I'd put money on the person that made that saying people are terrible because of the actions of their country/race.
It's hard to be nationalistic when this is the main street of your capital city :^)
>Teaches you to be proud of the achievements your ancestors did
fix'd. same as father being proud of his son or vice versa. taking pride =/= being proud of.
>hate people you've never met
cool strawman. nationalism doesnt teach to hate anyone or anything. loving something doesnt mean that you hate everything else
0/5 shitty picture wouldn't analyze again
>It doesn't teach people to protect what their parents have given them and hand it down to the next generation.
>it doesn't just mean people taking care and protecting their own.
>Nationalism requires you to hate anyone.
>Nationalism doesn't actually teach you to love your own and appreciate them.
I'm not exactly proud about it, it's just been proven that nationalism leads to the best and happiest countries.
Ingroup preference has nothing to do with pride in past achievements or hatred of others. It's the natural way of things. Societies without a sense of ingroup loyalty are eventually subjugated and erased from history by societies that do. And this is what's going to happen to the west.
>No, you aren't.
I think he meant the ones of us who are. Not that all white were. Since that is clearly not the case.
Shouldn't you be watching MissAlice?
>Dude, just like, don't love your country
>Patriotism is like, really dumb
>communism's never been tried
>dude pass the weed
I actually know that place, that's the backyard of a commieblock.
Hating people I've never met is infinitely better than hating the nigger, cracker, gook, muslim, or pooer down the street.
Sage goes in ALL fields
It's not about the race like some anons here said but I believe Nationalism is a way of honouring the people who established your country, and the people who fought and die for your country, and not giving away your sovereignty.